Demon in an angels world.

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Art by: sei.exe on instagram

Lance lived in a world of angels and humans. When babies got hurt or were dying parents would pray to the gods and the heavens, hoping they will heal their dying child. And the gods allow the child to live, giving the child part of their soul, making them part angel.

Healthy children don't get this wonderous opportunity but the select few who do grow up to be powerful, magical humans. Lance wasn't this lucky, he definitely isn't that lucky. Lance was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, choking and cursed with the rotten luck of dying before actually living.

Lance's parents prayed to the gods, they prayed and prayed but the gods didn't answer. They turned a blind eye on the parents and their dying child. So Lance's parents, heartbroken and running out of options, turned to the underworld.

They called to the demons and proposed a deal. If the demons saved their sons life, the parents would allow the demons to place themselves upon the small child. Lance wasn't meant to be born. He wasn't made to live, the angels said so, they knew so. But Lance's parents denied fate and gave their child life, and demons.

-_-Present day-_-

-_-Lance's Pov-_-

I smiled at myself in the mirror. My horns, wings, and tail were all hidden. It would take pushing me way past my limit to get them to show again. I winked at myself in the mirror and got ready to shower. After the shower I dyed my hair brown again and left the bathroom.

After leaving the bathroom I checked the time only to realize that I missed breakfast and was late to training with the team. I rushed out of my room and soon made it at the training room. When I walked in I felt everyone's glares on me. I grinned a bit, ignoring the glares.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to get ready, being this beautiful requires so much work," I said in a sickeningly nice voice, smooth and connecting each and every word. I glanced around at the rest of the team only to see them rolling their eyes and scoffing.

I took a blow to the heart, they all ignored me. I ignored the pain and smiled at all of them. Pain made my powers more powerful, made them harder to control. I grimaced a bit when I saw Keith and Shiro pull out their wings. Most of the team had wings, the only exception being Allura and Coran because they aren't human.

I watched in pain as the rest of the team started stretching and training, my wings begging for me to let them out. I refused the urge and pulled my attention towards something else. I paid attention to my arms and hands instead. You could see scars from when I was younger.

My power used to break out a lot back then, it was hard for a kid like me to control the ultimate darkness. Considering most demons were begging to be let into a human body, I was given some of the most powerful. I looked at my palm, watching as the scars shifted and morphed, moving along with my power.

I gulped, hoping no one would notice. I looked back up, only to see everyone staring at me expectantly. I looked down at the ground, I missed something.

"Lance, why are the tips of your hair blue," Allura asked, one eye raised in suspicion. I gave her a worried look but quickly replaced it with a cocky grin. Excuses, I need an excuse.

"Uhm, I decided to try out a new hair color. I dyed the tips of my hair blue for a little more style. A little more flair, if you know what I mean."

I did small jazz hands when I said flair but quickly pulled my hands to my side when I noticed Allura's killing glare. I stared at her, worried for my life.

"Lance! Are you kidding me? You could've wasted important resources doing something as stupid as this! You idiot!"

I stepped back, my powers running wild. I pinched myself in the arm, harder, harder. Hard enough to leave a bruise but my powers didn't let up. I felt my horns coming back and I quickly ran off. I heard the flapping of wings behind me. Pure, white, majestic wings.

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I ran faster. I ran as fast as I can, bawling my eyes out. I ran until I got to a room that can only be unlocked from the inside. I bolted into the room and swiftly slammed my hand down on the lock button.

I felt my wings sprouting as I slid down the wall. My horns were already out for the world to see, I gasped for breaths as I felt my body becoming weaker and weaker. The rest of the team were outside the door, trying to override the command I had given it.

My eyesight got blurry as I heard the rest of the team screaming for me to open the door, to tell them what's wrong. I weakly shook my head, even though I knew they wouldn't know I did. I squinted my eyes, hoping it would help my current problem of not being able to see anything. I raised my hand in front of my face, waiting for my body to fully let out.

My eyesight started to leave me as I dropped my hand. I felt the door open. I didn't do anything but lay there. I heard gasps and murmurs from behind me. I shut my eyes as tight as they could go before opening them quickly.

I was at home, in my room, on my bed. I gasped, the corners of my vision a slight white. I looked around me, studying everything, before looking at my bed. Me as a child was there, sleeping peacefully. I smiled, feeling all the bad magic leave my system.

I stood from my bed and moved my way around my old room gracefully. I knew where every was and I still had it in my muscle memory. I made my way to the door of the room and swiftly opened it. I hoped to hear my mom and dad down in the kitchen, cooking, talking, complaining. But instead, when I opened the door there was just a wide open field of black.

I took a step out the door and felt a wave of pain and power flood through me. I glanced at my old room again. My younger self was sitting up, staring at me with all black eyes, screaming. He was pointing at me screaming, "demon! Mom, help! There's a demon in my room! Help! Mom-."

I watched in horror as he choked on his own blood. His neck was slit and he had tears streaming down his face. I gasped and took a step back. I felt like puking. I put my hands over my eyes and stayed like that for a few seconds.

Then, the world stopped. There was no more gurgling of blood, no more screaming. It was just... silent. I took a deep, shaky breath. I just watched child me die. Did something like that really happen to me as a kid?

I look up from where I was crouching and saw a beautiful white sky. It was almost as if I was surrounded by clouds. I looked around and saw many angels around me, staring at me in horror. Everything was silent.

I watched as one angels took a step forwards, almost challenging me to fight him. I took a step back, making a few behind me gasp in fear.

"Don't try anything, demon," the man yelled at me. I raised my arms in defeat. "You are an unclean soul. You are supposed to be in hell-," a few around us screamed a bit. "And I will be the one to send you back."

I stared at him in fear. I looked down at my hands, expecting to see the same scars I usually see. The ones that make my hands look blue and bruised. But instead I saw that my entire arm was blue, both of them were. I had turned completely demon.

As I was caught up on that fact I felt a spear pierce my chest. My body, which was slowly dying, was being pulled somewhere. Before my body fully left I felt the mans breath on my neck.

"Farewell, you foul demon."

Tears pricked my eyes as I felt the world leave me. I was back in my room but this time it was covered in blood. Blood that I could only guess was from young me. I stared at the door to the room. My breathing was heavy and labored.

I was having a panic attack. My vision got blurry as I felt an overwhelming sense of dread come over me. I closed my eyes again, as tight as they could go, but instead of seeing a comforting black I saw my teammates.

They were smiling, welcoming me back. I opened my eyes but what I saw didn't change. My teammates were there, all hesitant to hug me. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. I looked up at my teammates, smiling. We still sat in the same room I passed out in but it couldn't have been that long.

My wings and horns and tail were all out. My teammates didn't care, they didn't care one bit. I smiled as they all ran up to me, hugging me with all their might.

I smiled a toothy grin and laughed, "you guys missed me that much?"

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