E y e s.

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Art by: fwips on ???

Lance's eyes sucked. That's the only good way to put it. They sucked more than a vacuum does. Lance can barely see anything.

He always carries concealer for his scars and contact, really strong contacts, for his eyes. And it worked. No one knew that Lance could barely see.

But up in space Lance could only use what he had always carried on him. And Lance was running out. Lance had gone through hell and back to make sure the concealer didn't come off in water and that his contacts could be reused, no matter how much it hurt his eyes to do so.

Lance was doing everything he could to make sure the others didn't know he couldn't see. But that was flopped on it's head when Allura told the group that they'd be looking through each other's memories.

That whatever the team felt fine with showing would show. Lance couldn't bring himself to tell the team about how all his memories were just sounds and, only in the later years, a few actual pictures.

Lance sat in the circle with the rest of the team around him. The machine would go on someone's finger and the memory would be displayed in front of them on a cube.

Lance didn't like how so many of his teammates were choosing happy memories, even Keith had happy memories. Lance looked at the ground nervously.

The sweat he was sweating wouldn't be good for his makeup. And the fact that his eyes were slightly tearing up wasn't good for his contact. Lance watched as the finger connector got closer and closer to him.

When it did land on him, Lance hesitated. He would be showing the other absolutely nothing but words. Lance was shaking in his boots.

"Come on, Lance. Why are you nervous? Scared we'll be able to see your perfect family," Keith egged him on. Lance felt his heart sink.

His family wasn't very perfect. His mama was great but his dad was lacking. His siblings had always depended on him to help them when his parents couldn't. Lance got his poor eyesight from his parents, and not in a genetics way.

Lance put the machine on his finger before anyone could say anything else to him and Lance was immediately brought into darkness. His eyes were closed, that much was obvious. Lance was panicking more as he saw himself in his baby years.

He watched as his older sister, Veronica, carried his baby self away from his mom, who was screaming at his dad about something. Lance watched as Veronica put Lance down on a normal bed, not a crib.

Lance was panicking and had no control over what was being shown. At first he was going to stick with happy memories, garrison and time with his siblings. But now, all his main memories were being shown.

The scene changed and now Lance seemed to be five or six, around the time he lost his eyesight. Lance watched as his father, who looked pissed about something.

Lance felt his heart sink before he heard himself in the memory yell, "papa, papa! No, papa! That's bad!"

The memories had been auto translated to English but Lance could still hear the desperation in his own voice.

"Shut up, boy! You're as useless as your mother," Lance watched as his dad grabbed an empty beer bottle and broke it. He watched as the beer bottle, and some shards from it, came closer to his face.

There was a moment of silence and Lance had opened his eyes again. But instead of seeing things properly he saw red. His vision was blurring up and all he saw was blood.

Lance's vision faded to white and the next thing in his small camera roll of a memory was his mom's crying. When he woke up at the hospital all he heard was crying, from his siblings, from his mom.

All his memory showed was white, a blinding white. Lance hated it with all his guts. The rest of his memories were white until he turned 15. Ten years of not being able to see.

Lance's memories showed pictures again on his birthday. He had gotten contacts for his eyes and his mother was crying. Lance was asking where dad was. He had figured that his dad wouldn't say anything to him but he didn't realize that his dad left entirely.

Lance remembered crying the rest of the day. He almost thanked god that those memories hadn't shown up.

As Lance's memories wrapped up, most of the last memories being him leaving to the garrison and faking a happy personality, he looked around at the rest of his team.

Shiro looked mad but sad at the same time. He was debating whether or not he should be mad or not. Lance gulped in fear.

His biggest secret has been exposed to his team. He felt his breaths quicken before he was pulled into a hug. He saw Shiro hugging his tightly.

Soon enough, he felt the whole team hugging him. Lance felt tears well up in his eyes. Happy tears.

"Lance, we'll find a way to make you more contacts and makeup. We're a team after all."

And Lance laughed happily. Lance was happy.

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