I have the power of god and water on my side. Part Two.

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I stood from the bed and walked over to the window of the ship. I was scared of what I might see, I don't know why I was scared but I was. There was nothing outside besides stars and planets.

It was calming. I put my hand to my forehead, feeling the cool of it helped calm me down more. I took a deep breath.

What happened? I mean, it couldn't have been that bad considering I'm not in a healing pod. And I'm still alive aren't I?

I looked around the room and reality hit me like a train. I was in one of the older rooms that was used as a prison cell. I gasped and fell back.

I remembered what happened. The ball of water, drowning. They saw my powers. That must be why I'm here. I'm here because they saw my powers and they thought I was a freak. That I was dangerous.

I sat on the floor, gasping and trying to get a few breaths in before breaking down completely.

I kept crying and gasping until I felt a hand on my back. I didn't even hear the door open. I looked up and saw Keith. Even through my tears I would know that stupid mullet.

He wiped my tears away and though it didn't do anything, I appreciated the effort he made. I tried my best to smile at him when my breaths eventually calmed.

Keith quickly shushed me and pushed me towards his chest in a motherly way. I laughed a wet laugh and felt my tears start thinning.

Keith gave me a strong hug and I hugged back.

"Thank you, Keith. Thank you," my voice was shaky but I didn't care. I wanted to thank Keith for everything. I kept mumbling thank you's and I'm sorry's to Keith.

Keith just patted my head and smiled a warm smile. He pulled away from the hug and looked down at me, smiling in such a nice way.

I hugged Keith and smiled to him, no longer mumbling anything. I was happy, I was content.

I was with Keith. The fact that I was in a cell didn't matter anymore. I spoke with Keith, day in and day out. Nobody else mattered anymore.

Little did I know that on the other side of my cell, outside the bars, stood Hunk. Hunk watching his best friend lose his mind after almost dying.

Watching his best friend talk to Keith, even though Keith had died. Watching as Shiro broke down when he went even a little close to the cell, watching and waiting.

He wished for a time where Lance got better and didn't go crazy. He wished Keith hadn't died.

He wished he hadn't lost his best friend.

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