I have the power of god and water on my side.

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Art by: ikimaru on tumblr

Team Voltron was so close to defeating the Galra. They were so, so close. They were on the main ship now, taking on groups of soldiers.

Time was running thin and group after group of soldiers were coming at them. They all knew that they stood no chance against them all.

Keith was on the floor, unable to walk. He had been shot in the leg and was trying desperately to stop the bleeding while fighting off more soldiers.

Shiro was helping him fight off the soldiers but was being pushed into the wall by how many were attacking him. He was being shot at at an extreme rate and was defending himself with all his might.

No one knew where Pidge was and they weren't responding on the coms so everyone assumed that they blocked us out. Or they died, but no one was willing to admit that.

Hunk was being slammed into wall after wall, taking the least amount of damage. He was firing into the crowd of soldiers and he was probably the only reason we were all still alive.

I was the only one who managed to evade being cornered or shot. I don't know how I managed to do it but I did. I was watching everything play out, I was terrified out of my mind.

Death was so near yet so far. I was in the corner and weakly holding my gun. I didn't want to be shot, I didn't want to die.

There was only one thing I could do, and I knew what it was. I could save the whole team, minus Pidge cause no one knew where they were.

I sighed. I really didn't want to do this, not at all. I slowly lifted my hand, none of my team had noticed because they were too absorbed in their own thing.

I watched as little balls of water formed around me, they were sharp like spikes and as small as bullets. I took my aim at some of the soldiers and started to send a few bullets at a time.

As soon as a bullet was sent, a new one would be formed. That kept happening until most of the droids in the room were down and dead.

I walked over to Hunk and checked on him, asking if he was ok. He said he just needed rest, but I didn't fully trust him on that.

After Hunk I went over to Shiro and Keith. Keith had managed to stop the bleeding and was now ready to pass out completely.

Shiro was trying to keep Keith awake and stuff. When I finally got to them he asked if Shiro was okay, then asked if Keith was ok.

But before I could say anything to them Shiro stood up and stared at me, a nasty glare on his face.

"How could you wait till Keith was hurt to do that? I know you guys have this stupid rivalry or whatever but I didn't think you go so far as to actually wait for him to die!"

I stared at Shiro in fear, he was screaming so, so loud. I was afraid of what Shiro might say, what Shiro might do.

"You're stupid, Lance. You wait till now to help us, to save us! I bet you only did that little magic trick for attention. You got jealous of Keith getting attention and so you waited for him to die so that you could get the attention!"

Shiro was spouting out nonsense, and I couldn't make sense of everything he was saying but oh god, it hurt to hear some of those words from his idol.

I looked up at Shiro with sad eyes as he continued to insult me. I felt tears coming to my eyes. Words that Shiro said were sticking to my skin like knifes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I kept repeating the word, starting quiet and only getting quieter.

I heard Shiro continuing to insult me. The words echoed through my head, it felt as if they were surrounding me, consuming me.




Dumb idiotic jabs. I shouldn't have been affected. And yet I was. I felt water splashing at my feet but I couldn't hear it over the sound of my sorries.

Everything was spinning and I couldn't make out anything. There was only one thing that Shiro said that stuck out of the ringing like a sore thumb.

"You're just a seventh wheel, Lance."

I gasped and felt my lungs fill with water. I was surrounded by water and though I felt calmer inside the water, I was worried. My magic hadn't gone this extreme since the time I'd fallen down the stairs and gotten really hurt.

Everything thing was ringing and water was stealing the air from my lungs. I was dying. I couldn't breath.

I stared at Shiro as I saw his mouth moving, probably screaming more mean things at me. I heard another voice. Hunk. He was screaming at me to calm down but I couldn't. I couldn't breath.

I felt myself pass it from lack of oxygen and when I opened my eyes I was back on the ship. Was I alive?

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