My own song from the singer in blue.

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Made by: Elentori on instagram

Lance was a singer. He had been taking lessons since he was young and now, as an adult, he's an amazing singer.

But Lance never wanted to be a singer, no matter how many people encouraged him to become one. Lance wanted to be a pilot.

After telling his parents about this, they threw him out. They wanted their son to be famous and if he wasn't going to become exactly that, then they didn't want him.

Lance was left to fend for himself at 14. He barely made it into the garrison and he struggled to stay there. But Lance made it and now look at him, he's a pilot and he's in space.

He accomplished his dream. But after realizing that, he felt empty. He had no more dreams and no goals.

So, Lance turned to music. Lance started to sing quietly in his room and in Blue. But then he found a room.

A music room. There was an array of different instruments, some from Earth and some from other planets. Lance felt the urge to learn them all.

So, Lance set out to do just that. The other paladins didn't ask where Lance would randomly disappear to at times. They didn't seem to care too much.

Until they started to hear music being played. Lance had got some of the basics down on a few instruments, he even had lyrics for a few songs.

The instruments filled the hole in Lance's heart and Lance was finally at peace with himself. Except one day when he went in there.

A small, banjo looking instrument had been missing and Lance looked everywhere for it before deciding to ask the paladins.

All of them said they didn't know where it went and Lance felt  his heart tighten because he lost it. But, Lance continued on and played a different instrument.

Lance took out a notebook and started writing guitar notes for a song he had slowly been working on. It took Lance nearly three hours and after he was done, Lance put it in the corner so that it wouldn't break.

After dinner that night, he came in to see it soaking wet with what tasted like Hunk's favorite drink to make.

Lance didn't know what to say. They didn't have that for dinner which means either Hunk made it just to spill or someone else had Hunk make it so that they could spill it.

Lance shook his head. Hunk wouldn't do this. Hunk was his friend, his buddy. It must've been someone else, but who?

Lance decided that he was going to ask Pidge to check the cameras so that he could remake all the notes he lost.

She did, much to her own confusion. Lance didn't let her see the notes and deleted all the evidence, hiding it behind enough code to stop Pidge.

After he finished remaking it, he hid it in his room so that no one would find it except for Lance himself.

A few days later, Lance had entered the room again to see all the instruments gone. He didn't know what happened with them.

They were instruments! They couldn't grow legs and walk around, they couldn't hide within the walls or anything.

Lance went on a wild goose chase for them all. It led him to the Pidge, who showed him footage of someone bringing a big bag into the kitchen.

The person stepped in something, Lance notes while watching. The rest of the footage was gone, only the Kitchen scene being able to be recovered.

Lance went to the kitchen, brining a light so that he could see the substance on the floor. He proceeded to follow the footprints.

They led to the training room and the locker room. Lance looked there and they was nothing there.

There was a note, however. A riddle Lance quickly found out.

I am not alive, but I grow; I've got no have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? -;)

Lance gasps, knowing the answer. Lance loves riddles, he used to always come up with them and sometimes write them down.

He wrote this one down on a napkin during breakfast. Someone asked what it was, unfortunately Lance couldn't remember who asked.

Lance ran to the incinerator, the only place with fire. That was the answer, after all. Fire, flame, burning, incinerating.

Lance gasped at what he saw. His instruments lying around, parts burned and broken. Some were completely gone, just piles of ashes.

Some were melted into piles of goo. Some were just the charred remains of something Lance loved to do.

Lance saw a note on the ground near his favorite instrument. He ran over to it, tears pricking his eyes.

It read, Hello, Lance. I'm so very sorry to do this to you. I hate these instruments. I hate the attention you give them but not me.

Would you pay more attention to me? Would you stop playing for a fucking second and love me back?

With my condolences and love,

Lance cried and cried and cried. He didn't sing for a long time. He hurt but didn't sing, not even when the paladins dared him to.

Not when they worried about him because he didn't show up to breakfast or lunch. Lance never found out who did it.

Lance didn't have that closure. But, looking at his song book he knew what he would've done if he still had his instruments.

He was going to sing to Keith. Lance was going to confess in a song.

Keith didn't know that, though. He would never know. After all, he was the one who burned them.

He was jealous and regrets it not but the past can't be changed. His jealousy led to him missing his own song from the singer in blue.

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