Lance, the smart one.

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Made by: pegdraws on tumblr

After a few offhand comments from all the paladins and a direct one from Shiro telling Lance how dumb he is. Lance, as we know, looks up to Shiro. He Lowkey sees him as a father figure.

Lance starts to question his intelligence. He starts working himself to get smarter but the more he works, the more he loses his normal personality.

His ideas are always the most sensible and logical but he'll never make a joke, never even give the paladins a smile.

Until Hunk and Pidge, the ones who've known Lance the longest trace the problem back to Shiro and make Shiro apologize.

Lance doesn't take the apology, doesn't forgive Shiro. He does start letting himself get looser again.

He only gets looser around other paladins though, going stone cold analytical around Shiro.

Shiro starts doubting Lance, wondering if he should just kick Lance off the team because of this change in attitude.

The paladins all absolutely refuse and but Shiro thinks he can see the till they've all taken at the loss of Lance.

So, he kicks Lance off the team. Lance, not knowing how to react goes to his joker state. He jokes saying that it was because he was faking it.

Shiro is taken back. Lance is joking around. He takes it back, but is annoyed and slightly mad at Lance because Lance tells him he's been stuck up his ass only around Shiro.

There's tension between them. It stays there but Lance and the other paladins.

That's all I had written for this one, I didn't like the last few paragraphs and couldn't think of how to better write it. I hope you enjoy what's here!

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