Wings... oh, my wings.

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Angels were rare, very rare. They existed, sure, but they were very hard to find. And being hard to find made their feathers very expensive.

Lance was a very unlucky angel. He had been born into a family that seemed so loving, so nice.

But, they sold him the first chance they got. They needed the money, they told Lance. They needed to feed their kids.

Lance never understood, he was their kid. They had him, right? Lance never understood that until a few years later.

Even through being sold, he got an education. The cops couldn't get on his parents tail so they made sure he would go through at least all of middle school.

Lance made it to high school and took the risk going to the garrison but the damage to him had been done.

He was deathly afraid of people touching his back, for it's where his wings had been. It was where too many people had touched him.

There was only one person he let near his back, Hunk. Hunk was an angel and Hunk had a great life. Hunk had his wings, long, slick, white feathers that practically glowed.

Lance loved them, loved looking at them and touching them and hugging them. Anything to do with Hunk's wings was like heaven to Lance.

They were something Lance had gotten violently ripped from him. His innocence and his wings.

See, in your child and teenage years, wings grow back. And they'll sometimes grow back during adult years, but Lance knew that wouldn't happen to him, every angel doctor told him so.

Lance was perfectly fine wearing jackets and only letting Hunk touch his back until he got shot into space.

Despite the initial anxiety of being somewhere new, with new people and new places, Lance was fine.

But Keith liked to pat people on the back, as Lance had quickly learned. And Lance wasn't for that at all.

So, whenever Keith got near, Lance would act rude and hostile. Lance didn't let Keith touch his back. Or anyone else on the team touch his back.

Hunk was the only exception and the rest of the team quickly learned that if you got close to Lance's back, he would run away.

No one knew why, except for Hunk, and no one dared question the boy. Lance was fine until one day, Keith had managed to get behind Lance and pat his back.

Lance, who was not expecting the contact or the panic that came with it, fell to the ground. It was a form of giving up from the selling and trading.

You go to the ground to prove that you won't be bad. If you were bad you would get sold and you'd have to go through another guessing game of 'is the person I get gonna be bad or good?'.

Hunk was, thankfully, near and when he saw that he rushed over and newly beside Lance. Lance was shaking really bad and crying, too.

Hunk quickly stood and turned to Keith, fighting the urge to yell, "what did you do?"

Keith raised his arms in defense and stammered, "n-nothing, I swear. I just pat his back and h-he fell."

Hunk seemed to grow more concerned and more angry with that sentence, "you what?"

Keith stepped back and replied, "l-look, I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing and

"Leave," poison was laced with Hunk's words as Hunk pointed to the door. Keith quickly fled the scene but stayed in the doorway to see what happened.

Keith was being nosy, and he knew, but Keith wanted to know what was so bad about patting Lance's back.

He watched as Hunk lowered his body to the boy, being careful to not touch his back as Hunk helped Lance stand.

Lance was still looking down and Keith could see tears falling to the ground.

"Do you want to see them," Hunk asked. Keith was confused. Them? What the—?

Lance had nodded and large wings emerged from Hunk's back. Keith saw Lance look up and start rubbing the wings.

Lance seemed to calm down significantly as he stroked the large feathers. Keith was surprised. He already knew Hunk was an angel but wings are sacred.

Only other angels are allowed to touch wings, unless someone forces them. Was Lance an angel? Or was Hunk just nice enough to betray his own sacred rules like this?

Keith watched as Lance shed his shirt and sat down in front of Hunk. Hunk immediately sprung into action, massaging and rubbing Lance's back.

Lance was fully calmed down as Hunk finished.  Whatever they had going on, it had happened for a while. The two clearly weren't a couple so what?

"You miss them don't you," Hunk asked, cutting through the air. Lance had turned to him and Keith could see his back clearly.

Small flowers went to his back. Coming from center lower back to fan out over his upper back.

Wings, Keith's brain screamed. Lance at one point had wings. Keith was puzzled and lost and didn't know what to do with this information.

"Hmm," Lance hummed. Hunk nodded in return and no further conversation was needed.

"I feel bad," Hunk spoke again.

"Why," Lance responded to him, Lance putting his shirt back on and Hunk making his wings disappear again.

Disappearing wings was something only adult angels could do, unless you lost your wings.

"Well, I mean, your wings can't grow back anymore and—," Hunk was cut off by a gasp.

He looked to the doorway and saw Keith. His eyes widened as he looked over at Lance. Lance felt more tears running down his cheeks.

He smiled sadly to Keith, but Keith couldn't bring himself to return the smile. He simply walked forward and spoke clearly.

"Your wings won't grow back anymore," Keith asked. Lance gave a sad nod. "I think—," Keith hesitated. "I think I may have something that can help."

Lance looked up at him, a small shimmer of hope in his eyes as he heard it. But as soon as it came, the hope was gone.

"I don't want it," Lance said. He could feel confusion bounce off of the other two boys so he continued, "everything I went through. It made me who I am today.

"And though it sounds cheesy, I wouldn't give it up for anything. Having no wings, having those scars. It just adds to my character."

Keith nodded along and after Lance's small speech, Hunk pulled him into a hug. Keith quickly joined the hug.

And even as Lance felt Keith's hand land on his back, Lance couldn't feel the same pain as before, the same worry.

Lance was free from the shackles that were his wings.

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