The last Altean from another planet.

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Lance was Altean. He was just able to mask it with makeup and face masks.

When the Altean castle was being attacked and his sister, Allura, was being frozen away, Lance fled.

Lance was scared. He landed on Earth and was taken in by a very nice family called the McClains.

Lance lives with them for a long time, throughout most of his childhood. But eventually, he started missing home.

He started missing the talks he'd have with his father when training and his mother when cooking.

Lance continued cooking when he fell to Earth. He just started cooking Cuban dishes instead of Altean dishes.

Lance applied for flight school and was thrilled when he got in. He wasn't so thrilled when he learned that he sucked at flying.

He would never be able to fly to his planet and beyond if he couldn't even land safely. No wonder he crashed on Earth so violently.

Lance didn't mind that though. He would do his best and so be it if he didn't get to fly home, he had his own home on Earth.

When Lance saw Allura again he was overjoyed and didn't know how to play off that happiness as something less suspicious.

He played it off by flirting but in truth he was trying to get closer with the sister he thought he lost to the war.

Lance was so scared that his fears would become a reality. He was so afraid of Allura being sent to battle.

He didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want to lose her again. Lance stopped her from fighting whenever he could but most times, he couldn't.

Lamce, everyday, would put makeup on his face and would use face masks to block out the line underneath his eyes.

He had done it so much that they had started to naturally fade away, knowing they weren't wanted.

Lance was thankful when he woke up one morning and he couldn't see his own lines. He felt happy for some time.

But after that burst of joy came sadness. Sadness that he lost something so dear to him and his people.

Lance left his room, happy and heartbroken at the same time. Lance only put in half the effort everyday after that.

He stopped with the makeup and the face masks and the others could see him slowly getting worse with everyday that passed.

They were worried about him. They figured he just wanted to have some fun again because he had spent so long away from home.

Lance was so torn inside though. His home was here at the castle, but also far away in Cuba. His lines were gone and he was normal but he lost something dear to him.

Night after night Lance would sit in the room of planning, the room where the paladins could plan attacks.

There were planets and stars all lighting up on the screen. Lance would stare at them and mutter to himself.

He'd mutter about what he did there as a kid and what people he met. He'd mutter about what he did with his father and mother.

Sometimes he'd find pictures, ones he kept from when he was a kid, in the castle's database.

He'd look at them and cry.

The others would always notice him doing all this. They decided it was time for a short break because of it.

Together, they all went to a beach planet. Allura and Shiro went to make plans with the king and the others could run around and play.

Lance had fun playing in the water. He splashed and splashed until Allura and Shiro came out.

They called all the paladins over and told them that they'd be going in the see the kind individually, to see if they were true at heart.

Keith went in first. He came out and told everyone that he was told he was rough outside and soft inside, the others laughed at him.

Pidge was next. She was told that she was smart but nice. She was sharp and cunning but kind.

Hunk went in next. Clearly, he was always just a big, lovable goofball. He was amazing! He was Hunk!

Then was Lance. Shiro and Allura has already been tested and Allura, being an important Altean, was honored.

Lance went in and filled when he faced the mighty king. He bowed in honor, something he was always taught as a kid but had never listened too.

But now, in front of someone who could break his reputation, Lance was terrified. His heart was beating, his palms were sweaty, and he felt like he was about to faint.

The king stared down at Lance, a fire in his eyes. Lance wobbled a little under the pressure but managed to maintain eye contact.

Eventually, the king boomed, "you're an Altean! Another royal one too! God, I'm so happy to meet you!"

Lance stared at him nervously and walked closer. He whispered, "my partners don't know I'm Altean, please don't tell them..."

The king stared at Lance skeptically. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Aren't you honest to your teammates?"

Lance hesitated, "yes- but just not with this."

The king glared at Lance, "you are not worthy, filthy Altean. Lying and tricking is not pure and kind! You are now banished from my kingdom!"

Lance was booted out the door when the king screamed "filthy Altean". Lance knew the others heard it.

They stared at Lance, only Hunk ignoring the whole Altean part and helping Lance up.

Allura stepped forward after a few moments of silence, "you're Altean?!"

Lance felt like shriveling back and hiding in a hole.

"Yes?" Lance tried to say, only to have it come out as a question.

"You never told me?! Where are your lines?! Are you okay?!"

Allura was glaring at Lance but was also very concerned. Lance glanced at her then looked at the ground.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright. They'll come back eventually."

Allura let out a breath of relief before berating Lance again but he was okay with it.

Lance had a happy ending with his sister and she didn't die. He could live as himself yet again.

After all, he was still Altean. He was just an Altean from another planet.

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