My own little ray of sunshine. Part Two.

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Lance was slowly forgotten, lost in the background. And there was nothing he could do about it.

The goop has been given a name, Leo. Lance felt like his world was falling, no, collapsing around himself.

Goop, or Leo, had taken up everything Lance had. He got Lance's seat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making Lance have to eat leftovers.

He had got Lance's room, making Lance sleep in whatever room he could find. Lance was pretty sure Leo was gonna get Blue, too.

Lance had nothing but Blue left. Everywhere he turned, Leo was there. Lance didn't know what he would do if Leo got Blue too.

Lance would, if Leo got Blue, have nothing.

As night came, Lance walked around the castle. He was cold and tired, but there was nowhere he could sleep.

Plus, there's a place Lance wanted to be. The room where he could see all the planets. If he was going to be forgotten, he was going to just go back home.

Staring at the planets, Lance felt pangs in his chest. As he scrolled through, tears started coming out of his eyes.

By the time he clicked on Earth, Lance was full blown sobbing. Big, fat, ugly tears streaming down his cheeks.

He was hiccuping and breathing in ragged, uneven breaths. Lance couldn't stop the tears, part of him didn't want to.

"Lance? Is that you?"

Lance didn't turn around. He wiped the tears to the best of his ability and sniffled a bunch. His eyes were red but Lance was going to ignore that fact.

"Yeah?" Lance asked in return. "What do you need, Keith?"

"Wh- nothing, Lance. I was just— are you okay? What are you doing up?"

Lance didn't answer. He didn't trust his voice to last him that long. If Lance spoke again, Lance knew he'd break down.

Keith took a few steps forward. Lance could hear his breathing. He didn't know why Keith stayed.

Lance laughed bitterly, "why are you here? Leo asleep so now notice me?"

Lance's tears flowed silently. Lance hiccuped again. Keith moves forward, sitting next to Lance.

Lance turns away, trying to rub the tears away again. He mutters, "go away."

Keith doesn't respond. The two sit there in silence, the only sounds being Lance's hiccups and the boy's breathing.

"Lance," Keith starts. "What's wrong?"

Lance turns to face Keith and Keith's heart breaks at the sight. Lance has tears running down his cheeks, his eyes are red.


Lance breaks down crying. He can't talk, he wants to scream and be angry but all the words die on his tongue.

Keith stares at Lance, thinking about what he should do. Hesitantly, Keith leans forward and wraps his arms around Lance.

Lance chuckles sadly and tries to explain, "I don't have a room anymore, I don't have a seat anymore. I—."

Lance couldn't do it. He wanted to be mad and Keith and at the team but he wasn't. He was made at Leo and at Haggar.

"I thought— my greatest fear is to be forgotten and here I thought— I thought you guys needed me, I wouldn't be forgotten if I was needed."

"You haven't been forgotten," Keith tries. "Hunk—."

"I have been forgotten, Keith! No ones talked to me for weeks. Weeks!"

Keith sighed, "when you stopped showing up to meals, Hunk asked Shiro to talk to you. Shiro said you'd be better soon."

Lance looked at Keith, "really?"

"Yeah, and I was so worried about you that I couldn't sleep. That's what I was doing before this. I was going to train."

Lance looked at the ground, "but you all were talking and laughing with Leo. Pidge said he was better than I was... I thought—."

"Lance, you can't be replaced. You are you, Leo is Leo. If you joined our conversation you would know we were talking about sending him to his home."


"Yeah. Now go to bed."

"You too."

"Good night, Lance."

"Goodnight, Keith."

And maybe Keith was lying a little bit but now Lance would join the team again. He would be the blue Paladin he was meant to be.

Lance did exactly that. He joined their conversations, he went to meals, he piloted Blue the best he could.

Eventually, Leo wasn't a thought in most of the paladins head. He was just someone who lived with them, not a teammate or family.

Lance was happy, everyone else was happy. Keith noticed the improvement. He was happy for Lance.

They had a bonding moment. And they got Lance his own little ray of sunshine.

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