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It was subtle at the start. All Lance did was skip a meal or two. Occasionally he'd disappear and not come back until someone noticed his absence.

But that was all normal, in one way or another. At some point, Hunk had stopped eating but began again. Pidge still disappears sometimes to do god knows what.

The thing that alerted the paladins that this wasn't just a phase for Lance was the beginning of a glowing blue.

Sometimes, Lance's eyes would turn blue. Full blue, bright blue. Not the same gentle blue his eyes usually are.

The first time it happened was at dinner. Lance walked into the room, his eyes literally glowing.

"Lance, what's going on with your eyes?!" Shiro had yelled, scared for the blue paladin.

Lance blinked and suddenly the blue was gone. Immediately afterwards, he fell to the ground. He was out cold.

Shiro ran over and lifted Lance, yelling for the others to get a pod ready. The others all jumped into action.

Later, with Lance in a pod and being examined by Coran, the paladins were in the living room.

"What happened to Lance?" Hunk asked. "Will he be okay?"

Shiro nodded his head, shooting a glance at Allura and then the hallway towards the pods.

"He'll be fine, don't worry. Maybe he's just got a cold or something," Shiro reasoned. But everyone knew that this was no cold.

Coran came with news the next morning.

"I have good news and bad news, paladins! Good news, there is nothing wrong with Lance...!"

"What's the bad news?" Shiro asks.

"There is nothing wrong with Lance."

"How is that bad news?" Keith's wonders out loud.

"Well, it means there's nothing to be fixed. I can't fix nothing."

The paladins turn silent, not knowing what to say. Coran leaves, mumbling some things about piloting the ship.

The rest of the paladins finish breakfast, do some training, and go about their day. It wasn't until lunch when things went bad.

Coran, while checking the pods, saw that Lance wasn't there. He had vanished. Coran ran to the others, speaking so fast the other didn't know what he was actually saying.

"Lance is gone!" Coran eventually calmed down enough to say properly. Shiro stood quickly, nodding at Pidge, who nodded back, and then running to the pods.

"Lance?" Shiro called when he got close enough. "Are you still here? Where are you? Lance? Lance!"

He was calling Lance like he was a lost puppy. But Lance didn't come running like most dogs would.

When Shiro went back to the kitchen, Pidge turned her laptop around to show Shiro footage of Lotor taking Lance.

It showed Lance's eyes being a gleaming blue. It showed Lotor saying something and Lance nodding absentmindedly.

Shiro was appalled, as were the other paladins. Lance went with Lotor... willingly...

Something was definitely wrong. Lance's eyes were solid blue. He was under the trance thing. He must need help, a conclusion everyone came to.

Pidge started working on Lance's coordinates.

"He's on the biggest ship already. It's gonna have to be a stealth mission," Pidge shared.

It only took a few days for the others to make a plan. Before going into their lions to fly to the ship, Shiro told everyone, "for Lance."

Everyone else repeated, "for Lance."

Allura had smirked.

It didn't take long for the paladins to be on the ship, scoping the place for Lance. They were all in separate places.

Allura was the one to find Lance though. Lance was next to Lotor, in front of Lotor's throne.

The purple prince had been waiting. He smirked when he saw Allura.

"Isn't is weird to have someone fight back for once?" Lotor had cut right to the chase. He lightly pushed Lance behind himself.

Allura turned off her microphone to respond, "I don't know what you mean."

"It was a smart plan, really. You almost had me fooled too, this whole Voltron thing. Then your precious blue Paladin started causing problems. It's always the blue one.

"This time, unlike my ancestors, I was able to get the blue paladin. I've healed him, told him the truth."

Allura smirked, "fine. You caught me. But we're fighting to save the universe. Fighting you guys. Your rule is evil, wicked."

The Altean wasn't fighting Lotor directly, she was trying to get Lance in her side again. She hoped he didn't know the truth about this too.

Lance gave the girl an awkward smile before saying, "Allura, I know about that too. The poverty you left captive planets in. I just never realized how the aliens were visit always give us what we want. We're no saviors, we're the monsters."

Lance wasn't looking at Allura anymore, he was looking behind her. Allura turned around quickly. She saw the other paladins.

"It's not true! Are you really gonna believe him over me?! I've had your back since the start!" Allura screamed.

Shiro sighed. He blinked his eyes blue and then back to their normal color.

"Allura, whatever healed Lance, healed us. We know the truth. You are a threat to society and yourself. You are being arrested."

"By who?" Allura sneered. "You? You have no rights here in space!"

"By us," Lotor said.

Lance stepped forward, giving Lotor a small smile when he saw a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Allura, you aren't getting out of this one," he said. He gave Lotor a small peck, a way to tell the man that he would be fine. Lance stepped forward again.

"Under code 336 and 394, you are under arrest for illegal prosecution of aliens and the inability to take care of those under your rule."

Guards came in through the doors. They grabbed Allura's arms and took her away. The villain no one knew was a villain was gone.

The paladins celebrated that night, with drinks and a party. It was the most fun they'd had in a long time.

And they had a problematic blue paladin to thank for it.

He just can't be brainwashed that easily.

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