Part of the team.

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Lance looked over the sheets sprawled out around him. After accidentally spilling water on the ones Shiro had created, Lance had decided to try and remake them.

He used the ships mainframe to find the pictures of the sheets and used it to copy them. Not that Lance would ever tell anyone, but he was actually pretty smart.

Hunk knew, but Hunk also knew about how Lance didn't like others knowing. Lance liked being a goofball, someone who doesn't think, much better than the smart one.

Being the smart one was such a title. Always being used, always using people. Lance didn't want to go through that. Thus, no one knew Lance was smart.

It was well into the early morning, probably around 3 or 4 am, Lance never cared to check, when Lance finished.

The ships mainframe was strong and in order to get into it, Lance had to do a lot of coding and hacking. Lance hoped that Pidge wouldn't be able to trace it back to Lance.

Lance went to sleep that night exhausted. He managed to sleep for a good few hours before needing to wake up at 6 am. An early time, butLance want going to argue.

Lance dragged himself out of bed and went to the bathroom, doing everything he could to make his eye bags unnoticeable. Lance didn't want the others questioning him.

Lance smiled to himself in the mirror after showering. His eye bags were not visible and his skin looked like it was glowing.

As Veronica would say, "yas, queen."

Lance laughed a little to himself as he said it out loud, impersonating Veronica as he did so. After he finished laughing he felt a pang in his heart.

He missed his family, he missed Veronica. Lance ignored the feeling and walked out, going towards the kitchen to have breakfast.

As Lance walked in all eyes turned to him. Some were glaring, aka Allura and Shiro, while others looked just a little bit annoyed, aka Pidge and Keith.

Lance took it as Pidge not knowing about Lance's magic hacking skills. Lance smiled to himself and plopped in his seat.

He remembered to pull out the plans and coughed to catch the attention of the team, "I managed to recreate the plans. I felt bad about accidentally ruining them so I remade them."

Lance gave the plans to Shiro, who looked them over.

"Lance, these aren't the exact plans," Shiro said, looking up at Lance. Lance gulped.

"Well, yeah, I made a few changes. But nothing too drastic," Lance said.

Shiro scoffed, "Lance, you changed where Keith was entirely and changed Pidge's station."

Lance looked down at the paper a little and back up at Shiro, "yeah, well. Where Pidge was would require heavy backup, as there are multiple entrances and not many places for Pidge to hide, should they need to.

"And where Keith was, was a major danger spot. He would be completely surrounded. Plus his new area let's him attack the same, just without the risk."

Shiro looked down at the plan and back up to Lance, "we're sticking with my plan."

Lance looked shocked, "b-but—."

"We're going with my plan. Whether you like it or not. We're in a war, Lance. We've got to be careful."

Lance fought the urge to tell Shiro that the plan he had would put them in less danger. Instead, Lance huffed and went back to eating his breakfast.

Lance didn't speak a word for the rest of breakfast, as for training as well. Lance knew if he did he would probably snap, get really mad.

When the time did come for him to have to speak it was time to go into the mission. Using the plans Shiro had made, and not the plan Lance had made.

Lance went to his lion without saying much and started the mission without saying much. Until Keith started screaming.

"Shiro! Shiro, I'm blocked from all sides, I can't run. I need backup," he yelled out to Shiro. I heard Shiro mumble something before sending Hunk over to help.

I took deep breaths as this played out. I knew this would happen. I started slowly making my way to where Pidge was, just waiting to hear their voice call out for help.

Soon enough, Pidge was yelling, "Shiro! Shiro, I need backup. I'm blocked into the room by Galra and there's no way for me to escape!"

"Then hide," Shiro's voice boomed through the speaker.

I heard Pidge breath heavily before responding, "they got in. They're in here. It's only a matter of time before they get me. There are no hiding spots, Shiro! No where to hide or run!"

I heard Shiro mumble some stuff before going silent. I took charge instead, yelling out orders. I told Hunk how to attack and who to attack.

I told Keith, who was able to back away from the fight after Hunk helped him, to go help Pidge.

I continued barking orders and plans until I had to give Shiro something to do.

"Uh- Shiro, you go with Keith. Based on what Pidge has said, it'd be best for someone to attack the other way as well," I told him.

I heard Shiro mumble again before he spoke up and said, "you aren't the leader, Lance."

I heard Keith yell something into the mics but it was disoriented. I worried for Keith and Pidge for a moment.

"We don't have time for this, Shiro," I yelled back. "Go help Keith or I will!"

"No-. Keith, fall back. I'm going in. Hunk, come back over here. Pidge, finish what you're doing really quickly and meet us here, we're going back."

"But, Shiro, we've got a chance," I heard Keith yell. Hunk and Pidge agreed and Shiro just sat there.

"Shiro, go help Keith or help Hunk! You need to choose," I told him, yet again.

"Lance," he said, warning me about something.

"No! No, Shiro. Can't you just listen to me once? I'm a part of this team too! Now go help Keith."

Shiro didn't say anything, just obliged and did as Lance told him. Lance turned the mission around and helped everyone.

Lance made the mission a success. Lance was, truly, a part of the team.

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