The mice know all secrets.

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Talking to animals was always one of Lance's specialties. He could talk and wow animals. They were great listeners to.

Lance's dog, Gizmo, was always who Lance talked to. Who Lance would vent to. But now Lance is in space. Now Lance doesn't have any animal to vent to.

Lance had went about his day, talking to no one about his problems. He would go around and it would get to him.

The fact that he couldn't talk about his problems. The fear of his teammates rejecting him or putting him down because of his problems.

So, when he saw Allura talking to the mice and the mice understanding what she was saying, Lance decided he would try to talk to the mice.

Basically Lance talks to the mice but then he tells them something alarming so the mice report to Allura what lance said.

Allura's like no no that can't be true and she decides the mice must be messing with her. Eventually, she says something offhandedly about it to Lance and he freaks out about Allura knowing. He hides away and starts distancing himself so no one else knows.

Eventually Hunk is like dude, buddy, wtf are you doing?? I'll help you, you're my bro
And Lance gets better

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