I bleed petals.

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Lance was different. He knew that. He was fragile, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. His blood was flowers. His emotions were similar to flowers. Delicate, beautiful flowers.

And Lance does everything he can to keep it hidden. He didn't want to be seen and considered weird, as different. So no one knew.

His facial routine? To keep his flowers from growing on his skin like pimples. Him keeping up a constant facade? To try and keep the petals from breaking. Cause if he doesn't think he's breaking, is he truly breaking?

Lance hates being different. And the world had given him difference from the get go. Lance didn't want it but there was no way to get rid of it. Every doctor that Lance had visited said so.

And now that Lance is in space, so close to people that could find out his secret. Well, Lance is scared.

Lance is really, really scared.

There was one way he knew how to stop the flowers from growing. One way to stop himself from getting caught.

It would hurt him, removing a part of yourself always did. Lance woke up one morning, knowing nothing was planned.

What he was going to do was long term, would take the whole day to start. Lance stood from his bed, debating whether he truly should go through with his plans.

Lance walked to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind himself. Lance looked in the mirror, struggling to do something.

He faced turned a slight red because of his not breathing. Lance watched it happen. On his cheek, like really bad acne, there was a flower.

A large, purple flower. It was beautiful. It didn't look like any flower on Earth, or any flower in space.

Lance stared for a moment, awestruck. He grabbed the scissors from next to the sink.

The way he held it looked like he was going to end himself. Lance continued on. He pulled the flower out a little before cutting it off.

A seething, striking pain flew through his body. He felt his body shake like a spasm. Lance felt like he ended himself.

His cheek was red with pain. Lance held the flower delicately. He did it.

Lance left the bathroom, walking straight to the kitchen. They didn't eat together sometimes, so only Keith was in the kitchen.

Lance walked in, looking like a zombie. Keith was downing water, getting ready to train again.

"Lance? You okay?" Keith asks. Lance mumbles a little, but otherwise doesn't respond.

He's holding the flower loosely. It's starting to wilt already, needing a constant supply of liquid.

Lance slowly got a glass of water and filled it. He quickly shoved the flower in it and watched as Keith walked over to it.

Lance took it away swiftly, before Keith could get to it. Lance didn't care what Keith would think.

The only person who could touch the flower was Lance and Lance's soulmate. Right now, Lance didn't want to test to see if it was Keith.

Lance walked away, knowing Keith was following him closely. He walked into his room, not giving Keith any explanation.

Lance put the flower on his shelf, making sure to block it from Keith's hands. Lance sat down on his bed, staring at the flower.

"What- what was that?" Keith asked. "Is it what I think it is?"

Lance didn't have the energy to respond. He laid down and closed his eyes.

"No, no, Lance. Sleeping is the opposite of what you want to do if this is what I think it is," Keith pressures Lance into waking.

He didn't sit up, simply opened his eyes. Keith took that as a sign and grabbed the cup with the flower and sat down next to Lance.

"One of my foster parents had this. This very disease. He tried to get rid of it and next thing I knew, it was to the next foster home with me."

Lance continued staring, tired. Very, very tired. He knew Keith wouldn't let him sleep though.

"Lance, this isn't healthy. I swear, the team won't Jude you or hate you. We just want what's best for you. Why didn't you tell us about this?"

Lance finally felt the need to talk, "I didn't want to be seen as weird or something. I don't know."

Lance stayed silent after that. Keith killed the flower, took it out of the water and let it rot. Lance couldn't find the energy to stop him.

Keith talked and talked after that, soothing Lance to sleep. Maybe Keith told the team about it.

Keith knew it was a bonding moment, he rubbed that in every time someone asked how the boys got together.

How they started dating though, that's a different story. This was just a step in the two boys getting together.

But Lance wouldn't change it for the world. Not even if it meant getting rid of his own pain.

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