Help, we can't get Lance out.

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Lance had a medical condition. A rare one. It didn't have a name, it wasn't well known, and it didn't have a cure.

Lance's emotions turned to flowers and plants. It sounded like a superpowers to some and a curse to others.

Lance thought it was amazing as a child. He was always beaming, always smiling at the flowers he'd create.

He thought that they were amazing. He thought they were wonderful. Always happy, so, so happy.

Then he got bullied for it. Kids started pulling out the flowers that would grow in his hair and on his skin.

He'd come home crying, his skin red from the plucked flowers. He'd cry out, "mama, my face hurts, the kids are being mean!"

She would nod and say, "that's sometimes how it is, Lance. Just remember, you are the flower that lights up my life. Always a ray of sunshine."

But the bullying continued. Lance felt ashamed for the flowers, causing the flowers to shrivel and die.

By the time Lance was in high school, he was done with his flowers. He was done with them. Every morning, he'd cut them off and put them in glasses of water as a sick reminder to cut them off the next morning.

When he met Hunk, he didn't tell him about anything. Hunk wasn't allowed in Lance's room, Lance didn't want him to find out about the flowers.

Then the pair went to the garrison. Lance roomed with Hunk and, though he didn't want to, he told Hunk about the flowers.

Lance was welcomed with open arms. He hadn't felt so content about his flowers in years.

But Lance kept it a secret to everyone else. Even when he went into space, only Hunk knew about the flowers.

Slowly but surely, all the paladins found out. It was either by walking in on him cutting them or by Lance ranting to Hunk and they just happened to be around.

But, whenever they confronted Lance about it, he always explained. The amount of flowers grown showed the emotions he was feeling.

He never told them what flowers meant what though, not did he tell them about Overruns.

There was one day, seemingly normal. Keith was training, Shiro was helping Allura and Coran plan, Pidge was doing tech stuff, and Hunk was cooking.

But Lance woke up feeling weird. He knew what it was but figured it would only last a day, that's not too bad.

He decided he would wait it out, not tell anyone and just sit in his room. So that's where he stayed.

Slowly, flowers lined his arms and legs. They grew over his body, any part they could without pain. The only parts they avoided were the private parts and the head, minus Lance's hair.

When Hunk called for breakfast and Lance didn't show up, everyone was a little bit worried.

"Maybe he's asleep," reckoned Pidge.

"Probably," Hunk responds. "But we should check on him anyway."

The pair stood up and left to go see if he was okay. Everyone else continued to eat in silence, hoping Lance was alright.

When they got frantically called down to Lance's room they started to think that he wasn't okay.

They all but ran to the boys room. Lance was on the floor, curled into a ball. He had flowers all over him, some laying dead on the floor.

And they kept growing. They kept replacing each other and it was a horrible sight. Lance looked to be in so much pain.

"What's happening?!" Keith asks, scared for his friendly rival.

"How do we help him?!" Pidge yelled to Hunk, knowing he knew longest.

Hunk looked at her and shrugged, not knowing. He hadn't heard of this and it hadn't happened before.

"Do you know any of his family's numbers?" Shiro asked, trying to keep everyone calm and collected.

Hunk raised his hand like a child, "I know his sisters number. What was her name? Veronica, I think."

Pidge was already typing on her computer, "what's her number?"

"(Insert her number here), if I remember correctly," Hunk tells her. Pidge smiles when the calling symbol shows up.

Veronica picked up quick, knowing that it could be a call telling her that Lance was dead or that he was found.

"Hello?" she asked. It was a FaceTime and her face looked like she was expecting bad news.

"Hi, I'm Pidge, a friend of Lance's. We're in space and it's a lot to explain but we need help with Lance."

Veronica's face twists with worry, "let me see him. I might know what to do."

Pidge flips the camera, showing her Lance. She gasps and Pidge only gets more worried.

"Okay, I know what you need to do. You need to pour water on him and he's going to scream when you do but ignore it.

"Then, I need you to cover him with blankets and pillows. Maybe put on a movie, bring snacks. Make him feel comfortable, welcome, and happy."

"Thank you, we'll do that," Pidge says, about to hang up.

"Please have him call me later, I want to talk to him," Veronica says quickly, before Pidge gets the chance to end the call.

Pidge simply nods before the call is over. The paladins are already on it, Hunk getting snacks, Keith getting blankets and pillows, Shiro picking out a movie.

Pidge goes to get a class of water. True to Veronica's word, Lance did scream when Pidge poured it on him.

There was no notable difference except Lance's obvious pain. Then, they surrounded him with pillows and that all sat around him.

Shiro started the movie. He was playing Finding Nemo, a kid friendly movie. They didn't realize it but Lance felt much better.

It would've taken a whole day but all it took was a movie for him to feel better. All thanks to handy dandy Veronica.

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