Keith in big, red letters.

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Keith, Keith, Keith. That's all Lance would hear, day in and say out. Lance was tired of it, tired of Keith being the center of attention.

Lance always tried to get the spotlight, tried to work for the attention he thought he deserved. A hi, a hello, something to prove that he was at least there.

That he wasn't just some ghost walking around, moving things, trying to be the blue Paladin.

But, no matter how many times Lance tried, the only results he got back were Keith.

Did Lance shoot good, "oh, well, maybe Keith helped him."

Did Lance come in on time, "oh, well, Keith is always on time."

Did Lance do anything well and good, is Lance proud of something, is there something Lance cares about a lot, "oh, well, Keith."

Lance felt as if he was going to go insane with how many times he's heard Keith's name spoken to him, comparing Lance to Keith.

Lance wasn't Keith. And Lance seemed to be the only person who understood that. Keith didn't even notice it happening.

So, as Lance walked to training, he remembered a small red marker that sat in his nightstand.

Lance didn't know why he remembered this but he sure as hell was going to use it to his advantage.

"Oh, Lance, late as usual," joked Keith. Lance showed a smile and chuckled awkwardly. Keith didn't seem to notice the atmosphere.

Lance got ready and the entire day was filled with Keith and how Lance should be more like him.

Lance wanted to scream, "I am not Keith!"

But Lance kept silent. Lance wasn't sure what to do. He could tell the others, which Lance certainly didn't have the guts to do, it he could ignore it, hope he gets better.

Lance didn't notice it, but he started spending less and less time with the paladins. Lance, and most of the team, only saw his strange behavior when Hunk pointed it out.

Lance, at first, was shocked. Not only did someone notice, they cared enough to ask Lance about it.

Well, not really ask but point out. Lance was fine with both.

"Oh, sorry," Lance had responded before taking his food to his room. Lance looked around and smiled.

Nothing was different. No one would see Lance's way of getting through this, Lance's coping mechanism.

Lance felt proud when he changed his room password so that no one could go into his room. Lance felt happy as he made sure that his room was locked every single day.

In the split moment Lance spent walking out or into his room, his lights were off so you couldn't see anything.

And in the times they weren't off, the walls had been scrubbed clean, making it seem as though Lance was fine.

Pidge, who consistently looked at the recordings after Hunk pointed out Lance's behavior, noticed a pattern.

Every week, on Monday, Lance would leave the lights on. Every other day, the lights would be off.

Lance was doing a very good yet bad job at keeping whatever he was doing a secret. And Pidge wanted to find it what he was doing.

But Pidge didn't do anything at first, simply watched and waited for something really bad to happen to Lance so that she could go into his room without Lance being able to make an excuse.

This behavior from Pidge caused the rest of the team to pay attention to Lance. If Pidge put her attention on something, the team was sure to find out what.

First, it was Shiro who found other strange behavior. Every Sunday, Lance will skip showering.

Lance will then come out later in the night with wrinkles on his fingers and hands, showing he was washing something.

Shiro was also waiting for something, but he reported his findings to Pidge. It became a thing the team did, reporting things about Lance to Pidge.

Then, it was Hunk. Hunk noticed that Friday's, after training, Lance will disappear and come very late to dinner.

Hunk reported it to Pidge and Pidge took notes, thinking of all the things it could be. What could cause Lance to act this way?

After Hunk, it was Allura. She was passing Lance's room right as he opened his door and she saw what she thought was red, she couldn't be sure.

Next was Coran. He noticed the boy looked more and more fatigued as each week passed. Coran was worried but when he went to ask Lance about it, Lance blew him off.

Everyone on the team noticed something was going on and yet they ignored it, they waited for something.

Keith was the only one who didn't know what was going on. Sure, he had heard everything the team talked about but he was just lost throughout it all.

Keith decided to ask Lance if he knew, after all, Lance was the one they were talking about.

So, Keith, on an early morning Saturday, walked into Lance's room uninvited. Pidge had disabled locks on his door after the team noticed there was something wrong.

But when Keith walked in, his eyes widened. His name was written all over he walls and Lance was sitting in the middle of the room, his hands over his ears and his eyes screwed shut.

Keith stumbled back. He didn't know what he thought was wrong but it certainly wasn't this.

Had Keith done something? Was Lance mad at him? Keith had no clue.

When Keith snapped back to his senses he ran over to Lance and yanked Lance's hands away from his ears.

"Lance, what happened? Are you okay," Keith asked frantically. Lance peered up at him, but instead of explaining the situation, he just stared crying more.

"I- you- I'm not," Lance stammered.

"Take your time, Lance. Breathe," Keith instructed. Lance nodded slightly and started to calm his breathing.

When he calmed down he looked up at Keith and Keith felt his heart shatter when he saw Lance's sad eyes.

"I-I'm not you, Keith," Lance said.

And everything snapped into place.

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