Tailor cause I thread the needle.

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Made by: linipik on instagram

There wasn't much to do on the ship. It was boring once all the scheduled activities were finished.

Of course, most of the others had something else to do. Pidge could search for her parents, Hunk could bake, Keith and Shiro could train, and Allura and Coran could tend to the ship and make battle plans.

But that left Lance with nothing to do. Nothing to do and nowhere to go. In the beginning, Lance would mostly walk around and do mindless tasks.

Lance would think and talk and rant, but mostly to himself as he paced down the same hallway for the 50th time.

But now, Lance was tired of pacing and pacing the same hallway over and over. He wanted something to do, something to keep him busy until he had to sleep.

Lance would go around the first few days, looking for something to do. He would build little contraptions only to break them and build them again.

As much as the others called him an idiot or stupid, Lance was really good at making things. He was good at computers too.

Naturally, when Lance found a box of extra parts, he asked Allura if he could use them. Allura, confused but not worried, allowed him to.

Lance almost jumped for joy. He had something to do! Something fun and exciting and new to do!

Lance took the pieces and put them together in places and formations. Day after day he'd build and build and build.

He managed to find rooms in the castle that would allow him to melt metal and weld it all together.

But the end of a few months, Lance had seven makeshift phones, all with a connection to the castle and a few games and apps on it.

There was an app made called Immediategram, which was similar to-. Well you know what it's similar to.

Lance put the individual phones on the nightstand of the respective paladins they were made for.

Lance managed to sneak back to his room unnoticed. When morning came, all the paladins were on their phones and talking about their phones.

They told of some secret 'fairy'- well they said person but Lance liked the idea of them creating a fairy story better- putting it there for them.

They all enjoyed it and the phone seemed to be a big hit. Lance started making more and more apps.

Lance made his phone the main one, able to put apps into the App Store on the phone. So, Lance made more and more apps in his free time.

Immediategram seemed to be well-liked too. Everyone was posting pictures and chatting and it was great.

Until one day.

Lance was feeling really down for reasons. At breakfast, he was the only one told to get off his phone even when everyone else was on theirs.

At training, Lance was shot in the side and bleeding but when Hunk was barely grazed by the bullet and not hurt, they helped him over Lance.

Lance didn't feel like doing anything. He wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep until his eventual death.

Lance knew he wouldn't be able to do this though. He bandaged his side and stopped the bleeding. There was no bullet that Lance would have to take out, thankfully.

Lance decided that if he was hurt, he shouldn't go to sleep just yet. Something could be wrong and if Lance was asleep, he wouldn't notice.

With this reasoning, Lance went and built a new phone. He had made cases for all the paladins phones and they all had their respected colors.

Lance made a new one. This one had an unmistakable purple case. It was a case originally made for Shiro before Lance just decided to let his be black.

Lance turned on his phone and made an Immediategram account. He signed in.

Username: tailors-unite
Password: *******

What was Lance's first post, you may be asking yourself. Well, it was a completely black screen with the caption: got hurt today. Tomorrow will be better.

Breakfast the next day, no one mentioned it. It wasn't that big a deal anyway. Pidge and Hunk were the only two that knew, and they thought it was just a prank.

When training rolled around, Lance was told to get his head in the game and to stop being so useless. Lance was hurt, but they were right.

That night, the picture of a hallway, dark but seeable. The caption saying: today I was hurt again. Tomorrow will be better.

The next day, a picture of a gloved hand pointing down the dark hallway, some light coming from behind.

The caption: I like someone here. Lets go on an adventure and find out who.

Paladins were talking about it now. They were worried. What if this was some crazy guy? Some crazy stalker that broke into the castle? What if, they asked. What if.

Lance watched it play out. He was hurt everyday and he was glad he didn't have to worry about something for once.

That night, a picture of Shiro during breakfast with the caption 'eenie'. The next night a picture of Pidge staring at her computer, tired out of her mind. The caption saying 'meenie'.

Paladins were talking a lot. Lance joined in as to not seem suspicious. Lance hadn't gotten his phone back and pretended to learn all this "new" information.

That night, a picture of Allura with the caption: stuck in the closet, afraid to come out 'miney'. Then a picture of Hunk with the caption: my best bud 'mo'.

Then nothing for a few days. Everyone was on the edge of their seat wondering who it was. They were being ruled out. All that was left was Coran and Keith and Lance.

But there was nothing. Not for a few days and for a few weeks. Lance was getting weaker and weaker. He was getting more and more tired.

One night, Lance was too tired. He couldn't help it. But he wanted to do something. He wanted to leave his story.

He posted a picture of Keith smiling and laughing next to Lance. Lance looked really happy and, if you looked hard enough, you could tell it was a real smile.


"That's all the caption says?"


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