My family is real. Part Two.

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Lance stormed out, angry. Understandably so.

Allura was also angry. Angry at Lance for storming out and for not telling her and Coran of his Altean blood.

Coran, unlike Allura, was just relieved. He had though they were the only ones left. But, with Lance being Altean, there was a chance of other Altean's out there.

Coran walked over to Allura, who was fuming. She looked about him, opening her mouth to say something before stomping her foot and turning away.

She stormed after Lance, needing an explanation and ready to demand one. Coran soon followed after her, yelling to not make any rash decisions.

After that, there was silence. No one knew what to say. Even the king was left silent.

Keith broke the silence after a solid minute or two, "so, you mean Lance is Altean?"

The king nodded, "I can show you some of his memories, if you'd like."

Keith was about to decline until Shiro spoke up, "yes, we would. I think we deserve an explanation that Lance clearly isn't going to tell us!"

And before anyone else, specifically Keith, could decline, the king's magic spread through the room and the paladins blacked out.

When they could see again, a few second later, it was like watching TV. A little boy, presumably Lance, was standing with white hair and blue marks.

Lance was there, a man in front of him. Allura's father, and the others figured Lance's too. The man was screaming at Lance for a mistake he made.

"I don't want a son as useless as you!" the man screamed. Lance shed a few tears before leaving quietly.

He had hid himself in the ship room, where all the escape pods were located. Someone walked in, his father calling for him.

Lance, angry at his father, closed the escape pod door. Then, his father pressed a few buttons to open it.

The paladins thought he would apologize for being so harsh. All his did was scream at Lance more about how useless and bad Lance was.

Lance closed the pod door again and before his dad could open it, Lance shot himself into outer space. He didn't know where he would land and he didn't care.

Then, the scene changed to Lance's escape pod landing on Earth, in Cuba. There was a scene of Lance being taken into the home of a happy couple with a bunch of kids.

It showed Lance as a teenager, putting makeup on to cover the blue marks. It showed him dying his hair every month to get his brown hair.

It showed a montage like sequence of Lance doing that every day, every month until he was on the ship. He was running out of dye and makeup.

It was clear he was going to have to tell the rest of the paladins eventually. Eventually being soon.

Then, it showed Lance the morning they were going here, to this castle. He was frantically pulling the rest of his makeup out, it being almost completely out.

It showed him using an unusually dark brown color for his hair. It showed him adding highlights to make it seem like his hair was just doing something weird.

When it was done, the paladins stared at the king, trying to process what they had just been told.

Shiro sat down, hands on his head, having a breakdown.

"Lance has been lying to us. He kept his identity from us. How can we trust anything he says at all?!" Shiro yelled out.

He was angry at Lance and at the dishonesty between the paladins. He thought they were a team, trusting each other with everything.

The remaining paladins in the room started arguing, Hunk and Keith saying they could trust Lance, Pidge and Shiro saying otherwise.

Allura and Coran has made it to Lance. Allura was yelling in his face, angry baying imaginable.

Lance was looking down, guilty about keeping this from Allura. Every time he opened his mouth to argue, Allura yelled louder.

Coran was at the end of his wits. He was running out of patience. He was on Lance's side, he thought about why he kept it hidden.

"Allura!" Coran screamed, out of character. "Calm down! Can't you see that it's not his fault?!"

Allura paused, looking at Coran. Coran took her to another room. Lance could hear the screaming from Coran.

Tears fell down Lance's face. Guilt was making his gut twist. Lance wipes his tears when he saw Allura step out of the other room.

"I'm sorry, Lance. I realize it wasn't your fault. You are forgiven too, for keeping this from us."

In the dining room, Keith and Hunk has managed to convince Pidge and Shiro that it wasn't Lance's fault.

When Lance went back into the room, the other two Alteans following him, he was met with apologizes from all the paladins.

And Lance knew, no matter who his family was in the past, Altean or human, his family was here now, with Voltron.

And Lance couldn't be happier.

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