The boy with planets around his head.

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A god.

Lance was always called a god.

He hated the title. It was horrible.

He was made to give people what they want, to bless them with what they believe.

God, gods, or no one. That was who Lance was and always would be. Lance didn't know who he was.

The only thing Lance truly knew was that giving people what they want was his job. He had no real identity, only this job.

But Lance was fine with it. He'd lived with it as a child and continued through the years. His job, he had to do it.

Unfortunately, this job entailed a lot of waiting. He'd done everything, helped everyone. He'd fulfilled every prophecy he was allowed to fulfill.

So Lance sat having nothing to do. Boredom chewed away at his mind. Lance decided to do something about it.

Lance had a little boy be born. Brown hair, short and tall, and, most importantly, beautiful blue eyes.

It was perfect. Lance assumed this boy's form and became him. Lance would live a human life.

He'd find himself through someone else. This body had no real soul. In truth, this boy would be like a zombie without Lance.

So, Lance assumed his form until something came for Lance to do. Lance lived his life like this.

Living in the boys body, only leaving when something came up for him to do. His job came first, as always.

Not that Lance minded. He left in the night, returning in the morning. No one noticed Lance's body's absence.

Lance was happy with it. With this schedule. It helped keep Lance occupied. Lance decided to get normal grades and do normal things.

His favorite things to do were make others laugh, swim in the ocean he lived close to, and he dreamed to go out to space.

That's the life that Lance built for himself. It was a life that Lance enjoyed. Normalcy. Not one called Lance a god, no one called him amazing.

He was normal. Finally normal.

Being sent to space was a dream come true to fake Lance. It was what he dreamed of, what he planned.

It took time to get through everything. School and flying. It was hard to commit to normalcy when Lance also wanted to beat everyone else.

But Lance found a middle ground. He would keep competition, but would remain normal. Normal was hard to maintain in a human body.

Space and magic lions and nice aliens. Lance had created the aliens and given them looks but he never stopped to check on how they evolved.

It was amazing to see. All the different aliens. Some started off blue and became yellow. Some started short and left tall.

It was amazing to see the effects of the environment Lance gave them. Lance couldn't help but flirt with a few of them.

They looked cute after all that adapting, Lance had to admit. So Lance would flirt and get in trouble for flirting.

It was a loop Lance was willing to participate in. Flirting made people laugh, laughing was a good sign in Lance's book.

"Lance, why do you seem so happy this morning," asks Hunk one morning. Today they were landing on a planet with mind reading aliens.

At least, that's how Lance made them. Mind reading and very wise. Lance wanted to see what happened to them after so long.

But when questioned about his happiness, Lance shrugged and grinned.

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