Happy, happy, happy family.

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Made by: Elentori on instagram

Lance's birthday. A day he hated. A day Hunk and Pidge and everyone on the team knew he hated.

Allura, who was new to the whole birthday thing, didn't know why. Being alive should be a thing of celebration, not hatred.

Allura devises a plan. A few plans actually. She wants to know why. She yearns to. Allura can feel it rock her bone and deep into her skin. She wants to know why Lance hates his own birthday so much.

"Hey, Shiro and others. Is Lance here," Allura asks the group, who sat in the kitchen, eating.

Shiro looks around before saying, "no, Lance hasn't come yet."

"Okay, good," Allura states as she slide into her seat. Her Plan A was in motion. She opened her mouth again, "does anyone here know why Lance hates his own birthday?"

Everyone looked around at each other. Allura looks around at them. Allura and the others looked at Hunk. Hunk knew Lance best so Hunk must know.

Hunk shrugged, "sorry guy. I honestly don't know."

The others look a little defeated, Allura notes. They all wanted to know, even if they won't say it out loud. Plan B us in motion.

"Well, anyway, I really must be going. I have business to attend to," Allura says before standing and speed walking out of the room.

Allura ignores the confused faces behind her as she keeps walking. Plan B, ask Lance directly. Allura knew it probably wouldn't work but she wanted to know so, so bad.

Allura gives Lance's room three short knocks. When she hears a muffled, 'come in,' she walks in.

Lance was in his bathroom, doing a face mask. When Lance sees Allura he smiles.

"Well, hello," he says. Allura rolls her eyes and gets to the point.

"I have a question for you, Lance," she says.

"Yeah," he asks back.

"Why do you hate your birthday so much?"

Lance's body turned rigid. Lance looked just about ready to faint. Allura gives him a worried look but Lance doesn't pick up on it.

"Get out, Allura, I need to, uhm... use the restroom! Yeah, I need to pee so I need you to leave," he says, ushering Allura out.

Allura, confused and slightly concerned, goes out to the rest of the group. They don't say anything out of the ordinary and Allura doesn't mention anything about Lance.

Allura, in fact, ignored and avoided Lance for the entirety of a week. When the week ended Alllura put plan C in motion.

Allura stood in front of the rest of the group and slowly told them, "tomorrow we will be going though some of your happiest memories. This machine," Allura held the small machine up. "Will show only your best memories."

"How does it do that," asked Pidge, fascinated.

"Oh, well, this machine finds the memories with the strongest emotions attached to it, and shows them," Allura says back, beaming.

"Don't you think that's an invasion of privacy," asks Keith. Lance was silent, not saying anything. Lance stared down at his food.

Allura ignored the question and said, "well, it'd be a team bonding experience."

"But-," Keith looks around to the others for support but didn't get any. "Ah, whatever."

Allura leaves the room and leave the paladins to do their own thing. Allura went and got the machine hooked up for the next day.

Plan C was going great so far. All Allura had to do was wait for Lance's turn to come and Allura was bound to know. As long as one of his birthdays is one of his strongest memories.

Allura was ready for it. She wanted to know so bad and now she was simply feeding into the hunger.

The next day rolled around and Allura, who was bouncing in her seat, gathered everyone into the large room.

The machine sat against one of the walls. Allure explained how it worked.

The person was to put it on their head and sit down in the chair provided. The machine would then project the memories.

Keith was skeptical at first but as a few of the others went, he eased up. After Keith it would be Lance's turn.

Lance seemed on edge. If you put your hand on his shoulder he'd flinch and move away. Lance, who would normally talk and annoy everyone was silent. He was looking at the ground and simply, not existing.

No one said anything though. They were too involved in their own memories and the others memories.

Keith had finished and Lance was up. As Lance stood up, Hunk sent him an apologetic glance. Lance was confused. He didn't do anything, did he?

Lance shook off the feeling and put the machine on his head. Lance hesitantly at down and closed his eyes.

He watched a few memories fly by, mostly of him with his siblings. Lance remembered when he used to play with Veronica. They'd play dolls and make a fake home for them on the bed.

Lance watched as he played with his little nieces and nephews, Sylvio and Nadia. Nadia had beautiful black hair that went down a little below her shoulders and Lance remembered braiding her hair.

Sylvio was an eccentric kid, he had cars and was very proud of them. He would show them off to Lance and Lance would watch and listen. He would praise the cars and his nephew.

But the memory was gone as fast as it came. And the next memory was of Nadia and Sylvio being taken away from him, they were crying and being gripped a little too tight to be normal.

Lance watched sadly as they walked away. Lance turned around and headed into the house. The next memory appeared and Lance was alone in some place dark.

A light pierced through the dark, giving Lance hope. There, in some sort of doorway, was Veronica. Lance was gently helped up and out of what the others learned was the closet.

The scene changed again and Lance was in front of a park. A large park that looked like a ripped off Busch Gardens. Lance, in the memory, was bouncing with excitement.

Then the memory cut out and changed. Now Lance was in front of his family, his 16th birthday. He blew out the candles and Sylvio and Nadia were bouncing around him, excited.

Then the memory shifted a little. Nadia and Sylvio were scooped up and Lance watched them get dragged away. Lance watched the little kids were dragged out of his sight.

Then a hand went against the table, causing Lance to jump a little. Lance looked up and there stood Lance's dad. He looked pissed.

"What did I say? No birthdays! Never," he yelled in their faces. Lance's mom sat next to Lance and the pair watched as Lance's dad went around and tore everything birthday related down.

Lance was facing the doorway the kids were taken when he heard a sickening snap! Lance turned around immediately and saw that his mom had been slapped.

Lance stood and went in between his mom and dad, yelling, "no, you can't do that!"

Lance's dad laughed a sickening laugh before turning to leave, "no more birthdays, got it?"

Lance felt a wave of sadness flow through him as he turned to his mom. Then the memory cut out.

Before another memory could appear, Lance ripped the machine off his head and ran out of he room.

The words echoed in everyone's heads, no more birthdays. And everyone understood.

Allura got what she wanted. But at what cost?

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