But its tradition. Part One.

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Lance always had a Halloween tradition. No one else on the team did so Lance was determined to make this Halloween all about his traditions.

Not in a rude way though, just in a way that would make everyone else happy. Lance wanted to celebrate Halloween with the group. He wanted this Halloween to be special to everyone.

Nobody else seemed to notice what day was approaching so Lance got right on making this Halloween perfect. He pulled all-nighters making dolls of animals and the people on the ship. He pushed himself to the limit every time he even thought about Halloween.

He even went as far as to buy candy and boo people. He would fill a bowl with candy, then ding dong ditch them with the candy in front of the door. Lance loved watching as his teammates ate candy from different planets.

Lance had eventually hit gold and managed to get candy from Earth. He was ecstatic to say the least. Lance was bouncing off the walls with happiness.

Lance's teammates noticed but they didn't ask anything. They didn't say anything to Lance. Until one day during training, three days before Halloween, Lance had gotten a bit too excited and accidentally missed a bot, causing Hunk to get hurt.

Not badly, though everyone on the team seemed to think Lance had caused a major crime. Hunk had gotten a gash on his stomach and was bleeding a bit, he went into the healing pod for good measure and everything.

Hunk had quickly forgiven Lance for it. No one else did. Keith, on this day, had been particularly annoyed with Lance.

"Lance, you need to get your head in the game! We have no time to waste, we are in a war!"

Lance understood where Keith had been coming from and didn't take his message to heart. Until Lance had tripped and fell, breaking a small photo of his family. Lance was heart broken. Keith was angry.

"Lance! You don't have time to cry! They probably think that you're dead anyway so what's the point!"

Lance looked up at Keith, smiling a sad, sad smile. What even was the point? Why did Lance carry on with everything? He should just get his head in the game.

That night Lance ripped up Keith's doll. He felt guilty afterwards and made it again, using up the last of his red colors strings.

He hoped Keith would like it.

The next day, two days till Halloween, Allura was having none of Lance. Allura got mad at Lance after he spilled some makeshift food in the kitchen.

Allura screamed at him, "Lance! What the quiznak is wrong with you? Why can you never do anything right?"

Allura proceeded to ignore Lance for the rest of the day. Lance had guilt eating him up inside. That night he booed Allura, in hopes it would raise her mood the next day.

He hoped Allura would like it.

The day after that, one days till Halloween, was spent as a quiet day. Lance was being ignored by Allura and Keith. Lance didn't mind to much anymore, deciding ultimately to ignore them as well.

Lance had other people he could talk to. First he went to Hunk. But Hunk was busy cooking and just kept brushing Lance off. Lance felt sad that even his best friend didn't want to talk to him but he pushed the feeling down.

Lance went to Coran next, smiling at the man. Coran simply told Lance that he was very busy and didn't have time for anything else, especially not games. Lance decided against taking it to heart.

Then there was Pidge, who also ignored Lance. Lance felt a pang in his chest. He was sad. Pidge spoke to him once, asking him if he knew who had been leaving candy at their doors. Lance shook his head, lying to Pidge.

Lance headed to Shiro next, but seeing as Shiro was training with Keith and they both looked pissed off, Lance just took his leave. After a hour of doing absolutely nothing, there was a meeting called.

Lance went down to the kitchen, noticing how everyone was already there. Everyone was staring at him, some glaring other just looked mildly unhappy. Lance shrunk back. What'd he do?

"Lance, we know you're the one who's been leaving the candy bowls in front of our doors," Allura gave Lance a sharp glare. If looks could kill, Lance would be dead where he stood.

He nodded meekly. Allura shook her head a little, disappointed. It was then Shiro's turn.

"Lance, this is very immature of you. I understand that you always try to lift our spirits but this has gone too far."

Lance felt a sharp pain in his chest. He didn't think it was that bad. Why was this being taken so seriously? Lance didn't know.

Keith was fuming. Lance didn't know why.

"Lance, why have you been leaving candy at our doors?! It is distracting and immature! You should know better, idiot!"

Lance felt another pain. Pidge told the tall boy off as well. Coran just shook his head at Lance, leaving Lance close to tears. Hunk whispered to Lance as he left the room, "why, Lance? Don't do dumb things."

Lance felt his heart shatter in his chest. He didn't know why he felt so... so sad. He felt broken. He left like he was going to crumble in on himself.

Lance ran off to his room, crying and heaving trying to breath. No one heard anything from Lance's room that night. But Lance heard everything.

He heard voices telling him that he was useless. He heard them say that the team didn't need him, that they wouldn't have taken him in if it wasn't for the blue lion. That Lance didn't deserve everything he got.

Lance tore up all the dolls that night. He felt a home in his chest. He felt his emotions slipping from himself. In trying to get him emotions back, Lance opened up the bag of Earth candy and dumped it all over the floor.

He remembered his family when he looked at the scattered candy. Some were in stack and he was reminded of when they would dump it their candy and trade. He remembered the dolls, making them with his mama was always a fun experience.

Lance felt tears running down his cheeks. Lance didn't know what to do. He just sat on the floor and sobbed. No one heard anything from Lance's room that night.

But if they had listened they would've heard the mans heart shattering, his emotions leaving, and his grip on humanity fading.

That morning, Lance wasn't himself. He showed no emotion, he made no move to do anything more than what he was told. Lance couldn't bring himself to.

His traditions were ruined, and Lance went with them.

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