But it's tradition. Part Two.

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And Lance wasn't himself a day after that. Not even a week after that did Lance finally become himself again.

"Christmas," Lance whispered to himself. "My handle of redemption."

Lance knew he had failed last time, he knew. And though he felt nothing, he wanted everyone else to feel something. Some sort of happiness.

And for that, Lance was willing to try again. He was willing to go out and celebrate Christmas. He was willing to try and toss his hat into the ring, show to the others that they could celebrate Christmas.

But it turned out harder than Lance thought. All he wanted to do was train, be useful to the team. And no matter how many times he tried to convince himself to make Christmas lights, to find a tree, he couldn't. And it broke him.

Lance went to training. All he ever did was train. The dolls and the candy was still in his room, still scattered on the floor. And every time Lance looked at it, his body burned for more training.

His eyes sting at the thought of anything else. He wanted to celebrate Christmas, he really did. But... he couldn't. He couldn't find happiness in it anymore.

He couldn't find happiness in anything anymore. Maybe he never would. Not after that Halloween.

One morning, this morning, Lance promised to himself. He would make the lights. He would find the tree. He would make the others happy, with whatever feeling he could conjure up.

Lance skipped breakfast. The others wouldn't notice, it wasn't like Lance said anything to them anyway. Not anymore.

Instead, Lance sat in his room, on the floor. He was weaving strings and wires and delicately forging Christmas lights.

When he was done, it was time for dinner. Lance's stomach growled and Lance cursed himself for not eating. Though empty pain flowed through his stomach, a burning hunger, Lance couldn't care.

He promised himself he would find a tree. He's got the lights, but no tree to hang them on. No tree.

After dinner, the paladins would go to their rooms. When they did, Lance snuck out. He went into a room that showed all different kinds of planets and many different facts about said planets.

A small planet, named Curiv, came into Lance's search. A small planet, no doubt, but a cold one. One with trees that resembled pine trees. They'd be perfect for a Christmas tree.

When Lance checked the time, he saw that it was morning. Breakfast time. When Lance's stomach started to beg for food, Lance decided against it.

If Lance went to get food, the paladins might notice. Though Lance severely doubted they would, he didn't go to breakfast.

He went over to his hanger instead, and flew Blue all the way to Curiv. He flew Blue there and back, the only difference was when he got back he had a really good Christmas tree with him.

It had been a day trip to Curbiv, and a days trip back. Lance hasn't eaten in three days. Lance was hungry, but his thirst for redemption was satisfying all his needs now.

Lance stalked the halls, carrying the tree. He only stopped when he was in his rooms, stepping over candy frown around and fairy lights hanging everywhere.

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