Chapter 1

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2 hours before

[Yaz's POV]

"Are you seeing eachother?"

That was one of the hardest questions I've had to answer. And it had to come from my mother of all people. Why did she have to ask that one thing. The one thing that's been going on my mind since I first met the doctor. I know technically that was only this morning but you know when you meet someone and instantly it just...clicks. She was funny and smart and beautiful. It was hard not to be attracted. She was the most amazing thing to happen to me. I know she didn't belong to me but sometimes I wish she was. Just me her and the tardis, running and never looking back, a new world everyday. She has offered the universe to us. What could I possibly give back to her? So I stood here in blind panic at the question. I scoff and look at the doctor nervously. She just seemed confused. She looked at me with that cute lost puppy face.

"I don't know? Are we?" She looked back at me puzzled. Oh Doctor. I wish I could just say yes but that felt wrong, she didn't seem to understand what that meant.

"No we're just friends" I inputted but it did not sound as strong and certain as I wanted it to. I looked to my mum who was already looking at me. She saw right through me, I knew it. She could see between my lies. But right now wasn't the time. Right now we had spiders to sort out.

1 hour before

Graham and Ryan had gone to their home and Doc she had gone back to her Tardis I guess. I sat in my room alone just thinking over my short adventures I had already gone through. It was dangerous and scary but it was thrilling, I loved it . And I didn't want to leave the Doctor. I couldn't get her out of my head, her smile, her voice. It echoed on my mind. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice my mother walk in the room.

"You like her don't you?" My whole body jolted and I looked up at my mum who was staring down at me with a knowing smile and crossing her arms.

" who?"I stuttered nervously and looked down at my hands again. I had seen monsters and a death world yet admitting how I felt was the scariest thing of all.

"The Doctor?" She said as she took a seat beside me on my bed. I didn't look at her, I just looked down at my lap.

"I..." I stopped myself and I knew there was no point lying to her. Mothers knew everything "it doesn't matter, she's going to go off now and she could never like me" I sighed in defeat and leant my head on my mums shoulder.

"Oh will you ever know if you don't try...when I met your father I didn't know how it would end, I was scared, confused...but I tried and here we are now. You have to chase your dreams, don't let them escape you because you were too stubborn to try" damn my mother and her wisdom. Mothers really did know best. I turned to face her and gave her a small smile.

"But..." her finger went to my lips and she shook her head.

"Yaz, go get your girl" her soft smile showing in her lips. I pounced forward and pulled my mum into a tight hug .

"Thank you" I whispered into her ear then let go. So I ran and I ran. I didn't realise how much I'd be running in the future but for now I had one goal. To get to the tardis. It seemed Ryan and Graham had the same idea, although I don't think they had all the same reasons.

When I saw her again, my heart fluttered. Out of the three of us, she looked at me first, our eyes locking for a moment. A small smile formed on her lips. Maybe this would be the start of something amazing after all.


I let my feet take me around the Tardis, it seemed to go on forever. There was so much to see, however I did not want to get lost in this endless maze so I wasn't letting myself go too far. There's lots of strange and wonderful things around here. I hope there's bedrooms somewhere, I do not fancy sleeping on the floor of the Tardis. I was about to continue down the corridor when something caught my eye. I stopped and turned my head to look into a room.

"What's the Tardis, of course there's a swimming pool in a library" I rolled my eyes shaking my head and walked on inside. The room was huge, I'm pretty sure she had every book in the world in this room. There are endless shelves of dusty crumbling books and some-children's books? I wonder if the doctor ever had a child? In fact did the doctor ever have a partner? Surely after years of travelling she must of. I didn't really want to think about it. I stepped towards the pools edge and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and just stared into the water. Those thoughts came back to me again, about the doctor. They seem to come to me more often now. I closed my eyes and dropped my head, 'chase your dreams' I replayed my mums words over and over in my head trying to keep that glimmer of hope in me.

"You ok Yaz?" I spun quickly, my whole body jolting. I hadn't even heard her come in. As I turned I started to lose my balance and fall backwards towards the water but an arm slipped around my waist and caught me just in time. I let out a little gasp and looked up at my saviour. I could recognise that goofy smile anywhere. It faltered slightly as she just looked down at me "Are you Ok? I didn't mean to scare you" the Doctor was holding my half fallen body in her arm with ease and she leant over to look down at me. Damn she was beautiful from this angle.

"Y..yeah" I nodded still in slight shock from the event. "Sorry I was daydreaming" I chuckled softly.

"Ooh what about? I love day dreaming! Good fun it is apart from when you're in a really important meeting with Winston Churchill!" She looked very thoughtful for a moment as if she was replaying the memory in her head.

"You know Winston Churchill?" I was in complete shock. Had the doctor met every well known person in history? Which reminded me I really gotta ask her to get me into a Elvis concert at some point.

"Of course! Tea and biscuits with Churchill is the best" she chuckled with a proud look on her face. We were quiet again for a moment and we just looked at each-other, as if we both wanted to speak but was too afraid if we did we would take over the other.

"Doctor.." I said quietly, I couldn't trust my own voice. I had no idea what I might accidentally say if I let myself talk freely.

"Yes Yaz?" She answered quietly and kept her eyes on me the whole time. In fact she hadn't not looked at me once.

"I'm still half fallen" I laughed nervously and the realisation hit her like that. She quickly pulled me up but she was too fast and I went straight into her chest . Luckily she stood firm but I was shaken up. I was as close as I could get at this moment in time.

"There all sor-" before she could finish the Tardis rocked hard and sent us flying. Something had gone wrong, the Tardis sounded hurt as she wheezed frantically , throwing us about. But what the hell was going on?

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now