Chapter 21

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Yaz's POV-

Christmas was already perfect to me. There was one wish I had. To have the Doctor love me back. Yes we may not be dating and yes I do want that. But I never even thought I would get this far. The whole horrific trip had a good ending. I'm glad about that. Now there was just me and the Doctor and the Christmas feel around us.

We walked down the street side by side, slowly making our way to the centre so I could start christmas shopping and getting the last few bits. We were in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was rather peaceful. The hardest bit for me was the fact that our hands were inches apart and I didn't know if I could take hers. Its stupid I know, I've kissed her but I'm too afraid to hold her hand.i risked a glance over to her face and my heart clenched when I saw she had already been looking at me. Both out eyes darted to the front again, the heat making its way to my cold cheeks.

"Do they have Christmas on Galifray?" I asked curiously, remembering the name of the planet from the Doctor talking about it before.

"Remember Christmas was created from religion, your religion. Christianity, the birth of jesus christ. Its just cause it spread and changed what it celebrated, you forget it isn't just about hanging out with family and giving presents. It was about the birth of their savior. The Time Lords don't have Christianity "

I nodded a little, rather embarrassed at my stupid question. Of course she was from a different planet and not all planets have the same thing. I also so often forget where christmas originated.

" Do you believe in gods and demons? " these were questions I had never asked before because I never had the chance.

"Yaz I've seen alot of strange and wonderful things in my life...i don't believe in gods but once I met a beast... Thousands of meters under the crust of a planet a devil waited for me, existing before the start of time. The mystery of life are confusing and we can't ever grasp it all. See I may not believe in it but if you have enough people believing in it all, it's real. It's there. "

The Doctor had her usual face on which she wore when she got into conversations. The small scrunch of the nose and glisten of her eyes. I always found it so adorable.

I noticed her body tremble slightly as a wisp of wind hit her neck. I was wearing pretty warm clothes so my body kept warm but she just had her baggy coat.

"Doc are you cold?" i asked although I knew the answer.

"No I'm.. I'm fine" even as she answered her body shivered again from another cold gust. My arm slipped around her, my hand rubbing her arm gently to try and warm her up. We were finally getting to the shops and an idea clicked.

"Hold on Doc, wait right here" I wagged my finger at her before darting into a store.

I returned to the blonde with a small bag hanging from my arm.

"What did you get?" her curious eyes tried tk peer over the bag top.

"Close your eyes" i commanded causing her to furrow her brows.

"You aren't just gonna suddenly run away are you?" she asked with a. Genuine worry.

"Of course not! Just close your eyes"

After what seemed to be a few moment of thinking it over, she followed what I asked her to do. I pulled it out the bag and moved it around the back of her neck.


Her eyes fluttered open and down to look at the rainbow scarf that hung over the beck of her neck,The ends held by me. Her eyes widened, thankfully with glee as she saw the scarf.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now