Chapter 29

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Yaz's Pov-

"Morning beautiful" those were the first two words I wake up to in the morning. My eyes were a little open and my body clung to the doctors side whilst we laid in our large double bed.

"Morning Mrs Khan" I giggled and placed a kiss on her cheek lightly. I was still getting used to the fact that we were married now, the Doctors proposal was beautiful and the wedding even more so. She turned to face me and slid her body ontop, eyes down on me.

"you look so cute in the mornings" she stated and leant to kiss me on the lips but her nose scrunched up "morning breath" and instead she kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"Oi you!" my hands slipped over the Doctors almost bare body, underwear being the only thing remaining on her. "You better watch your mouth missy or I'm gonna leave you and take your custard creams" i warned making her jaw drop

"Not the worst marriage ending I've ever had. Was threatened to be executed by one old wife... Oh well" she grinned and placed a gentle kiss on my lips and her hands roamed my showing skin "You know.
We still have to to-" her smirk grew but then suddenly stopped as a loud thud caught our attention .

"Mommy! Mommy!" the excitible scream of a child grew closer to us and a body flopped its weight onto us.

"Hey trouble! What did we say about knocking before entering mommys room" i say with a playfull tone but still keeping a bright smile on my face.

"Sorry mommy!" His cheeky grin formed and he knocked on the wall beside the bed "Mommy's I'm coming into the room be warned!" I rolled my eyes a little and wrapped my arms around him and held him close

"What brings you in so early?"i ask curiously

"Mummy promised to take me to see the dinosaurs in the TARDIS today!" He beamed and my eyes went to the Doctor and my brow raised slightly, she gave an apologetic smile but I nodded a little.

"Alright well you better go get some food in your belly then and start getting ready!" He jumped off the bed and I listened as his little feet patted away. Our son was the cutest thing on earth. No one could beat that. I felt lips on my neck and my eyes closed slowly "You drive me crazy sometimes.." I shake my head chuckling and turning to her.

"But you love it. And I love you" she replied softly and pressed a final kiss on my lips.

"I love you too"

This is how it should be.

But instead here we are surrounding the Doctors limp body, screams escaping my lips and tears falling from my eyes as they tried to drag me away.

"No she can wake up!" I pulled away from Jacks grip and leant over the Doctor looking at her gentle face.

"Yaz..." River sighed "She got shot in her regeneration , this means the regeneration stopped before it was fully finished. She has changing particles burning up inside of her because that regeneration wasn't given time to escape. When the Doctor is close to death her body will start to change. Her whole gene characteristics get rewritten. For that process to happen everything inside her needs to..burn? It's like they need the energy for the particles to move around faster and make the reaction inside her start. Only they need to be let out and to be able to finish their work. She was interrupted so she is...burning up from the inside. Her body is breaking itself down and the only way to stop it is to find a way to draw them out. We can't do that. So I'm sorry Yaz but..she's gone"

The words floated around my mind. Change? She was going to change? I don't want a new Doctor, I want my Doctor. And I want her alive with me so we can live together and be happy. "I have to be able to save her" my fingers brushed a few strands of blonde hair out of her face.

"You can't.." River mumbled quietly, I could hear the walls inside of her breaking down.

My eyes stayed on the Doctor the whole time "Come back to me Doctor, I love you" I whispered and leant over to press a farewell kiss on her lips.

But something strange happened, something I wasn't expecting. That yellow glow again. The one I saw the doctor let off earlier. It was flickering a little at her hands and then...I felt a heat between our lips and I pulled back slowly. But then light followed. I felt it become a part of me. More of this yellow light was drawn my way and entered me, I could feel it clicking with my DNA.

"Oh my god.." I heard River gasp a little and cane crouching at my side "You did did you even do that" I looked at her and I saw my eyes in the reflection of hers. They glowed from a moment then it passed away.

"What..what happened" I furrowed my brows a little.

"You drew it out Yaz, some how you drew out the last of her regeneration took it. It's a part of you now" she spoke and a small smile formed on her lips.

"What does that mean?" I ask all these words and meaning flying over my head.

"immortality Sweetie. You have the power to regenerate. You have the power of a time lord" my eyes widened. Immortality?!

"So I'm like..the Doctor" I stumbled on my words and River nodded. Suddenly she moved her hand to the right side of my chest.

"almost. No two hearts. Just the regeneration"

"How exactly am I going to explain that to my-"

"Yaz..." her voice came weak and scratchy but it was still hers. My love. My..


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