Chapter 14

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A.n I'm getting extremely upset by the talk of jodie leaving. Its not her. She's amazing. It's the shitty writing. Kerblam and Rosa were amzazing tho. Ugh. Idk. I can't right now. Doctor who is dying. It's like the BBC aren't given trying anymore. Aren't doing full seasons either.

Anyway. On happier notes. Thasmin.

Yaz's POV-

"it's alright come on Doc let's sit you on the side of the bath OK and I'm gonna grab you some fresh comfy clothes" I spoke in the kindest voice I could. I couldn't help but comfort her the best I can. I head out the bathroom and popped my head around the kitchen door
"You getting all the bits. It's her first ever period, she thought she was dying. I'm just getting her clean clothes" i sigh slightly, poor doctor.

"what do you mean it's her first period? She's what- late 20's..30's" my mum looked at me slightly confused as she grabbed some bits.

"Oh right yeah forgot to mention she changes faces when she's about to die and regenerates"

"Wait what?!"

"she's also like decades old, hundreds.. Thousands.. Not quite sure"

"Wait Yaz you gotta- Yaz!" but I made a run for it. I did not need to have that conversation with her anymore. I went to my bedroom and grabbed leggings and a baggy jumper. I went back to the bathroom. The doctor looked very sorry for herself, her pout growing increasingly big.

" you need a sanitary pack" i scurried through the cupboards and grabbed a pack then threw them to the doctor "it shows you how to put them on your underwear. Tell me when you're done" i gave her a little smile and she gives a faint smile back.

"Thanks Yaz" I left the room and shut the door behind me. I heard rustling and groaning from in the room but eventually the doctor came out in my leggings and police academy hoodie and I had to admit she was adorable. It was large on her and she just looked so cute. She furrowed her brows together as she caught me staring.

"Don't laugh I know I'm small" she huffed and dropped her head slightly.

"no no you're cute" I countered and then went silent. I just called the doctor cute to her gave didn't I. Ah crap. Er head tucked away but I swear I saw a crimson blush creep up to her cheeks.

"I will head back to the Tardis to get out of your way.." she speaks with slight speed but my hand grasps hers in sudden reaction to this.

"No! No you shouldn't be alone whilst on your period, sleep in my bed tonight." i offered her. This was slightly selfish and generally worried for the doctor.

"Wjere will you sleep?" she asked slightly worried but there was a glint of something. A hope?

"On the couch, it's pretty comfy" I shrugged slightly and I gave her hand a squeeze. "now come on" I lead her on to my bedroom, heart slightly racing. I wasn't going to be with her but the thought of it made me want to shiver. When we were inside I lead her to the the bed, it was large enough for two, not that I ever really shared it with anyone. A flicker of an image slipped into my mind. The thought of the Doctors hand slipping around my waist... Pulling me in.. Her lips attacking mine. Stop it! I couldn't think like that. She slipped into the bed and under the duvet.

"Do you wanna watch a film, take your mind off of it?" I asked and she nodded a little.

"what sort do you want" her head turned to me and she thought for a moment.

"Disney" she finally answered and I just sighed to myself and chuckled slightly. Of course.

"sure sweetie, whatever you want" I head out of the room to go find the film.


The Doctor was... How could I even start to answer that. She was something different. No not just cause she was an alien with a time travelling spaceship but because you could see that the Doctor was the world in a different way. And my she was kind, when we cooked together she just would offer to help with everything, get any ingredients, always on her feet. She is perfect. She has alot of  things about her I don't know but that's to learn.

The most important thing is that she cares for Yaz. And she does. I see the way her eyes fall on Yaz, as if she's constantly alert for something to happen to Yaz. I know Yaz likes her, loves her even, Ive never seen Yaz be like this with anyone else. And she has picked well. The Doctor is... Well I guess I would've met someone like the Doctor when I was younger. Yes I do love my husband. I know the Doctor loves her back. Yaz is to stubborn to see it and the Doctor is too afraid to accept it. I wonder if she had a bad past relationship so she's now scared.

I put everything on a tray and walk out the kitchen to Yaz's bedroom. The Doctor sat upright under the duvet covers. She looked like a sad puppy.

"Here you are sweetheart" I said as I came around to her side. She looked up at me her lips curling into a slight smile.
"We have a hot water bottle" i took it off the tray and handed it to her, she instantly put it on her stomach and her body relaxed slightly. "I don't know if pills work for you but some paractemol and water" i put it on the side but she threw the pills in her mouths and guzzled down some water. "And finally hot chocolate with whipped cream and extra mini marshmallows because a hot drink and chocolate will be a great cure" i chuckled and put it to the side. Her eyes widened and she quickly took a mini marshmallow off the top and ate it.

"Najia you are the best!" she was almost bounding in the spot she sat, holding her hot water bottle closer to her stomach.

"Awe thank you sweetheart, you need anything else just give me a shout" I leant over and placed a kiss on her forehead "Rest well"

Her face scrunched up with a smile. Whoever had her as a daughter was a lucky mother.

Yaz's POV-

I came back in with the film and the Doctor had now been supplied with period remedy. She was focused on her hot chocolate at hand, trying to lick off the whipped cream and proceeding to get some on her nose. I giggled which made her notice my presence and her cheeks went red.

"adorable" the word was spoken under my breath. I walked over to my TV and put 'finding nemo' in.

"ooh I love this one" she beamed as she now tontonued to sip her drink. I walked back and slipped onto the bed. The doctor lifted the duvet so I could get in. I slowly shuffled closer and closer to her throughout the film. By halfway through I was half sitting/laying beside her. She took a few galxnes at me then fidgeted slightly and laid her head on my shoulder. My heart was pounding. I hope she couldn't hear. Her arm slipped over my stomach too and now I'm sure I was going to have a heart attack. It didn't take long till I heard soft snores come from the woman beside me. I looked at her and noticed she was fast asleep. I wanted to keep this moment forever. I closed my own eyes and relaxed a little. It wasn't long till sleep consumed me too.


I wanted to go check on the Doctor to see if she needed anything more. I head to Yaz's room and slowly pushed the door open. The sight before me made my heart ache. They were so sweet. They had both fallen asleep in ecahothers arms. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of them. Yaz could thank me later. I turned my head and switched off the light before silently exiting the room.

"So oblivious.." i shook my head chuckling as i walked off

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now