Chapter 13

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A.n what monsters do you guys want.

You want some oldies? Something you have made up? Maybe a situation rather than a monster? Throw your thoughts at my face

Also sorry for slow update. Not feeling too great. Heh

Yaz's POV-

Sheffield has been my home for all my life. The apartment I'm in with my mother, its been my home since my childhood. Each corner of the apartment carries a memory with it. Some good, some bad. I can remember looking out the window eagerly waiting for my grandmother to come as I knew she would always have interesting stories to tell and would give me all the attention (I was always her favourite). I see the table and I am reminded of all the Christmas dinners we have had as a family, My family work alot but on that one day we are all together and I always loved it. The bedroom me and my sister shared for ages, that was a nightmare and a blessing. Me and my sister had a strange relationship, sometimes we cared for each other dearly, others we want each other to burn in hell. But that was my home, I loved it there, I still do.

But now I have a second home and that's the Tardis. The beautiful machine that took us wherever we wanted to go. The doctors home. Entering the incredible machine again made my heart thud like crazy. I had hardly been away for long but I missed her so much. She meant the world to me. What would I do if I didn't have the Tardis and the Doctor? The Doctor gave me opportunitys I have never had before, she gives me the confidence and believes in me even when people turn against me.

"Ready to go back in for dinner?" the Doctor beamed her usual childish grin but just the corner of her lips showed a tremble of nerves.

"Not really no" i laughed quietly and skipped over to her "why are you nervous? You've met my mum before" I shrugged slightly but didn't judge her one bit.

"Yes but what if she doesn't like me? Now she's seen my Tardis as well, what if she deems me unworhty and keeps you away from me!" the Doctor rambled, I guessed she had been bottling up the fears for awhile.

"Doctor she likes you, trust me and yeah she may be startled but once you explain everything she will understand" I promised her which seemed to calm her down slightly. But her finger still tapped the console in a light rhythmic beat of 4 over and over.

"I'm not sure..." she trailed off and continued her tapping. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand firmly.

"Doctor, she will love you alright? Why are you so worried about her liking you anyway? It's just my mum" I asked curiously but she didn't reply to that. Very odd.

"Let's just get going, we don't want to be late" that bright smile came through again and she ran to the Tardis door and swung it open "Right place right time we are good!" she called back to me who was walking up behind her. We both stepped out of the Tardis and I slipped my hand into hers for comfort.

"Let's go"

After getting back to the apartment I closed the front door behind us and clicked it shut.

"Sweetheart I could use a hand in here!" my mother called out from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes slightly.

"I will come help!" the doctor called back cheerfully. She slipped off her coat and laid it over the back of the sofa and darted off into the kitchen. I was going to follow but a knock at the door stopped me. I reached out to the handle and pulled it back open again. I was surprised to see Ryan behind the door standing with a small smile on his lips.

"Ryan? What brings you to my humble abode?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"Well Yaz, I actually came to ask if you maybe wanted to go out for dinner with me tonight?"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now