Chapter 16

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I can't believe this book is over 7k now. I'm really pleased as tbh I didn't think this book would kick off and the views have decreased eek. But thanks for everyone who takes time to read this silly lil thang. :) love you all

Doctors POV-

Whilst Yaz's Mum finished off a few things before our trip in the Tardis, me and Yaz were in her room sat on the edge of the bed. We had chatted for awhile but I slowly felt the creep of silence growing between us. I still remembered vividly what happened, or almost happened yesterday before we ate. That tingling sensation I felt when we were close together. I tried to forget the sensation I felt from the almost moment but I couldn't stop it.
Finally the silence hit and I stood there hands on knees, fingers fiddling with each other in what I could presume was a nervous movement I now do.

"I never said thank you.." I was shocked at first trying to work out wjo spoke but eventually the voice became recognisable, it was me.

"For what?" Yaz looked at me and I felt the air catch in the back of my throat causing me the cough suddenly. Damn that soft brown skin and those dark chocolate eyes than I could just melt into. Once I composed myself, flicking the few strands of hair that fell over my face, I looked at her again with a small smile.

"Helping me with my first period, I don't think I would've survived without you, I would be dead on the bathroom floor" I admitted and that was really how it felt. How do women get around like that? How do they do things in life? As a man it was so easy and now for one week a month apparently I have to be stabbed in the womb repeatedly. Poor women.

"I don't think you would've died but you're welcome, I know how much it sucks the first time and sad to say it doesn't get much better later on but atleast you are more prepared next time" she chuckled a little and nudged me playfully with her elbow.

"I owe you one.." my voice trailed off slightly and I felt my eyes wanting to hover a little lower than her eyes.

"you have saved me so many more.. I'm the one who owes you" her words seemed to roll off her tongue and into the heated air that seemed to grow between us. My hand slowly moved towards her, it gently brushed her pinkey and I felt the spark fly through me.

"Yaz.. I-"

"Yaz! YAZ!" the shouting came from outside the room and my hand darted back. Sonya swung the door open and stormed in a book in hand.

"Sonya when did you forget to knock!?" Yaz shouted in a agrivated tone, I just say there awkwardly.

"It's fine, we all know you're screwigg the Doctor, anyways-"  Yaz cut her off with words that came from a wide open mouth.

"We are not screwing!" Yaz protested, again me just sat there quite blank to the situation.

"Sure whatever you say sis, the important thing is, why the hell are you in my History book?" Sonya asked as she started to flick through the pages. This did catch my attention, my head popping up slightly. She stopped on a page and held it out to us "Look, a picture of Rosa Parks getting arrested, you, the doctor, Graham and Ryan are all there" she pointed at the picture accusingly. Yaz took the book from her and looked at the picture, I peeked over aswell.

"So thats how I look? Huh, I'm quite cute" I grin slightly at the picture.

"Yeah you are" Sonya gives me a quick wink and I become slightly redder. "But how can you guys be there, that was years ago"

Yaz looked at me and I could read from her eyes what she was thinking. I gave her a small nod of confirmation and Yaz looked back to Sonya.

"The best way is to show you.."

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now