Thasmin Compeition Results

914 16 0

Oh my lord guys you really killed me with this. Why do I have such talented readers? You genuinely made this so hard for me! Grrr you beautiful clever people. Honestly all of you could've been winners. I just had to slowly narrow it down to the final pinpoint. Till finally.... I picked a winner.

And the winner of the Thasmin Compeition issssssssssssssss...........


With their book- BadLiar// Thasmin

This book made me want to laugh and cry and curl up in a ball. I don't want to spoil it too much for anyone else who shall read it and you all must read it or you disrespect me 😤😤😤😤😂😂 I love the emotion that ran through it and especially nearer the end where we see a different side of the Doctor that wasn't portrayed in season 11 that I do believe should've. The idea was clever and well done. I give you a big big well done for this brilliant short story!

A big well done to-


All your books swept me away and I'm so so proud of each one of you! ❤️

You can find all the entry's here-

Thank you everyone for participating! And I hope to be updating soon x

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now