Chapter 20

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If you have already read 19, I have re wrote the ending to make it better as I was half asleep heh (18/12/18) and id say its worth taking a look xx love you all, get ready for a couple Christmas chaps

Doctors Pov-

I still couldn't believe all of this had happened. I had been hiding these feelings for so long and I thought that she wouldn't feel the same way but I was delusional. Don't get me wrong. I was scared that I'd lose her still. I was still scared that something would happen to her. But I wouldn't let it happen, not this time. Yaz was special and I would damn well make sure she was safe.

"Oh thank god!" she beamed as we got to the console. Her arms laid over the console in what I assumed was an attempt of hugging the Tardis. My eyes rolled and I skipped over to her side.

"Was I not the one who got us out of this mess?" I huffed slightly with a small pout. Her head turned slightly to face me with a clocked brow.

"Awe are you feeling jealous?" she questioned causing me to do another eye roll. She stood up and head infront of me, her fingers slipping under my yellow suspenders, playing around slightly. "You are so adorable you know" she teased and leant in slightly closer.

"Ugh not infront of me" Sonya groaned covering her eyes. "Please just take us home before you start making out"

I turned around and flicked a few switches and pulled the lever.

"What are you doing sweetie, are you staying around since ita so close to Christmas?" Yaz's Mum asked and Yaz looked to me, i gave her a small shrug.

"Only if Doc can stay around."her voice seemed very certain on that.

" Of course the Doctor can, she can stay over for along as she wants but we will have to set some ground rules" Najia pointed her finger at the two of us before heading to the doors with Sonya.

"Yes Miss. Khan" i called out and she squinted her eyes at me.

"Please Doctor, just Najia" she insisted.

"Yes Yaz's mum" I called back. The two left the Tardis and suddenly the realization of us being alone built up.

"So.." Yaz looked down nervously chewing her bottom lip.

"I was thinking maybe we could...get back to... What we were doing earlier" I suggested, this seems to make her eyes light up. Our position resuming from before. This was a very different me, Yaz brought out a side of me I hadn't explored yet. Yes believe me I've had kisses before, but never this  burning inside of me. I just couldn't work out what it is my insides wanted. She looked to the side for a moment then took my hand and pulled me over to the small purple sofa and sat back on it. Her hands pulled and made me lean over her and stumble.

"Finally just me..." i leant a little closer "and you.." my lips hovered over hers. She became impatient and pulled me down so my lips crashed into hers. She was alot more dominant than I thought she would've been. I may or may not quite like it...our eyes close and our lips move in perfect harmony.

"Hey Doc, I didn't know you were-" Ryan's voice cut off and the two girls pulled apart to look at him. His face went through a range of emotions going from anger to hurt to consuion to understanding.

"Ryan.. I'm -" Yaz started but he raised his hand to stop her.

"It is OK Yaz, as long as you two are happy" he gave her a gentle smile and his gaze fell to me now "look after her right?" my nod came quickly and certainly.

Just after that Graham walked on in "Hey doc how have you-oh..." he trailed off looking at the positioning of which me and Yaz were still in.

"you owe me £20 Ryan" Graham grins at him then looks at us two again "Blimey it took you long enough. I thought you would end up going to your graves before one of you got up the confidence to say something" he rolled his eyes. I stood up and helped Yaz to her feet too.

"You bet on us? Really?" Yaz huffed and crossed her arms. Graham put uis hand out to Ryan and Ryan reluctantly placed the money into his hand.

"No Ryan don't you think we should be off? We had some presents to wrap" Graham gave him a side look but he didn't seem to catch on at first.

"what? No we dont. We wrapped them all-" the realisation hit and her dropped his head. "Yes presents! Let's go!" he moved quickly to the doorway. Graham gave one last quick smile before leaving after him.

"Well that was slightly awkward" we both burst into laughter and shook our heads. "I really need to lock the Tardis more often" I sat down on the small purple sofa and Yaz dropped right beside me, her head landing on my shoulder. My whole body tensed but soon relaxed after. How would I get used to this? Me and Yaz confessed our feelings. Are we dating? I don't think so. How often can I kiss her? Too many worrys and thoughts about it. My fingers made their way to her hair and ran through it lightly.

"Doctor would you be able to help me?" she asked with a small cheeky grin reaching her lips and her head tilting to look at me properly.

"Whatever you need. Tell me" my reply was quick and certain.

"Will you go christmas shopping with me?" she asked, well more begged.

"I'm uh not exactly the best at it" I laughed awkwardly but she did the one thing that could break through my defences. Her cute puppy eyes. Damn them eyes.

"Pleaaase, I don't wanna go shopping alone" she huffed. I knew I couldn't say no. Not to her.

"Finnee" I rolled my eyes playfully and she squealed excitedly and hugged me tightly before standing me up and dragging me with her out of the Tardis.

My eyes squinted, adjusting to the winter light. I sniffed the air and took in the scenery.

"its 5pm...Still 20th of December" i nodded in conclusion.

"Atleast you didn't eat dirt this time to work it out" Yaz scoffed and moved her hand to mine, linking our fingers together and giving it a squeeze.

"Hey its for science!" my bottom lip pushed out to emphasise the pout on my face. She just tugged my hand and lead me towards the town.

I was worried at first but this was nice. People were around everywhere, cheering and laughing, the lights sparkles and showed off the area in all its glory, then there was me holding Yaz's hand, together. Nothing to hide. Cards in the table. I could finally relax.

"Come on Doc, let's get started"

//I wanna try and make sure my two next chaps which are Christmasy are done before Christmas 🤔

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now