Chapter 2

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[Yaz POV]

"Doctor!" I called out as I felt my body topple over at the force of the tardis's movements. I felt myself preparing for the impact but a body got i the way and I crashed into that instead which caused me and it to fall down. Not again. Thankfully for me I landed on top but...the doctor had the worst of the impact. I heard a groan leave her lips as her back hit the cold floor. As I landed, I seemed to have perfectly fallen on top of her so our heads were just inches apart. "Doctor oh my god I'm sorry" I looked over the submerged body and she force out a moaned "I'm all good" . I started to analyse our positioning here. I was laid on top of her, my legs half straddling her waist , chest to chest, hands either side of her head and our faces close together. To anyone who didn't know what had happened this may look odd. As if on cue we heard running footsteps cane down the corridor and into the room.

"Doctor what was that- oh..uh" I heard Ryan's voice start to speak up but he trailed off awkwardly . I tried to hide my burning blush that was covering my cheeks. All my brain could think about was 'I wish' but I scolded myself for such thoughts. I tried to move a bit, getting onto my knees and the doctor just sprang up the top half of her body. This didn't make it look any better.

"Why are you getting all weird Ryan? Are you ok? Did you hit your head cause if you faint we need to know so I can catch you!" She asked worried like an oblivious child. Well maybe she was kind of like that. She probably didn't understand how this looked, or how it made me feel.

"No no I two are..." he struggled to get the right words in and I just had s mental face palm. I gave him a slight glare and he backed down "Doctor what happened to the Tardis?" He continued his initial question and she looked around slightly for a moment.

"She took off and she's landed somewhere else" the doctor looked at me for a moment and I just sat there confused and then I quickly sprung up off her. I'm a complete idiot sometimes. I offered her my hand and she took it graciously as she pulled herself up to her feet. "Let's go find out where!" She ran off like an excited puppy out of the library and into the halls.

"So were you two..."

"Shut up Ryan!" I rolled my eyes and walked on ahead out of the room . God he needed to be quiet some times. I head to the main console, Ryan not far behind . Graham and the doctor were there waiting, Graham looked a bit stunned still but the Doctor oh she had a face of glee . I loved seeing that curious excitable look on her face.

"So let me get this straight Doctor, your Tardis flew us through time and space on its own? How does that work? Isn't it just a spaceship, it needs to be controlled" Graham questioned  and the Doctor rose her brow and gently ran her hand over the console.

"Shh sweetie it's ok, he just doesn't understand" was she talking to the Tardis?

"Shall we give you two a moment alone?" Ryan chuckled looking at how the Doctor was acting. I felt myself become flustered and agitated, great , now I was getting jealous of a spaceship.

"We haven't moved through space, we are still on earth...a few years in the future, the Tardis has brought us here for a reason" she  ran around the console and flicked levers and switches as she moved "Doesn't seem like there's any hostiles near by but I'm getting a weird signal" the little crease above her brow started to show which meant she was concentrating in something. It's weird the things you could work out when you focus on someone enough.

"So what do we do now Doctor?" I spoke up and she looked over at me with a big smile.

"Someone's in trouble, it's my job to help them, you coming guys?" She asked and we all nodded. Graham headed to the door first and opened it.

"Oh blimey it's cold!" He shut the door again quickly. "Doc do you have any clothing we could borrow, didn't exactly pack for different climates" he rubbed his hands together and she pointed to a corridor

"Down that corridor and take the first left then the second right" she informed. Graham and Ryan both walked off but I didn't. I doctor was still busy looking at her computer screen on the console. "Don't you want anything?" She asked curiously without looking my way.

"No I will be alright..." I stepped a little closer and I noticed her eyes flicker my way.

"Why do you talk to the Tardis? Is it like when you talk to dogs , you can't converse with them but it's nice to have someone to listen" I questioned and she seemed very quizzical.

"But we can talk to dogs? Don't humans know dog?" I just stared blankly at her and she looked back at me. "Guess it's just me then, they are great to, have so many interesting stories" She perked up a little. "Now for the Tardis..well she's, she's my lady, she's Ben with me for a long long time" the nostalgia filled the air, I could see it, her and the Tardis , flying around the galaxy together. "She's my partner in crime although she gets a bit sassy with me sometimes don't you darling" the Tardis made a whirring sound as if it had muttered at her. The Doctor must of noticed I was still confused , she took my hand in hers and placed my palm on the console.

"What are you doing?" I began but she shhed me. Her hand stayed on top of my hand and she stayed right by my side.

"Listen...every whirring you hear...that's her breath, it's always heavy because she works so hard" she paused for a moment and then continued "feel that thudding under your hand? That's the gentle vibrations of her internal mechanics working, that's her heart beat. Every vibration that reaches your hand...she's a living being, she lives and breaths just like me and you. She thinks for herself and always takes me where I need to go even if I didn't want to" she was lost in her words. She was truly in awe of the ship. I was too. I could feel it, I could feel life radiating from her. I'm sure I felt her purr under my touch.

"I think she likes me" I looked at the doctor and a small giggle escaped my lips. I feel like I have got it s new level with the Doctor. It seems I need the Tardis's approval if I'm gonna stand a chance.

"I couldn't think of a single reason why she wouldn't like you Yaz..." we lock eyes for a moment, hers were so mesmerising.

The moment was broken however by Graham walking in and heading up to us "ready to go!" His elder face moved into a smile . I smiled back but internally I cursed. So close, she was so open for a moment.

"Right gang, lets find out who needs out help!"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now