Chapter 25

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A. N

apologies for late update xx

Doctors POV

The moment left me unhinged. It had been so long since seeing River. This shouldn't be possible. This event can't happen, River is dead in my timeline. But I'm not complaining. Its so good to see her again, I can't think about how many times I've wanted to be able to see her face again.

Now here she is.

She pulled back from the kiss and just smiled down at me for a moment. Shock still in my system. I just got kissed by my wife, infront of my girlfriend. Well this was new.

"River how are you..." i started but my voice just trailed off. She got off me and brushed herself down gently.

"Well darling for me you are still in your bowtie phase so I'm guessing I'm not your River yet.. But that doesn't matter right now, I have more important buisness and I need your help" her voice changed and this caught my attention.

"What has happened, and how we're you going through time and space... Unless you had a.. Vortex manipulator..", my eyes fell to the bit of tech on her wrist.

"Nasty time tech" we both said at the same time.

"I know love but it's all I have" she sighed slightly at the piece of tech I had always despised.

"How did you even get your hands on this tech.. I only remember one person who used this.." when I looked back to Rivers eyes I saw the sadness in her eyes.

"Jack...he gave it to me with a message before he dropped dead infront of me" I tried not to show any pain from this. I hated his methods but he was a friend.

"What was the message?" I asked trying to ignore the thought of losing Jack.

"Go back and save earth, don't let it burn again" my hearts skipped a beat and my fist tightened.

"What does that mean? Nothing has happened to earth I keep a constant eye on it" i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I think he is from the future, this vortex manipulator still has the record of what time he left so maybe we can lock onto the time and place but go a bit earlier and stop whatever happened." River suggested and I nodded a little.

"Unit is shut down, Torchwood obviously couldn't stand alone. So we have to do something"

"Have we just forgotten I'm here and the fact that this is my planet being attacked and I have no say in anything?" my attention moved past River to Yaz who deffinatly had anger in her eyes. River turned to face Yaz and rose her brow slightly.

"Mm I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly" she stuck her hand out and smiled "Professor River Song, Archelogist and the Doctors wife, who might you be?"

I saw the realisation in Yaz's eyes at the name. Obviously she had remembered her from when the TARDIS showed all my previous companions and aquaintences.

"Pc Yasmin Khan, officer and the Doctors girlfriend, pleasure to meet you" she took Rivers hand and shook it but even I could feel the tension between them. This wasn't the best situation but we needed all hands on deck for this situation.

"Girlfriend hmm? Aren't you a little young?" River asked tilting her head and I internally cringed.

"And aren't you getting a little old-"

"Alright so that was introductions but we really need to go save earth from complete destruction" i butted in to stop a complete cat fight. Both of them turned to me with a stern look and walked over to each side of me. River gave over the Vortex manipulator and I plugged it into the TARDIS.

"Alright girl, trace Jack's last position and time" i waited patiently as the screen showed up numbers and letters as the TARDIS searched hrough its databank. Finally it stopped and showed the location and date on the map.

"That's.. Oh god" i mumbled under my breath.

"But that's Sheffield... And that's just a few days after our present day. The world can't end, my family is down there Doc we have to save them and the planet" Yaz looked up to me with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen. Now let's get back to our earth present time and see if we can find out what's going on"

Yaz's POV

Things couldn't be much worse. My world is going to be attacked and I have my girlfriends wife hanging around. The doctor had got the TARDIS to take off and fly back to our present time earth but I just stood there, worried about what might come.

The groan of the TARDIS let us know she had landed.

"Alright sweetie let's go" River called out as she walked out the TARDIS causing my eyes to roll. I felt a soft hand reach my shoulder and give it a quick squeeze.

"Hey Yaz, everythings gonna be ok" the Doctor spoke in her usual calm reasuring voice but I just flinched and shrugged her hand off.

"Let's just go" i huffed and walked past her but my heart clenched a little at the sad look she gave as I walked on by.

I stepped outside to be greeted by the usual Sheffield smell that tingled at my nose. The smell of home. Travelling with the Doctor is amazing but I felt most at home here.

"So how exactly do we work out what's going on here?" The Doctor asked looking around the rather empty streets.

"We could try and scan for some alien life forms but we don't know exactly what we are looking for so I dont know if that would work" River suggested.

"Or we could just ask, or Google? Like normal people do" i spoke in a sharp nippy tone. "I bet if I asked my mum about things going on or Graham they would know, people talk, gossip. It's the best way to find out" i shrugged my shoulders slightly.

"Brilliant, let's get back to your place and see if anyone knows anything" Doctor grinned and came up beside me.

"And you think that would work?" river rose her brow.

"Oh please go ahead with your fancy gadgets, I'd rather you go off and do that. Maybe then you won't go and kiss my girlfriend again" I head on storming off towards my family's apartment.

"She's fiesty, I like her" River grinned at the Doctor.

"Let's just go. We need to stop whatever is happening before it is too late"



So basically I wanna do a thasmin short story contest. The rules are simple enough.

1. Has to be 1000+ words
2. No offensive content in book
3. Has to be in english (soz)
5. Tag me in it so I can read it

I will announce my top short story pick on 1st of February.

The winner will get their book shared with a paragraph about why I loved that one the best, a mention in my book, and a prompt that will be used in my book. (sorry can't offer much more I'm broke OK)

Please comment if you're interested and get writing my lovely thasmin shippers

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