Chapter 23

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This chapter is probs gonna be shrot and is based off that mini vid of clara in the Tardis when the Tardis hides her bedroom.
I have no idea where I'm going with the story, I have a couple bits and pieces but I need your help. Also bit worrying views have gone down by like 200. Heh. Anyway. Please comment what you want in the book.

Yaz's POV-

A loud groan left my lips as I checked all the doors in the vicinity of the corridor.

"Really?!" I shout and storm down the corridor ending up at the empty console room. The others must be asleep as would I be if it weren't for this ship messing around with me.

"All I wanted was to go pee and youove my bedroom?! That's the third time this week!" I huffed my eyes moving over various parts of the TARDIS. I'm sure I heard her groan a sort of scoff at me and maybe a little smug laughter too.

"Oh you think you're so funny don't you" my brows knitted together as I tried to seem fearsome even though I was currently in short pink pj's and fluffy grey slippers.

I had no idea what I had done to upset the TARDIS. She kept doing things to agrivate me or just be a general pain in the ass. There was the moving of my bedroom, shaking when I'm trying to walk carefully with hot tea, turning on the sprinklers when me and Doc kissed in the hallways, throwing me around extra hard making sure I fall in landings. But I didn't get why. Why would she- wait a minute...

"I see what this is.." a small smirk formed on my lips, a chuckle following it. The TARDIS stayed quiet and another smirk played on my lips.

"The Doctor hasn't brought a girl home before has she? You are jealous you have to share her with me now, well sorry but shes my girlfriend now" the TARDIS whires a definate scoff and my brows crinkle slightly. Suddenly pictures start showing up on the screen beside my head of various girls. Now just various. Alot.

"So not the first then.." i was expecting the list to stop but it kept going and going. Bloody hell the Doctor was busy and-

"Hold on look at her legs! How does she even-" i shake my head focusing on the ginger who I recognised a little from when the Doctor saw her after the parralel universe. "And look at her! She's such a short ass and she looks adorable this is unfair" I huffed then another picture showed up "oh proffesor song hmm.." i rolled my eyes and spun the screen away from me. All those beautiful, intelligent women. Could I ever compare? I mumble under my breath a small glare appearing on my face..

"You won't be able to keep this up! I will eventually find my room and you will stop! I will make the Doctor stop you!" I called out and suddenly u noticed another version of me who looks alot tireder walked beside me.

"who are you?" I tilted my head slightly.

"You but from in a week." she mumbled rubbing her eyes. But then there were more. Many many more. They appeared from all different entrances, each one with darker eyes every time..

"what the hell is this?" I look at them all in horror.

"we are the future you, one mumbles, the TARDIS never gives up" oh my god. This cannot be how it all ends.

I heard more footsteps and then a different voice appear.

"oh my god" I looked over at the doctor with her jaw slightly ajar as she watched the many versions of me walk about. "You have no idea what I'm thinking about right now" I roll my eyes and wlak over to her hitting her arm lightly.

"Oi you, you have to help me. The TARDIS has moved my bedroom again and I can't keep sleeping on the floor" i huff, rubbing my eyes slightly. The Doctor took my hand gently and pressed her lips onto my cheek.

"Well I guess you will have to come sleep with me at night then won't you?" she smirked slightly and oh my I swear i could feel the heat radiate from the TARDIS. She let go of my hand and slipped her arm around my waist and walked me to an entrance. I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at the TARDIS console.

The Doctors bedroom was beautifully decorated. I loved the styles that flowed into it and the galaxy feel in side. It felt cozy.

"Thanks for that Babe" I fall onto her bed and finally relax.

"its alright. She can be a bit.. Angsty when I have people around me" the Doctor explained as she was sorting herself back out for bed.

"Like all those women you have travelled with" i say with slight sadness in my voice. She turned to me wihh a frown and bounded to my side, slipping her arm around me.

"Oh Yaz they were just friends.. Most of them" she sighed as my eyes rolled slightly.

"They are all prettier and smarter than me. You even had a proffesor there" her whole expression flinched at the mention of a professor.

"Look I just have eyes for you. I don't ever think about them. I live you Yaz" she whispered, her lips hovering infront of mine.

"i love you too.. Just don't go meeting any fancy girls again.." i chuckled slightly and wrao my arms around her waist and lay my head on her chest.

"i promise. I'm all yours"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now