Chapter 7

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Me- sleep or update? *literally eyes crusty and stuck together from lack of sleep* update 👍🏻

Yaz's POV

"Are you sure you're OK to move" i gushed, my hands moved closer to the Doctor, ready to support her if she needed it. It had been hours now and she had had enough. I knew here was no containing her so I just let her get up and move. But I was still scared.

"Yaz I'm fine I promise" she gave me a quick smile although I could see she was wobbling slightly. She did however move her hand to my arm and held it lightly. Her touch was soft and gentle, she was always so caring. We slowly made her way to the console room where Graham and Ryan stood.

"I don't know son, I just don't think that's the best-" Graham stopped as the two of us walked in.

"Best what?" the doctor asked as she flicked a few switches setting the Tardis up.

"Oh nothing don't worry" Ryan spoke up quickly. The Tardis grunted and put something up on the computer screen for only the Doctor to see. She furrowed her brows slightly and mumbled something under her breath. I tried to peek but it was already gone by the time I got a good look.

"Right so I'm going to catch an angel and you guys are going to stay here and wait" she walked straight to the door but I was already walking after her.

"No Doctor!" I shouted and she turned back to me with a sad expression

"you know why I have to do this alone Yaz... Please just let me do this OK?" she asked and reluctantly I nodded slightly.

"Fine just come back safe" I huffed a little. Her eyes connected with mine and I knew I could trust her. She would be back and she would save the day. She left the Tardis.

I trembled slightly and the worry of loosing her, I know she's the best and Im sure she will return but still there's just that small chance that she won't. I felt Ryan's hand on my shoulder. I looked over at it and furrowed my brows slightly and pulled away.

"Yaz it's gonna be OK, she-"

"You don't know that! You weren't told what they did! You dont see the fear in the Doctors eyes when she thinks about the angels. She's scared and I let her go alone!" I let myself snap and his reaction was just shock. He obviously wasn't expecting the outburst I gave him.

" Why do you suddenly care so much? She's the one who's gonna live longer than us all yet you can't stop worrying about her? " he asked, the tint of agrivation in his voice. Graham looked at me from behind HIM nd just shook his head slightly.

"Because i-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath. I did not want to talk to him about that right now., "because she has sVed us over and over. She's saved billions of worlds and how much is she given in return for svaing the galaxy? Nothing"

The Doctors pov

I felt bad for leaving the trip behind but this was a situation where I had to be alone. I would not put any of them in danger, especially Yaz. Yaz is so perfect and harmless and I can't let her get hurt like Amy and so many others did. Yes their faces still burned in my mind everyday, each companion I've lost and caused to get hurt but not this time. This time I'm going to be safe and not let anything get them.

There was one other reason I was slightly agitated as I left the Tardis. It was what Ryan was talking to Graham about. He wanted to ask Yaz out. He liked her. Of course he did. She was amazing, apsolutley brilliant. I didn't know why Graham was putting him off it cause I'm sure he would sta d a chance. They seem to be getting along fine. Only... I don't want her to be with him, It makes my insides feel something I don't like. I believe its jealousy. I don't like that feeling. It's nasty and all it does is create chaos and fighting. I don't want that.

I slowed down for a moment as my head suddenly felt heavy and as if someone was hitting me over and over. I groaned slightly and rubbed my temple "Not now head!" I scowled and pushed on to the building. My hand curved around the door handle and gripped It lightly turning it and pushing it open. The first room was completely silent. The only light that filled the room was the soft glow of the moon that slipped between the broken window. My hands moved into my pockets and pulled out a small torch "see, much better than empty pockets" I clicked on the light and moved the beam to the doorway. I head over to the next room and poke my head around "angel?" I called out and stepped on through. The light from my torch flickered slightly "stop.." I mumbled and knocked the light a couple times. It flashed a couple times over again. "what is up with..." I spun around and flshaed my light up just in time to stop the angel grabbing my shoulder. The face was one of pure fury, a silent scream leaving its lips. "oh boy OK.." I stepped a couple feet back and moved around it. I moved back to the first room and took a deep breath.  All I needed to do was draw the angel to the Tardis and get it in. I went to the very front door and took a moment to compose myself. And then. I blinked.

My eyes opened to see the angel turned and slightly moved to get closer to me. Blink. It was half way across the room. Blink. It was right up close to me now. Its fingers just out from my face. I walked out again, eyes on it and moved down the street. Blink. It left the building. And I repeated this over and over all the way to the edge of the Tardis. I opened the door and stepped back into the Tardis.

"Doctor!" her voice called out, then her hand moved onto my shoulder "what the hell are you doing?" she asked pressumingly looking at the angel.

"I'm going to get the angel onto the Tardis and take it away to a dead planet where it can't hurt anyone" I said and stepped back "Yaz keep an eye on it for me a moment, Ryan stay by her as back up, Graham you're with me!" I called out and ran around the console flicking the switched and levers I need. "Graham grab that wire and plug it into there! Currently the Tardis is trying to keep the angel out but we want to let it in" I smiled a bit at my idea.

"Are you sure about this Doctor? It's the only safe place and you are letting it in" Graham said a little unsure as he plugged the wire in.

"of course!" I grinned and looked at the angel. "yaz, Ryan, take a few steps back please" they followed my order "on the count of 3 all look away and then look back, OK. Three.. Two.. One.. Turn" when I looked back the angel was over the Tardis line and inside "brilliant!, OK Yaz shut the door behind her, Ryan keep an eye on the angel whilst she does so, Graham I need you to press this" I kept flying out orders. This could actually work. "Yaz I need you to come here a sec" I called out.

"Doc-" her voice was cut off.

"Yaz?" I turned and my heart sunk.

The scene I saw was Ryan in shock, the angel reaching out and a missing Yaz.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now