Chapter 22

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Yaz POV-

"Mum I'm back!" I called out hrough the door as we entered through, wiping our feet as we did so.

"Did you see the snow?!" My mother called back and came around to the door with an childish grin on her face.

"Yes, it was so beautiful, we hardly ever get snow" i chuckled, bringing my bags down the corridor to my bedroom and placing them down before returning to my mother and the Doctor.

"So you're staying for Christmas and Christmas Dinner right?" She asked and the Doctor looked a little shocked and stumbled on her words.

"Well that's not -" she started but my mum placed her finger on the Doctors lips.

"You don't have a choice, you have to come now!" she removed her finger again.

"Thank you so much, I would love to stay around for Christmas" the Doctor no longer argued which brought a smile back to my mums face.

"Alright you two there's still decorations to put up, I haven't had alot of time. So that's your job, try not to break anything" she nudged me playfully.

"Yes mum" I rolled my eyes but I didn't stop my soft smile on my face.

"come on doc" i tugged her hand, leading her to the living room. The tree and a few other bits were up hut there were lights and tinsel left over.

"I am not a pro at this" The doctor looked at all the stuff in confusion before placing her coat and scarf to the side, me doing the same.

"what we need first is some tunes!" I ran out to my  room to grab my speaker. I scrolled through my phone to find my Christmas Playlist and returned to the Doctor. When i entered the room my jaw dropped slightly. Somehow the doctor had tinsel and diary lights wrapped around herself and the lights were shining bright.

"Doctor! How jn earth did that happen" i face palmed, giggling at the girl. I raised my phone and took a quick picture. She was really trying hard to get out but she was stuck.

"I don't know, I was trying to get them out and some how this happened" she huffed looking down at her sparkling self.

"You really picked the smart one didn't you" i heard Sonyas voice from behind, her laughter becoming distant as she waked away.

'You look like a christmas tree, come on let me help you escape" i walked over nad my hands get to work trying to unravel her from her festive chains.

"How did you get like that?!" My mums voice came from behind followed by a light laughter. Her footsteps grew closer and she helped me get the Doctor out. Eventually she was free and I head back to my phone

"Here we go.." i connect the phone to the speaker and press play.

'all I want for christmas is you' starts to play and I pick up some lights to start hanging. The doctor picked up a fake candy cane and I expected her to place it down but instead she rose it towards her lips.

"i don't want alot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need" my head turned to the side slightly to see the Doctor singing along with the track using the candy cane as the mic.

"oh my god.." my lips curled into a grin watching the Doctor move

"i don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree, i just want you for my own, more than you could ever know, make my wish come true, baby all I want for" she was pointing right at me, my cheeks flushed red.
The music became more upbeat and she started to dance a little. I wanted to face palm but I felt myself start to move too.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now