Chapter 27

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Doctors POV-

My eyes fluttered open to the bright light of the sun that filled hhe room. My head tilted slightly to the side, I was alone again. I let out a small groan as I stretch my body out and yawned slightly. I remembered the night before and rubbed my temple slightly trying to push the thoughts out of my head.

"Oh good you're finally awake" I heard hhe voice of Najia as she walked around the sofa and came infront of me with a plate in hand. "The other two have already eaten and are preparing for what ever you crazy people are doing" I was about to speak but a piece of bacon was shoved in my mouth before I could. I properly examined the plate now, bacon and egg. So British. So tasty though. This was something I certainly wasn't used to. I time travel so much I never really think about the domestic things such as meals. I just munch on a custard cream and away I go. But no one could deny Najias food. Not only does it taste delicious but I also fear her wrath. Never reject a cup of tea, that's how wars start. Never reject food from a mother, that's how you get a clip around the ear. I took the plate and started to feed myself.

"Thank you Najia" I gave her a cheeky grin.

"Anything for my favourite alien" she scuffed my hair playfully as she walked past. I heard new footsteps coming around the sofa.

"I'm pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me" Yaz said as she moved to the seat beside me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. Guess we are OK then? Maybe that whole fight has passed over. But when River walked around and I saw that small smile on her lips. I knew she had to have done something.

"Right ladies, before you start snogging we need to work out what the plan is" River stayed standing infront of us, speaking as I shoved some egg in my mouth. My hand shot up when she asked about the plan. River looked at me with a dissapointed face.

"Yes sweetie?" she asked and I swallowed the egg.

"So we go in all casual, like it's all natural and I use my psychic paper to trick them into thinking we are an inspection team and bam. We are in and can look around!" both the women just looked at me with slight arched brows.

"So the plan you always do that hardly ever works?" Yaz asked.

"Where we don't know if the aliens can read through the psychic paper" River added.

"Oh come on this is a full proof plan! What could possibly go wrong?!" I whined and yaz elbowed me a little. "Ow what was that for?" I rubbed my arm pouting slightly.

"You never say those curses words. Now we are destined to fail" Yaz scolded me and I rolled my eyes slightly.

"This is very risky Doctor, no back up. No help. The life of the world is on your shoulders. We get one chance. We can't cross paths with ourselves again" River warned but I already knew this.

"Trust me, this will go right. And we will save the world.

We all got ourselves sorted and head off towards this new building. Something about this felt rather like an endgame to me. It was scary for sure. I was worried about Yaz, I had to get her home. As the TARDIS showed me, losing her is my worst fear. And River can't die now. It would change time if she did. She has t die somewhere else. Not today. Not in earth. This would be a fight, against what I was unsure of. But a storm was coming. And I am the only one who can stop it.

The doors to the large building slid open before us and I stepped inside.
My eyes flickered around the room, eyes everywhere, cameras all around.  Scanners as we step in. A woman came up to us clipboard in hand, her face rather monotone.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here. Not access without permission" Rivers eyes looked to the side at me and I nodded slightly before taking out my psychic paper and showing it to her.

"I'm here for safety inspection. I have been getting alot of records about people going missing, all when they join here. Me and my team just want to do some check ups" the woman's eyes stayed on the psychic paper for awhile as if she was analysing it. Then her attention was brought to me. She stayed quiet for a moment then stepped back and talked on a comm to someone. After a few seconds she returned with a slight smile.

"This way Mrs Smith" she lead on and we all followed.

"See? Full proof" I whispered and both of them rolled their eyes.

"There are some weird signals coming from this place Doctor, this is the right place I just know it" River looked around as many eyes fell on us as we followed down the halls.

"Now these records of people going missing are really nothing at all. The employers love it here so much they stay all the time, we offer them shelter and food. Why would they leave?" she asked as she took us down more corridors and stairs, there were people everywhere and although they were all different they all shared.. One face. One look. It was almost as if they were empty shells.

" Their families worry" the Doctor spoke in a slightly harsher tone as they all went into a elevator.

"Their families don't care, they were all on the street. They won't come looking.. But you Mrs Smith" the woman turned to face me.

"You can't seem to keep your nose out of it"

"Being nosey is my job. How did you make so many buildings so quickly? What exactly are you making in this place?" I asked as the elevator pinged and the doors re opened. We were in a dark room now. There were people all around computer screens in the centre of the room.

" Dont pine the bear" Yaz whispered by my ear and took my hand giving it a squeeze.

"Well we were fell funded and have been around alot longer than you may think" maybe longer than anyone around here? I didn't know who these people were. She lead us on into the middle of the room.

"You still haven't told us what exactly you're building here at skarcorp" Yaz encouraged and the woman stopped turning to face us. Suddenly all in sync the people stood up and turned to face us. Their stares put me on edge. I didn't like this at all.

"A new future, a clean slate. And you.. Doctor will not get in our way" my eyes widened at the name. They knew me.

"Who are you?! Why are you on earth?!" I snapped but they all just stared.

Then their foreheads all cracked slightly and opened a small hole. A black stick pertruded from the whole blinking a deep blue eye. No. That's not possible.

The wall behind them started to open. I couldn't see in very well but I just knew. Deep down I knew this. It was only the voice that made it all real for me.

More glowing blue dots blinked form behind. The groans of machines moved forwards and stopped in the light. The bronze domes lit up against the beams.

"The cult of Skaro has returned, and the Earth will be Exterminated!"

More voices repeated the final word over and over like a war chant, or more like a promise of death.

Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now