Chapter 17

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Yaz's POV-

"So you and the Doctor then?" Sonya asked as we head down the corridors, so this was her plan all along then.

"We aren't a thing" I huffed and tried to ignore her as I head on quicker down the Tardis corridors.

"But you wish you were!" she called after me, jogging to keep up with my quick pace. I really didn't want to have this right now. It's bad enough with my mother and- oh god I left my mother with the Doctor. That was a bad plan.

"I- it's none of your business!" I snapped shaking my head trying not to end up slapping her across the face.

"I'm just asking, if you aren't making a move I will, she's cute" this caused me to stop moving and turn instantly.

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms, sizing her up.

"She's cute and she has a time machines, what more could I want?" she let's a coy smirk form on her lips.

"You don't even know her like I do! You haven't experienced the radiance she gives! The way her smile makes the butterflies in your stomach go wild! Those eyes that are fill of stars but underneath them carry the weight of so many lost and dead because she feels responsible for them all! Because that's the kind of woman she is! She will fight over and over, die and be reborn just to save our petty souls because she is our warrior and she never gives in even when she has lost everything! You haven't felt the ache of loosing her for so long and waiting for her return. My Doctor, my radiant knight who comes in with her magic box and saves the universe. You don't love her like I do! " I fell silent after that. Sonya clapped slowly and I frowned in confusion.

" Well it took you long enough" it took me a moment to understand but finally I realised.

"it was all a set up to make me admit my feelings? Jesus christ don't do thag to me again!" I waxk her shoulder and she flinches back.

"Hey I'm doing you a favour, now you have said it out loud it won't be so hard to tell the doctor herself" if it wasn't hard enough already to admit she was actually right, she gave a smug look before walking on just to rub it in.

"whatever, let's just see what we can find" i rolled my eyes and kept on down the path I had taken. "It seems to go on forever" I huff.

"Tell yoy what, next door we come across, we just go in" Sonya suggested, slowing down at an old wooden door. Her hand went to the handle ready to open it.

"Wait!" I called out in panic to stop her.

"what is it?" she rolled her eyes and her hand gripped the handle tighter.

"The doctor said about how we should be careful because there's dangers down here. We don't know what's behind that door. It could be anything!" I moved slightly closer and raised my fists.

"So if there's some evil alien creature behind this door youre going to try and punch it? Oh I feel safer already" she scoffed and turned the handle slowly. "3...2..1" she swung it open and something came flying out at me, my fist went flying forward and collided with something hard. It fell out the way and I finally got a good look.


"Well done Yaz, you have successfully defeated the almighty foe that was a broomstick" Sonya face palmed and dropped her head "I'm sure the Doctor will be extremely impressed"

"do not tell the Doctor about this" I huffed and shoved the broom back in the closet and walked on. This time I came across a room where the door was slightly ajar.

"be careful, there might be another deadly piece of cleaning equipment in there" Sonya teased.

"i will throw you off this ship" i grumbled and pushed the door heading inside.

"Holy crap" were the words that left Sonyas lips. We were in the library with the giant swimming pool. Where I first had my moment with the Doctor.

"Pretty cool huh?" my hands slip into my pockets as I started to look around the many shelves. I hadn't got a chance to fully explore last time.

( Listen as you read if you can x)

I felt something. Something drawing me in, I swear I heard, soft singing. And my body felt light. I followed the pull inside of me, I wanted to know where it lead. A gentle touch moving me on. I turned a corner and faced down a long passage where something glowed at the end.

"Yaz?" Sonya called out to me but I kept moving closer and closer. Each step made my heart race, the thing inside of me grow more active. "Yaz where are you going?" Sonya asked, her voice just behind me.

"Can't you hear it..." my whisper gentle as the space between me and the light shrank.

"Hear what Yaz? You're freaking me out?" Sonya whispered her hand gripping mine but u tugged it away and kept on.

"It's so beautiful...its calling me me" my voice was dreamy, it felt odd. Like this light relaxed me, the same effect the Doctor gave me. It was as if her very soul was touching me through the light.

I stood infront of the podium and there laid a rustic old book, the outside glistened slightly.

"What does it say?" Sonya asked, looking at the weird shapes that could be considered writing. The Tardis's translator must of kicked in as the shapes formed into letters.

'The Time Of The Doctor'

My fingers slipped the front cover open and there it was, more of those strange symbols turning into English.

"Do you think it's the Doctors history?" Sonya asked peeking over my shoulder. I flicked through the pages, drawings of an old man and a blue box, a red planet, a civillisation and something dark, so so very dark. I stopped at one page and stared at the title. 'The name of the doctor' my finger traced over the words but stopped when Sonya tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I hissed slightly but then I saw it. A golden orb floating above the book. This was the source of the voice, that sweet voice. It enticed me again. My fingers lifting, trembling as they grew closer to the light.

"Be careful Yaz.." Sonya mumbled.

"I just have to.." I trailed off as my fingers grazed across the light. Heat flew hrough me and my head snapped back, gasp leaving my lips.

I couldn't see the room anymore, I was on that red planet, people everywhere. men, women and children walking the streets with gleeful smiles. But those burnt away as laser fire filled the sky. There were metal machines of death floating down screaming their terrible war cry. So much death. The people fought back and killed just as many. But it wasn't just the world. It was effecting the planets around it. The image flew to a man, a man with the eyes of a monster. A man with fire burning in his eyes, his hand overfed over a red button. I wanted to call out but he pressed it and i saw the effect. People burned alive, no living thing surviving the wrath of him. The war was over but with blood painting the path for the man. But it was no longer a man. Through the shadows and Ash came a smaller slender figure.

"Doctor.." my voice was just a whisper. Her blonde hair dirty and her eyes glowed. She head straight towards me, all those deaths caused by her, for better or worse? She was my Doctor, but she was a monster. She came closer and closer and all I could do was scream. The heat that laid in her eyes burned at my soul. So much hate, pain, suffering, death, this is what the Doctor had to live with. My god the Horror.

The images faded away but that scream still left my lips until I stumbled back and fell to the ground, blacking out.

Sorry for shit update but I need a filler ot prep my plan. Xx

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now