Chapter 12

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like ma edit?, 😂 are you guys ready for some fluff. Who loves Yaz's mum. We love yaz's mum!

Doctors POV-

How can one trip to see some familiar faces make you feel so changed? It's like when they say that when you die you always have something you need to do to let yourself move on. And this was my thing. Saying a better goodbye to one's I never got a chance to. Seeing Rose again, being able to finish of what we started, put a full stop at the end of our story which instead of a tragedy, was now an adventure, romance, with the ending having both characters happy. Well she had the clone of me, which thinking about it, is part Donna. Oh my imagine the shock she must of had when my Doctor clone started to be sassy.

Now what about me? Where is my story leading? Do u get the happy ending I want? What do u want? Who am I kidding, I know. But she can't.

"Go my girl, shall we go see our friends?" I spoke softly to the Tardis, I felt like she deserved alot of credit for what she had done for me. The Tardis beeped a cheerful response causing a small grin to form on my lips.

"I know I miss her-them too" I faltered over my mishap. I could feel the Tardis roll her eyes and beeped a sarcastic response.

"Oi! Im not- you know what you can just be quiet, I dont need you on my back about my feelings" I pouted and let out a small childish huff. I walked around the console but before I could even finish the taking off, the Tardis was gone and flying through space.

"Hey where are you taking me now?" I groaned but thankfully the Tardis landed nicely and I was not thrown around this time. I grabbed my coat and slipped it on. "You can't keep doing that, you may have stole me but you can't keep flying me wherever you want" I rolled my eyes at the ship who I secretly still loved and could never really get annoyed at.

The doors swung open and I head on out. I was in someone's bedroom, oh god I hope u didn't break anything when I landed. Or squish a cat! What if u squished a cat! I looked around frantically but stopped when I realised something. I was in Yaz's room.

"What have you done?!" i gave the Tardis a sharp whisper "She can't find me in here" I groaned.

I panicked when I heard the bedroom door handle turn, causing me to spin and stare. The door swung open and Yaz came in weiliding a lamp over her head.

"Doctor?" she scrunched up her face and ilted her head slightly as she lowered her weapon of choice.

"Heyyyy, I'm back" I grinned and hoped this time I wasn't a year late.

"I'm delighted but why did you land in my room? My mother can't see this" she said with a harsh whisper.

"It wasn't my fault it was the Tardis" I pointed accusingly at the blue box that stood behind me.

"Yaz who are you talking to?!" I heard Yaz's Mum call out from another room and both our eyes widened. YAZ put the lamp down to the side.

I tried to think of a place to move but I was just stuck there in the middle not sure where exactly to go.

I jogged over to Yaz and nudged her out the room and closed the door behind us. Yaz's mum came around the corner and looked at Yaz then up at me. A confused smile pulled at her lips.

"Doctor I didn't hear you come in" she crossed her arms and looked bwteen us again. We probably looked like high school kids being caught after doing something embarrassing and being caught out.

"I came through the window" I replied a little too quickly. Yaz gave me a slightly worried look and Yaz's mum just cocked her brow.

"We are in a apartment" dammit I forgot about that.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now