Chapter 10

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A. N

Can I just say you guys are the best, and no matter what happens in doctor who, thasmin is the true endgame

Yaz's POV-

My heart thudded uncontrollably. This would be a bad situation. My girlfriend just walked in on me and the doctor (who was still topless) being all close and my hand on her cheek leaning close. Yeah defiantly, did not look good.

Me and Maria met on day one, she helped me adjust to this place, get a job, get a house, we started dating pretty early and we haven't stopped since. I do love her, trust me I do. But it's just theres always the doctor on my mind. Even after the spite this grew inside of me over the year, I loved her. I know it was wrong to dTe someone when you still love someone else but the thing is I didn't think the doctor would come back for me.

"Maria this isn't what it looks like" I tried but instantly regretted my words. That's what everyone says when they're lying. I passed the Doctor the shirt I picked up and she slipped dit on instantly.

"Sure Yaz, who the hell is she huh?!? Seriously? Some tall skinny blonde comes passing by and instantly you go straight for her" she shook her head anger obviously growing. I walked over with a pleading frown.

"No Maria it's not like that at all, she's an old friend! She got really hurt and I was fixing her up. She had a stomach injury so I needed her to remove her shirt" I took Maria's hands and kissed them lightly.

"Right of course Yaz, and in the process you had to snog her?!" she snapped and my hand ran through my own hair nervously.

"We didn't snog! And you can't say anything! I know about you and Scarlet hooking up the other night!" I shouted back at her and her eyes widened. She stuttered trying to find her words.

"W.. What!? You are such a liar!" she countered but I already saw the guilt in her eyes.

"Her sister text me about it! You guys weren't exactly quiet" I scoffed, I felt the Doctors presence grow closer to me.

"Get away from my girlfriend you bitch" She snapped but this time at the Doctor. She didn't say anything back but I wouldn't be held back.

"Excuse me!? What are you saying about my friend?!" I stepped back a little so I could stand beside her and slipped my arm around her waist.

"You are a lying, cheating little-"

The Doctor moved from my hold and walked right up close to Maria and glared her down.

"Do not even attempt to try and say something rude about Yaz because let me promise you, it will not end up well for you" her eyes were fixated on Maria. Graham was right, she was different. She was angry.

"Get out" she snarled at the doctor then her eyes fell on me. "and you".

What? She couldn't just...

"You know what... Screw you. The Doctor can offer more than you can dream of. She looks after me and I was hoping that I could go with her in the Tardis" I looked up at her. She had a goofy grin on her lips. That was something I hadn't seen in awhile. I missed her childish, excitable reactions to everything.

"I wouldn't want it any other way" the Doctor grinned.

"I'm gonna grab my stuff and go" i said walking out the room and past Ryan and Graham.

15 minutes later...

"And don't come back!" was the final sentence leaving Maria's lips. I stopped waiting for a moment and just looking back at the house. I had had a life there. Now it was gone just like that. It hurt, that was a chapter in my life just thrown away. But then, isn't this what I secretly wanted? To return to the Tardis and go off with the Doctor again? See the stars and planets we had never known of.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now