Chapter 15

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Y'all wanting some smut yo dirty peopleeee! Not yet. Heh. Sorry if this chapters shit. Still not well

Doctors POV-

My eyes were the first things to have movement. They flickered slightly, feeling the light attacking at them, jlaf blinding me in the process. My face scrunched slightly as I squinted trying to stop so much light in. I turned away eventually but my face met soft skin. It was someone's neck, it was perfectly sculpted and her collar bone pertruded from her shirt that was pulled slightly to the side letting it show. I had a momentary panic but then I remembered what had happened. Me and Yaz were watching a film and I must have fallen asleep against her. I noticed the placing of my arm over her stomach and my body finally noticed the pressure of Yaz's side against it. I was thankful yas was asleep so she didn't see my dark blush. All I wanted was to stay next to her and lay watching her chest raise and lower as gentle breaths left her lips. But I needed some water to help my throbbing head that seemed to pound. I carefully slipped away from the sleeping beauty and shuffled myself across the bed and off it. The shock shot through me like a spark when my feet hit the cold wooden flooring. My toes clenched and my feet rose again. I muttered at myself and forced my feet to press against the cold flooring and crept around Yaz's room to her door. In the most silent way I could, I pulled it open and walked out shutting back behind me again. I caught a scent filling the hallway. I sniffed a little and cocked my brow. I let my nose lead the way through the halls, stopping every so often to look at a picture of Yaz and her family through the years. Snippets of her life preserved forever. I continued on till I found the kitchen door. The scent became stronger at this point so I pushed the door open to have a look inside. Najia was by the cooker busy with pots and pans all over. She seemed to be very focused on what she was doing as she hadn't noticed me walk in. My hands slipped into the front pocket of the hoodie I was wearing that belonged to Yaz. I loved it because it smelt like her, a hint of lavender and honey. Odd mix but one I could get used to.

"watcha cooking Mrs Khan?" I asked trying not to make her jump. Her head turned to face me and a small smile played at her lips.

"It's a big fry up, proper British breakfast" she chuckled a little and shook a pan a little which seemed to have the eggs in.

I head over beside her and looked over the delicious food. I locked my lips and leant over going to grab some bacon but Najia swatted my hand away "Oi hands off till its served!" she wagged her finger in my face and I looked down with a bashful smile. The smile on her face grew as well, shaking her head and looking up at me "Oh look at you Doctor, your hair is everywhere" she rolled her eyes and her hand went to my hair to try and ran her fingers through a bit and tidy me up "When's the last time you had a shower Doc?" she asked me like a concerned mother. It felt... Warming inside.. I couldn't remember the last time someone acted motherly to me.

"ummm..." I tried to think back but I honestly couldn't remember.

"Right, you go and wash yourself off, no complaining" she pointed out the door and my mouth opened to counter but I was cut off "now". I pouted like a small child and head out the kitchen to go find the bathroom I had been in the night before. I removed the clothing I had on and stepped in the shower. The heat of the water felt so good against my skin. All my muscles relaxed and started to loosen up. It had been so long since I felt like this, shows the power of a good shower. I ran my fingers through  my short natty hair, I really need to get this re cut. Ooh maybe a pixie cut and add some waves? That would be nice, freshen me up a bit. After awhile of cleaning my body and hair I stepped out the shower and gripped the towel to the side. I dried off my hair te best I could but it still stuck down damp against my skin. I wrapped the towel around my body, I would need to get fresh clothing. I threw away my sanitary towel and picked up my clothes holding them against my towel. I stepped out the bathroom and bumped straight into someone. I stumbled slightly but thankfully got my footing. My eyes focused on who I walked into, Yaz. Her eyes flickered over me just for a moment and then her eyes seemed to struggle to work out where to look.

"Your mum said I could sue the shower but I uh need clothes" my words came out slightly stuttered, why was I being like this?

"I put your clothes into wash and out to dry so you can probably wear them, let me get them for you" she darted down the hall. A breath I had kot realised I was holding escaped my lips. Yaz was quick to return and swapped her clothes I was wearing with my own. I popped into her bedroom and dropped my towel. I started to slip on each garment until finally my outfit was complete. I head back out the room to hear chattering from a few rooms down. I slowly head on down and stopped outside of the kitchen door, I didn't want to listen in but I couldn't help it

"Mum we can't keep having this conversation, it's stupid nothing will happen" That was Yaz for sure, she sounded agitated at something.

"You can't give up, remember what I told you. You have to chase your dreams. Don't give up on it yet, there needs to be time"

"I don't have time Mum, it's useless anyway, it's fine.." a soft sigh came from Yaz. I wish u knew what she was so upset about. I'd do anything to make it better.

"you have a time machine, you have all the time in the world. Trust your mother, its a mutual thing." my hand rwcahed the door handle and I entered the kitchen. They both turned to look at me at the same time. I felt like a small guild has been caught for stealing midnight snacks or something.

" what? " I looked from one to the other but they didn't say anything. "Najia are you able to cut my hair?" I asked trying to cut the thick silence.

"Of course dear, let's have breakfast first and then we will get straight too it"

We all sat around the table as we had the night before, before my little.. Incident.

"Doctor I have a question" Najia spoke up as we dug into our food, bacon just passing my lips as I rose my head to look at her.

"Sure, anything" i have her a quick smile then finished off the bacon I was eating.

"So your Tardis can go anywhere in any time?" she asked and I had to admit I was quite surprised. I thought she might want to suppress the thought of me being alien and having a time travelling machine hut she's embrassing it.

"Yes it can, some things are a little iffy and the Tardis doesn't like it but generally everything is open to go to" i answered with a small shrug and continued to eat thinking that was the end of it.

"I was wondering if maybe you could take me somewhere, In your Tardis" she asked quietly and now both me and Yaz looked up at her.

"Of course, where do you want to go? What do you want to see?" I asked curiously and Najia placed her fork down after completly cleansing her plate.

"id like to see the earth's creation" now that was one I had not heard before.

"Wow, brilliant idea, I'd be happy to show you that" I beamed and finished off my plate.

"Im coming too right?" Yaz asked with slight worry in her voice.

"Of course you can come! Yaz and Yaz's mum in my Tardis. Brilliant!"

I stood up, taking all our plates and moved them into the kitchen to wash up. I had seen the earth's creation before, but it was beautiful. I'd be happy to show Najia such an amazing thing. When I returned Najia had some small scissors in her hands.

"Let's get your hair cut and then we can go off on an adventure" she grinned and I took a seat, excited to see the look.

15 minutes later, a mirror was raised infront of me and I admired my new pixie cut look with small waves in it.

"Beautiful" was all that escaped Yaz's lips.

"Right team, its time to go see earth in its first form.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now