Chapter 3

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Yaz's POV-

The moment I stepped outside the tardis I instantly regretted not going to get something warmer from in side the Tardis. Well not completely regret because I still got my moment with the Doctor but I swear I was going to freeze my ass off. The wind was bitter and sharp against my skin, sneaking its way under my jacket and shirt causing a shiver to run down my spine. I tensed myself slightly and tried not to show how cold I was feeling whilst the others exited. Graham and Ryan still looked chilly but the Doctor didn't seem affected at all. How on earth was she not cold? Maybe she came from a frozen planet? Its still weird to think she is an alien.

"Right Fam- yeah no that still doesn't work, gang let's trace where this distress call came from!" the doctor whipped out her sonic screwdriver and pressed a button causing it to glow and make a low humming noise. "This way!" she exclaimed and started jogging on. The rest of us looked at each other and groaned slightly then ran off after her.

"Doc do you think we should plan this through instead of running on head first, this distress could be a trap" Graham spoke up and his words had passed through my mind too.

"Something was so bad that it caused the Tardis to fly off by itself" the Doctor stopped and faced us again.

"And we are running towards this great terrible thing" Ryan piped in. The Doctor furrowed her brows in deep thought for a moment then nodded vigarously.

"You're right, when we get there we need to take it on the down low" she agreed and started to walk instead "We are close"

I walked a little faster so I could keep up and walk beside the Doctor. "You are cold" her voice was slightly worried.

"im fine" I protested but she ignored me and slipped off her long trench coat and put it over my shoulders. I tilted my head slightly to let the fabric graze across my cheek. I don't think the coat was what truly warmed me up, it was the fact that my cheeks were burning because the Doctor just laid her coat upon me. It had this sweet smell to it that reminded me of her and I pulled it close to my body, wanting to be consumed by it. "Won't you get too cold?" I asked worried and she shook her head

"No I'm OK, I have two hearts so I pump blood around twice as fast which means I'm warmer quicker and- Ooh we're here guys!" she said and we all came to a stop.

"Creepy abandoned building... Yeah this doesn't smell fishy at all" Graham muttered and shook his head "So what do we do Doc?" he asked but already knew the answer.

"Well we have to go in" she perked up and head to the door then pushed it open. "Let's go Team Tardis" she pondered in and we followed her through.

The building had basically no furniture in it at all. The walls were crumbling and ruined. It looked like it hadn't been touched in ages. "This is where he distress came from?" Ryan asked slightly confused and we Al looked quizzical. Something didn't feel right. I peeked through a broken window to look at the garden, the plants were nearly all dead. They surround a stone statue that was in the centre, it was as if that statue had caused all the death and decay around it. I moved back from the window and  kept walking on looking for some kind of clue to exactly what was going on around here. It just seemed so empty. There was no danger here. Or maybe there was and it was right under our noses.

"I'm missing something!" the Doctor called out in annoyance as she paced around the room. I jogged over and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"relax OK? Going like this isn't going to help you work out what has happened any quicker" I slipped off her coat and put it back over the doctors shoulders. She slipped her arms into it and took a deep breath.

"You're right, we just need to think this through" she chewed her bottom lip whilst thinking hard but she was interrupted by Ryan and Graham jogging in with a computer under Ryan's arm.

"it's got charge still. It couldn't of been used much earlier" he placed it down on a wooden box infornt of us, the doctors smile was restored again..

"Brilliant work guys!" she opened the laptop lid and looked at what there was. Nothing on there seemed special  at first but then we noticed one folder labelled DOCTOR. She clicked it and the only thing inside was a video. She clicked the video and instantly it popped up. There was a woman filming herself presumably through this laptop.

"Hello, if you're seeing this then I'm already dead" the woman seemed agitated and on edge about something. She looked worn out and her eyes flickered between the computer screen and looking around. "something is... Something is following me, its hiding in plain sight. I don't think I can get away from this. I told my family but they just said to call the police. The police can't save me from this. Ive been scares and alone but a woman came to me, she told me to get the Doctor" a tear ran down the woman's face and I felt her my heart clench "its here, somewhere. I know it. Doctor... Look for the angel, she's coming for you. Its already too late for me" her eyes flickered up one last time "goodbye" and the video cut off.

"Doctor if she's dead then where did she go?"  Graham asked but the Doctor looked slightly in shock. This was new. It felt weird to see the Doctor in such unease.

"the angel is coming" she whispered under her breath.  She suddenly started looking around frantically. There was a banging on the front door and we all looked at eachother confused. The Doctor was the first to move to it and open it up. There was a man there, with a letter in his hand.

"hello, I'm guessing you are the Doctor?" he asked and she furrowed her brows slightly.

"yes why?" he moved his hand out to offer her a note.

"my grandmother told me that you would be here on this exact day in this exact moment. You would've seen a video and she wanted you to have this" he pushed the note out more and the doctor took it.

"grandmother? But she looked 20 in that video" I asked confused and looked at the doctor who's face was drained.

"did she die of old age?"  the Doctor asked and her nodded.

"i must be leaving, goodbye now" he gave them a quick smile and walked off.

"that's not possible" Graham retorted "she just died here, she can't reappear and have a whole life in an hour. The doctor went through a few rooms and started to open the letter.

" what does it say?"I asked slightly worried

" Run.. And don't blink"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now