Chapter 11

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Yaz's POV-

Graham and Ryan had left the console room to grab a few bits for their return home. I stayed however, my eyes on the Doctor who seemed very distracted by something on her console. I noticed a glint of sadness in her lowered eyes, i hated seeing her like that.

"Hey Doc... Do you want to flak about it?" I asked simply, my feet moving me over to get closer to her. She looked up form the one point she had been staring at and she chewed her bottom lip slightly.

"What do you mean, I'm fine" she forced a smile into her lips but u could see through with ease. My hand moved and rested onto of hers gently.

"Doctor you just saw someone who was very special to you" my voice stayed quiet and gentle, I didn't want to push her tok hard and upset her but she had to know she didn't need to hide anything from me.

"I just.. Its been so long since I've seen her, I miss her dearly..." she trailed off and looked back to me. "Companions go...they get scared, they want a normal life, they need a break.. They die" a sigh escaped her lips "I don't want to loose anyone else, I don't want to loose you. When you got taken by the angel my heart broke because my promise to keep you safe was broken. The thing is, it's a lie. I don't know if I can keep you safe unless you stay at home" she started to unravel slightly and finally open up more.

"don't worry about that Doctor, we chose this, I chose you." her eyes brightened slightly at my words, a more real smile forming.

"I will do everything I can to keep you safe" the promise slipped from my lips.

"You gonna be OK on your own for the day?" she asked still some concern wrapped around her words.

"Yeahh of course, I will be fine" it was half true. Well. Not really. I hated being alone but Yaz needed to see her family.

"Just make sure you come back yeah?" the warning look in her eyes made me nod vividly.

"Of course" my gaze fell back onto the Tardis console.

"Ready to go?" Graham called out as him and Ryan came back into the room.

"Yep!" Yaz cheerfully replied. As Ryan walked around his arm moved around Yaz. My heart clenched slightly, my fist doing the same. Graham looked from Yaz to me and for a moment I felt like he read right through me. I moved over quickly and grabbed Yaz's hand, tugging her in close and my arms slipped around her waist. Yaz's arms wrapped around my neck and I gave her a tight squeeze. My eyes gazed over her shoulder, I noticed Ryan slightly flushed and I think there was annoyance on his face. Oh well. I pulled back and gave her a wink.

"Say hi to your mum for me! " I waved them off as they stepped out the Tardis.


I was alone.

The room felt empty without the gentle laughter of my team Tardis. Yes I had the Tardis but its just not the same sometimes.

"Just you and me girl huh" I ran my tender fingers down the smooth metal panel causing the Tardis to purr under my touch. "I know it's been awhile, but you know me, I like to keep people around"

The Tardis groaned in retort causing my jaw to drop. "Excuse me? I do not steal away girls who want to run away from their problems!" I countered but the more I thought about it the more my brows furrowed. "Alright whatever... You like them too" the Tardis replied with a scoffing sound.

"Mm yeah, you've always been there girl" my hands clasped the edge of the control console and I was left to my deep thoughts. Bad move. I needed to distract myself, I needed to not be alone. "I miss them, all of them" I spoke honestly, their images flashing into my head "I failed so many of them, so many are dead cause of me" this time it was a try whirps.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now