Chapter 32

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Me and the Doctor sat on the couch together, her lensing back against it and me laying down with my head on her lap. Her gentle fingers ran through my hair, trying to sooth my obviously restless mind. The touch was helping but I couldn't escape the thoughts that spun around my head. I didn't want to lose a dad today. I wanted him to love and accept this relationship but I knew I couldn't trust that he would react the same as mum did. Mum is like our 'ship captain' as she likes to call herself. Another thought was the baby, I wasn't even sure how mum would react to that news. I knew she would probably want me to be married before getting pregnant and then I'd have to explain about how it worked, and explain how I have some of the doctors regeneration energy meaning I may almost die and change my face one day unless my life ends too quickly for it to work. Or that's what I gathered. I didn't want us to change, I don't ever want the doctor to change her face, I love her like this.

But I had to tackle one problem at a time, first dad, later pregnancy. Plus I had 9 months to deal with that. I still couldn't believe the doctor said she'd give up her life of travelling for me, for the family. I knew the Tardis would not be happy, she was already pissy at me and I knew she'd get worse now.

I looked up at the doctor who was already absent mindedly looking down at me too. When I moved to press a kiss to her lips that seemed to being her back to life. I kept pressing light kisses onto her lips, her hand slipping onto my cheek as we kissed.

"ew not in front of my salad" Sonya groaned causing us both to jump, not realising she had been sitting in the arm chair for the last 5 minutes. I sent her daggers and pressed a final soft kiss to the doctors lips. "ugh you guys are the worst" Sonya stood up and walked away stuffing her salad in her face.

"Yaz.." Doctor spoke up, her voice gentler and calmer than its usual perky excitible way.

"what is it?" I asked, my arms wrapping around her neck, enjoying the time we had left.

"whatever happens.. I'm with you, I don't care if things go badly, I want to be with you. And I'm not going to leave your side unless you tell me to" My heart fluttered, heart throbbing from the Doctors words.

"you don't ever have to worry about me telling you to leave" I smiled a little but the smile faded as I heard the door open and I jumped off the doctor, quickly sorting myself out.

I loved my dad, he was a great father to me. It wasn't his fault. I still loved him no matter what, I hope he can do the same for me.

"I'm home" he called out and I stood up as he walked into the living room.

"dad you're home" I smiled and walked to him, pulling him in for a tight hug. I was glad he made it through safe after the whole dalek threat.

"you're finally back from travelling. I'm so glad you're OK, I heard about the attack here" he moved back and looked past me at who I assume was the doctor coming up behind me.

"hi Yaz's dad, it's been too long" the doctor bombarded him with a hug.

"Hakim" he corrected "it has indeed" he nodded. Mum came out with Sonya and gave him a big smile.

"oh good you're back and just in time, tea is ready" mum gave him a quick kiss.

"I will come help you!" doctor chased after her like a lost puppy. Whatever happened tonight, I will forever love the connection mum and the doctor have. Mum would certainly be glad to hear the doctor would be on earth more to help now.

I set the table and we all sat down together, me and doc next to each other. My leg bounced up and down rapidly under the table. I felt a hand on my thigh and my breath hitched a little, feeling the tender fingers move along the open area in attempts to calm me. We started to eat and do small talk.

"so where have you two been? I heard you Doctor, have been the one to steal my daughter away and take her on long trips where we dont hear from her for lengths of time" he asked and I looked to the doctor, taking a bite of my food nervously.

"where ever we can" she said simply. He didn't know about the time travelling nor did he need to know. Let alone that the doctor was a alien.

"I'd like to hear more, I like to know where my daughter is going and who she is hanging around" he asked, a slight serious tone to his voice.

"dad I'm not a child anymore, I'm an adult and a grown woman who can do what she wants" I frowned in disappointment, he often did this, forgets I'm not a little girl anymore.

"yes I know that, you made that clear when you went off to join the police when I said no, and now you aren't even going there and you're going off with this stranger -"

"I made the desicion because this is my life, my story, I can do what I want. I want to be in the police, to do more and be something significant, help others who need it. The doctor offered me that, the doctor gave me something I hadn't had before and not only did she offer me life and a place, she also offered me her heart and I did the same" the table went quiet, all eyes in Yaz.

"what are you talking about?" he asked, his tone lower.

"the doctor is my girlfriend dad, I love her and she loves me. I hope you accept that but even if you don't I won't stop loving her"

He was quiet for a moment, looking over to the different people, chuckling to himself.

"what are you on about.." he scoffed "you aren't in love with her"

"yes u am" my hand slid into the doctors and she held it tightly.

"this is what happens when we give ehr too much slack, this isn't what you're meant to be doing. This isn't right. I won't allow you to see the doctor again"

I stood up and the doctor instinctively did too.

"I hoped you would accept me but I guess you just can't really love me. Doctor let's go.."

"no yaz" Mum spoke up, making both of us look at her. "Hakim, Yaz has found love, our daughter has found her soulmate and you are jsut going to shut her out and hate her for wjo she is? She's our daughter! She's still the same daughter. And the doctor, she's strange yes I have to admit but she adores Yaz, she's such an amazing person and you're pushing that all away. You can do what you want but just know I love and support our daughter in her descions and if you don't well fine but I will never have the same respect for you again"

Silence fell again before my dad stood up and shook his head.

"I can't" he walked off to the bedroom and finally the emotions hit. Mum Dan around and moved her arms around the two of us.

"thank you mum.. Thank you so much" I sniffed and moved into her arms.

"anything for my girls, now let's sjove the TV on and let's forget the night"

"that sounds like a perfect plan

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now