Chapter 31

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"I can't be doctor" I shook my head in denial at this impossible event. I couldn't be pregnant as I haven't done it with a man, the doctor was my first simple as and she couldn't do it unless it was some weird time Lord thing.

"You shouldn't be it's a 1 in a 1000000 chance really" the doctor looked as worried as I did but she seemed still rather calm.

"Just explain how this happened"I begged, I needed to know if she was playing some sick trick on me. She wouldn't do that right.

"Yaz you have just had a lot of stuff going on in your body whilst you and me....anyway it's like they were ready, your eggs were ready to be fertilised because that's what they were expecting, it's what our bodies do. Be ready to reproduce. But I didn't give that to you, however my regeneration did, it sensed life needed to be healed, created, fixed. That regeneration energy you took from me is inside of you, creating life. Regeneration creates life and this time it in a gave life to your eggs. This didn't just bring someone back to life but created a whole new life force" she stepped close to me and placed her hand on my stomach.

"You don't have just a baby, but a half human half time lord child..." I didn't know what to think. Was I anywhere near ready for this? I did like the idea of having a family with the doctor, having a home and kids sudden? So soon?

"Look I understand if you are mad at me or if you want to-"

"No." I looked her in the eyes and I saw fear. It was unnerving to see such a thing.

"But I just, I know you-" I placed a finger on her lips to quieten her.

"I love you doctor, I love you so so much" I removed my finger from her lips and placed my own lips there instead. The kiss was soft and calming in a time and panic such as this. We pulled apart and finally that goofy grin returned to her lips.

"I love you too Yasmin Khan, and if you want to live a normal life with a house, jobs and kids and all that..human stuff. I will do it all for you...and our child"

Dammit why did she have to be so perfect.

"you'd do that all for me?" I asked, stoll unsure if this was all a dream. I felt like someone needed to pinch me. Wake me up from this moment.

A family, a normal family with the doctor? Oh my god the doctor would have to get a job. I couldn't be a police officer whilst pregnant. I loved the doctor but she was a bit of a dumbo when it came to normal human things.

"I'd do anything for you Yasmin Khan" I was about to move in for another kiss when the front door opened.

"yaz?" my mother called out. My eyes widened and I quickly scrambled to make myself presentable, the doctor doing the same thing, just in the nick of time to awkwardly stand there and lean her arm against the wardrobe door making a clattering sound as she did.

"yaz you're OK! You did it!" my mum ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. "and doctor! Oh thank god you're safe" she moved to the doctor and squished her cheeks in her hands shaking the doctors head a little "my precious alien"

"mum..stop" i groaned, why did my mum always have to be like this.

"I'm all OK, we stopped the daleks and did what we had to do all in time for tea" she beamed.

My mother was about to moved away but then narrowed her eyes looking closer at the doctor

"you have a glow..." she hummed and looked back to me but I turned my head away.

"yasmin Khan is that a hickey on your neck?" my mum spoke almost warningly. My hand quickly covered my neck and I smiled innocently.

"no no I bruised it... A dalek gave me a poke in the neck" I tried to sound convincing but I was failing.

"and I suppose Doc got poked on her neck too hmm?" my mum lifted the doctors hair a little to reveal multiple dark bruises over the skin.

"the daleks... Were really quite... Pokey with me" the doctor tried but this just made me face palm.

"what did my daughter do to your poor neck. Come on let's go get some ice to sooth that and get rid of the swelling" my jaw dropped as my mum lead the doctor towards the door.

"your dad's coming home so get ready for tonight"

That wasn't good. I hadn't told him about the Doctor yet, he hadn't met her and he knew nothing. The most difficult thing was I didn't know how he was about me with another woman... We had never talked about it before. And to add to that, I'm now pregnant. At least I have 9 months to hide that right? I look down at my at the moment flat stomach. But soon there was gonna be a little doc running around. Our own mum is gonna kill me.

I finally leave the room and go to find the pair in the kitchen finishing off on helping the Doctors neck.

"thanks for all the help for me mum" I pretended to be annoyed but a smile was planted on my lips. 

"no my fault she's my favourite child" My mother shrugged and dried off the Doctors neck "all better"

"wow I see how it is" I walked over and pressed a light kiss to the doctors lips.

"yaz I need to talk to you about something" my mum spoke up and I pulled back from the kiss suddenly worried.

"should I go?" the doctor asked but my mum shook her head.

"I just wanted you two to know that.. Whatever happens with your father... I love you, i accept you two and I think you two were destined to be together. And so does your sister though sometimes I think she wishes that she was dating the doctor. And your gran, she accepts it. I dont know how your father will react but I just wanted you to know I love you no different and I will fight for you two no matter how hard it gets"

I felt my eyes water and I leant in to hug my mum tightly. I loved her so much.

But she was right, this may go badly but atleast I had my mum, my sister, my gran and the love of my life by my side.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now