Chapter 24

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A.n I apologise for the slow update, struggling at the moment and got alot of stress. Difficult to focus x thank you all for sticking with me. Anyway back to thasmin.

No pov-

"How was I meant to know that year the dolphins uprised? Didn't you enjoy seeing them take over though? They're so smart, humans think they're so smart yet they make the same mistakes over and over again. Really you lot need to put your thinking brains on" the Doctor spoke as she moved around the TARDIS taking her off to head up into the wilderness of space. Her and the companions had been on a trip but their latest one left them running away from evolved dolphins who were taking over earth.

"Doc I never understand what your kind of fun is, being chased by a ravenous dolphin who wanted to eat me for dinner was not fun" Graham huffed and moved his hands for emphasis.

"Hey come on it was quite fun to us human race fall to a species that's better than us" Yaz shrugged and gave the Doctor a quick smile.

"See! Thank you Yaz! 100 points for Yaz for not being a party popper" she announced and the boys rolled their eyes.

"Well of course she'd agree with you" Ryan muttered causing the Doctors brows to furrow in confusion. "don't worry bout it Doc" Ryan shook his head.

The Doctor huffed slightly and pushed a few buttons and pulled some levers.

"Doc can I request we go back to earth for a bit. I need to get some fresh stuff to bring onto the TARDIS" Graham asked and gave the two girls his little knowing glance. Yaz was happy Graham did this. Sometimes when he could he would make an excuse for him and Ryan to leave the TARDIS so the Doc and Yaz could have some alone time.

"Of course!" the short blonde beamed and pulled the lever hard making the TARDIS rumble and shake as it flew through time and space. Everyone held onto the rail except the Doctor who was just running around the console as if nothing were happening. The whirring signaled they had landed.

"Alright, come on Ryan, we can go pick something up to eat aswell" he grinned and Ryan squinted his eyes slightly.

"Yeah I get the message" he mumbled and head out the TARDIS.

Yaz mouthed a thank you to Graham before he left. Once the door was shut the two women looked at each other with that slight glint in their eyes. Alone at last.

Yaz's POV-

"Doc!" I cried out and groaned slightly with my breathing becoming more rapid. "I don't think I can last..."
I my eyes shut as my body stretched and bent back slightly.

"Yaz...youre so close... Its tight.." the Doctor said with a slight moan.

"God I'm close.. Just... Fuck... Doctor how are you so good at this.. Your body... Fuck" a gasp escaped my lips and a slight shudder. My body rubbed against the Doctor slightly as I tried to hit the right spot, the doctor helping me on.

"I'm.. I'm.." my breathing became heavier "fuck!" one last push and I hit the spot but then my body became loose and weak dropping to the ground, my chest heaving.

"I win!" the Doctor beamed her body twisted over me, hands and feet on various coloured dots. I don't know why I play twister so much with the Doctor, she has the body of a ballerina, like my god that women could bend. She loosened from her uncomfortable pose and turned to move over the top of me. My legs went either side and she sat on my waist. I think she sometimes forgets how crazy this makes my head go.

The Doctor had taken off and let the TARDIS float in space whilst we made the most of our time. In fact our time could be infinant if we wanted it to, we had a time machine. A time machine that reluctantly puts up with me now after the whole thing the TARDIS did and showed me. Although I had to thank her, me and the Doctor basically sleep in the same bed every night now.

My eyes stayed on hers with a steady gaze, my lips curling up into a small smile. She leant down and pressed her lips onto mine in a sweet loving motion. Although when she's sitting on me like this I don't always want sweet and loving. But I shake my thoughts of that.

"I need to rest after all that bending and twisting" i laughed and sat up so I was face to face with the doctor. We were on the console room floor. It was the Doctors turn for deciding what we did and i couldn't deny her twister. She got up off me and flopped back onto the purple sofa. She pulled her book out of the little slot it was held in on her pillow. Mum made it for the Doc and she loved it, she always keeps whatever she's ready in there, she cuddles it, always keeps it with her. Guess maybe she just has that connection with mum, she hasn't got parents, I think mum is the mum she needs. And she treats the Doc in a way I haven't seen her treat anyone else.

I sit beside her and turn so my feet dangle over the edge of the arm and my head lays in her lap. My eyes shut and I just relax as her fingers run through my hair gently.

This is perfect.

Believe me I love the traveling and adventures but the moments when it's quiet and relaxed like this... I love it. I would like to settle down, get a house.. Decorate.. Grow.. Maybe have kids.. But that isn't the Doctor. I wonder if she ever had that with her ex... Companions? Girlfriends? I don't know there were so many and I try to forget that. I already had my long struggle with that. It's just me and the Doctor now. And that's how I want it to be. The question is do I bring it up? Ask as an options just incase? No. I couldn't mess things up now. Right now me and the Doctor are in a stable good place. We don't need anything ruining that.

Just as if on que suddenly the TARDIS jolts and causes me to almost fall if the doctors hands hadn't grabbed me quickly.

"What's going on!?" I shout over the crashes and loud whirring of the TARDIS.

"She's flying herself!" the Doctor and I both got up, this time we both grabbed the rail. The TARDIS tipped and turned as the Doctor frantically tried to control the ship.

"Are we being dragged in by a ship?" i asked and ducked slightly as sparks flew.

"Not by a ship, its as if the TARDIS has locked herself onto something! She's following it and pulling it in!"

What the hell could it be?

Doctors POV

My hands nervously worked over the console, so much for peace and quiet.

"We are close!" i shouted over the loud sounds the TARDIS made. Suddenly the doors swung open, the light pouring in making me cover my eyes. I ran towards the doors ready to catch whatever it was. The light was so blinding, I wasn't ready for the impact. All I felt was something hit my chest which caused me to stumble backwards onto my back, a gasp escaping my lungs.

My eyes tried to re focus of the mass infront of me.

This wasn't possible.

I saw the confusion on their face which matched mine. They were about to speak but my word got in first.

"River?" a silent breath released from my lips. Somehow just me saying the name made it click. I saw the process run through her brain. A small smile drew on her lips.

"Hello sweetie" and then she leant down and pressed her lips to Mine.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now