Chapter 9

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Doctors POV-

"Doctor...its.. Its been a year" her voice sounded broken. Not as broken as my heart though.

" that's not possible" my voice was strained. I didn't want to believe it although I knew it to be true. Parralel universes were a nasty thing.

"You left me Doctor... Why didn't you come back for me" her eyes turned slightly darker into a glare, but still that pain shimmered behind them. It was as if she was trying to hide the fact that it had hurt.

"Y.. Yaz it's only been a few minutes for us. You were in the Tardis and I called for you and Ryan looked away causing the angel to be able to move and grab you. It sent you to this world  and left you to live. It's what happened to Amy and Rory, what I talked to you about not many hours before" i took her hand in my own, I expected her to stay but her hand tore back suddenly.

"This world is real to me Doctor, this is where I've lived for a year. I've got a job here, I've got a life.. A... A lover" her voice was trembling nervously.

Yet again my heart shattered into pieces. The girl I...i don't know. I'm too late. It was all too late. My head dropped and I was too upset to notice the shooting pain that was going through me.

"Doctor...youre bleeding, let me fix you up before... Before you go" I looked up at her and shook my head but she grabbed my wrist firmly and pulled me up. "Let me just fix you up and stop being so stubborn" she snapped. I nodded slightly and got up onto my feet.

"Yaz you're all right!" I heard shouting and running footsteps coming our way. Graham and Ryan embraced her in a hug which she accepted.

"Hey guys..." a tear had fallen down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away when she pulled back.

"I'm so sorry that I looked away, but the doctor got us here as quick as she could" Ryan spoke with an urgency and regret in his voice.

"A year too late" I spoke in a completely monotone  voice. I felt like someone had flicked off the switch inside of me and turned of the light.

"what do you mean?" Graham asked confused, my eyes fell on them and my fist clenched.

"It's been a whole year Graham, atlwst for Yaz it has been" this time there was a hint of venom that swirled around my tongue.

"That's impossible we just-"

"That is why we don't let our friends be taken by weeping angels Ryan! Because things like this happen!"

"Doctor!" Yaz's voice was sharp, it dug straight into my heart and pierced it. "You can all come back to my place, I will fix the Doctor up and then you all leave" Yaz shook her head and started walking. I followed without question. My hands slipped into my coat pockets as I walked, my eyes stayed at my feet. The rest of the trip was done in silence. We came across a small house that Yaz went into.

"Babe?" she called out and I felt the sting of hit wrap around my chest. I didn't get it. I wanted her to be happy but something inside of me was screaming. There was no reply and she just sighed heading to the kitchen.
"Take a seat, I will get the med kit" I took a seat and waited patiently. Graham and Ryan waited to the side but Graham gestured for The two to leave. This meant I would be alone with Yaz. Great. More heart ache. Yaz returned with a. Med kit and sat down opposite me. I slowly slipped off my coat and looked down at the blood.

"Take off your shirt" she said simply but I froze.

" what?" I asked, nerveskicking in.

"take off your shirt, I need to examine your wound" her brows knotted together as I didn't move for a moment. Eventually I took the trials off my shoulders and my hands grasped the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my head and placing it to the side. I removed my under t shirt as well and let that drop too. I felt exposed but I didn't mind it being under Yaz's watchful eyes. I didn't know if I imagined it or if she actually gave me a quick look over. Her hand went to the side my my bruised and scarred stomach, fingers brushing lightly over the sore wound.

"You took a beating huh.. Luckily nothing broken but that gash will need to be cleaned up and covered. She poured some alcohol onto some fabric and moved it closer to my stomach" this is gonna hurt" I pressed it over the wound and my face scrunched up in pain and I tensed immediately.

"ow!" i groaned Nd gotten my teeth holding in any other shouts. After cleaning the wound she wrapped it up gently, not saying another word.

"I will get you something fresh to wear for when you leave" she left without another word.

Yaz's POV-

I couldn't believe what was happening. So many months she had been gone from my life and now she's back just like nothing happened. Had it really only been a few minutes for her? She promised me she wouldn't leave me. She did. But what I hated was the fact that I still wanted to fall to my knees and beg to be taken away by her again. I love my girlfriend I really do but the Doctor never left my mind. But she left me. Could I trust her again? I got to my room and dropped onto the bed. I was sat on the edge and I tried to hold it in. I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream and shout. I felt the tears fall down my cheek, I tried to wipe them away but they wouldn't stop coming.

"Yaz.." I look up and Graham is in the doorway. He gave me a small smile and head over to my side.

"Hey.. Is there something I can do?" I asked but he just stood there.

"She's really hurt you know?" he said and my head dropped again.

"No, no she isn't" I trailed off not trusting my voice not to break through my sentence.

"Yaz you weren't there to see how she reacted. When she saw you were taken... Something snapped. Something inside her that she has been hiding for a long time erupted. When I looked into the doctors eyes, they weren't full of stars and the beautiful galaxy. They were full of empty black space that burned away inside of her. She became something else. She was so angry, she is threatening to kick Ryan off the Tardis for looking away and letting the angel get you although it was an accident. I thought she was going to leave him on the planet with the angel. She shouldnt of taken us here, she broke through time barriers she shouldn't of crossed. The Tardis even tried to stop her but she hit the Tardis and forced it to go through. I saw it project people from the Doctors past she she had lost but not even they cod stop her wrath. And it was all for you. She broke the laws of time, she broke herself.. For you"

I didn't know what to say. How Graham described her, it was something I would never want the Doctor to turn into. But why? Just because I got taken? Why would she go mad just because i was taken? I don't matter.

"I wish she wouldn't.. I don't want her becoming something she's not because of me" I mumbled quietly and stood up going to find the doctor a shirt.

"She is herself when she's with you. She breaks when you aren't there. I've never seen her cry like that before" my heart dropped. Oh my poor doctor.

"I can't come back..." but I knew a part of me wanted to the Tardis and let the Doctor show me the stars again.

"Face it Yaz.. You aren't over her. Don't let stubbornness break you" he went to the door and left. 'chase your dreams' 'don't let her go' her mothers words echoed in her head. It had been so long since I have seen her. I grabbed a green crop top and head on downstairs again.

When I went into the kitchen, the doctor still sat there with. Sad expression on her face.

"Doctor..." my voice was quiet but load enough to make her raise her head. I walked over and leant down slightly.

"Yaz I'm so sor-"

"shh.. Graham told me everything... You.. What happened to you Doc" my hand slipped to her cheek.

"Yaz..." both our heads turned to face the woman at the door.

"Maria.." its my girlfriend. Shit.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now