Chapter 6

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Yaz's POV

It was 4 hours into waiting with the Doctor, it was easy to get her to fall asleep. She didn't really want to argue with me and she couldn't much either as she was still dizzy. She was so cute when she was all pouty. I had taken a nap myself on the chair for a few hours, checked on Ryan and Graham, got some coffee which I had to admit took a bit of awhile to find (the Tardis may of appreciated us helping the doctor but she seemed to be still a little offish with me, girls huh?) and now I was sat by the doctor again, reading a book I found on the shelf that stood in the room with us. It was a little confusing as I couldn't read the language, it was in a tongue I had never seen before. The pictures were bright and intricately painted.

"It's an old book from when I was a kid" i was caught off guard by the sudden voice. I jolted and bairly missed spilling my coffee. I looked up and the Doctor was laying there her eyes facing the ceiling.

"how did you-" I stopped myself and decided to ask the more important question "what is it about? I can understand a little about the pictures but the language is not one I recognise" she was sitting up now and resting her head on the backboard. I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, offering the book over. She took it in her hands and flicked open the first page.

"you should be able to read it, the Tardis should translate it for you, guess she's in a mood" the smile that grew on the Doctors face was so beautiful. The dimples that formed form the action always took my heart.

"well you tell me" I urged her on.

"It talks about a magical blue box that makes people's dreams come true" she looked around the room.

"It's a story about the Tardis?" I asked and she nodded a little.

"there were many of them on Galifray, I stole one... Well she stole me" the doctor aired the picture of the Tardis in the book.

"Galifray? Where is that?"

"It's where I was born" she replied simply as if I wouldn't have a hundred questions but I noticed something in her eyes that told me not to ask more.

"so what happens in the book?"

"Well in this blue box was a mad man who would appear from his blue box sometimes to help who he could. Stories were spread about this person, same story but different description of the person" that sounded like someone I knew.

"It's you, but how did you read a story about you, you were only a child then?" my brows scrunched and a knowing smirk fell on her lips.

"Time machine" was all she said and I just gaped "Obviously when I read it as a child I never knew it was me but now I do" she shrugged and closed the book setting it to the side.

"How come they didn't know it was a Tardis that you were travelling in?"

"Ah you see the Tardis had a chameleon circuit, this means it can become something g different on the outside depending on where you are. However, that broke in my girl whilst I was in London and yeah.. Police box" she tapped the wall behind her and the Tardis made a soft sound under her touch "The Galifrayans hadn't seen earth so they didn't know what a police box was, so to them it was just a magic flying box"

"wow.. This is just so incredible" I chuckled and bit my lip "And I have to admit I was a bit suspicious about why the Tardis had such a weird outside" the Tardis made a louder harsher sound.

"Oi watch your language missy" she scolded and i swore I heard a scoffing sound from the Tardis.

"So Doctor how are we going to get rid of the angel?" I asked trying to get rid of the awkward silence that grew. Her eyes darkened slightly and she sat up a little straighter.

"Well foray off I'm going to get rid of it alone, it's far too dangerous for you and secondly I haven't worked it out yet" she was deadly serious.

"Doctor we have fought monsters before, why are you being to defensive about this one!?" I asked slightly annoyed that she's pushing us out now.

"Because I've already lost enough to those creatures and I won't loose you too!" she snapped and then went very quiet. My hand crept up to hers and held it gently.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked  quietly. She seemed to think alot about it and then gave a small simple shrug.

"I... I lost someone very special to me to a weeping angel." she started non consciously playing with my fingers as she spoke, I had never seen her so nervous about something before. I knew she had lost someone, I worked that out, I just couldn't work out who." She... She was a brave fighter, very stubborn but in a good way, she had the greatest of smiles and she never gave up. She always remembered things she shouldn't, she waited years for me. She was so.. Amazing... But an angel stole her from my grasp. She almost got taken by one not too long before but I saved her in time. This time she gave herself in, one took her husband and she couldn't stand the pain of loosing him and letting him be alone. See when you are touched by an angel you are removed from this world, you die but your life is redone in another universe. Its a lonely way to die, but she had her Husband. They were happy and grew old together just it was without me. But so many have died to the monsters. And I can't let you die. If one got you, you would be transported away and I could never see you again... Well unless I broke many laws" she had a sad smile.

"I'm sorry you lost her.." I spoke softly and left a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"I've lost soo many people, I'm not going to let that happen to you" her head turned so our eyes were facing each other. I felt it. That pull. But she disrupted it when's be suddenly blurted out "I have a plan!"

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