Chapter 19

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Yaz's POV-

There wasn't often I saw the Doctor scared. Sometimes I forget that even though she's this magical person who is always so bright and lovely, saving the world.. She still has emotion. She still has the feelings of pain,dread, guilt. I don't think until today I fully realised the doctors humanity within her. I didn't realise how much she kept hidden inside her mind, she is tearing herself down everyday because of things that happened that werent her fault. She did everything she could tk keep everyone safe all the time but sometimes I believe she forgers that she also has to save herself, that her own life and health matter too. She thinks she's selfish but she's the msot selfless person I know, putting others needs before her own. Yes she can get angry and upset someitmes but who doesn't. But I'm falling off track. This is a story I shall not re tell. This is a memory that was kept between me, Doctor, mum and Sonya. We would not speak again of the events that took place, except one which will be talked about later. One happy moment out or all of It. So, how did I finally see the darkness within the doctor? I watched myself die.

1 hour ago

"Doctor didn't you tell us specifically not to go deeper into the Tardis?" i asked, staring at the dark corridor. The Doctor seemed to be deep in thought as the only response I had been given was a slight nod of the head.

"Are you sure we can't go back out the way we came?" my mum asked, the hint of worry in her voice. This time the Doctor turned her head and spoke.

"No, we have to go this way" she said a little more firmly, as if she was trying to convince herself of her confidence. Before she stepped into the hallway, my hand slipped into hers, interlocking our fingers. I could lie to myself and say it was just because I wanted her to know I was here and standing with her. But it was more selfish than that, she made me feel protected when I'm most scared. I could be watching my doom about to happen and all I needed was a squeeze of her hand and I could be calm. I never knew someone to have such an effect on me. Her glistening eyes fell on me for a moment. I knew what hid behind those eyes now, I had seen it all, although the doctor took it away I still had memory's of her time line. She was not only a Doctor, she was a warrior, a savior, a destroyer and although I didn't want to admit it, a killer. But anything bad she did was always for the best. She always saw the bigger picture.

Then we entered.

I was always fascinated by the Tardis and the beauty of its mold, however walking down these corridors, I felt darkness lurking within its walls. Whatever was down here, it wasn't human, something far worse than we have faced before. I just didn't know what yet.

The Tardis creaked and groaned as she head down the winding corridors.

"Do you actually know where we are going?" Sonya asked after a long hanging silence.

"Vaguely, it's hard because the Tardis can change where rooms and corridors are, I just have to focus" the Doctor replied making us turn another corner.

"Great" Sonya mumbled, her eyes rolling.

"Hey she's trying her best, you're the one who wanted to go travelling around the Tardis" i hissed at my sister, her face growing to be offended.

"Hey I didn't know it was gonna be all, horror film aesthetic" she scoffs and crosses her arms. I was about the reply but there was a loud bang causing us all to jump and squeal. I felt a pair of arms wrpa tightly around me. It was the Doctor.

"What was that?" My mum asked, worry slick in her voice. There were more bangs getting closer and closer to our position.

"Doctor what is that?" I repeated but the Doctors head jsut turned around looking in all directions. The banging got closer and closer then suddenly just silenced.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now