Chapter 5

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sorry another question but I want this book to be the best for you guys. What do you want to happen in this book? Obviously you have to understand that I have some of the storyline already set in place but I wanna know what you want. It can be a silly small thing or like a big thing that effects it. Please nothing stupid that wouldn't fit with doctor who though ha ha. X

Also thank you for all the support you are giving. I love seeing your comments and appreciation for this ship. You've already done so much but if you could vote and share this book where you can that be amazing :) thank you

[Yaz's POV]

Her eyes looked at me in a way I have never seen before. Her gaze seemed almost dreamy. I was slightly concerned that she had really badly I jured her head.

"Doctor?" I whispered and ran my fingers down her cheek. She suddenly sprung the top half of her body up and I darted my head back just in time. Woah Woah Doc take it easy, you hit your head bad and you are gonna be unstable" i warned her "You shouldn't be moving but because there a evil statue after us I will say let's get to the Tardis and then rest" she looked at me puzzled for a moment.

"I'm fine! I'm the Doctor, I don't get taken down by a measily broken building" she stood up and I was right behind her.

"Doctor just let me help" I spoke in a more serious tone now and she turned to face me with a gaping face.

"Yaz no one tells me what to do! I am a time lord from the planet galifray and I am- oh Yaz your eyes look pretty..." and then her body dropped. Thankfully she fell forwards so I easily caught her in my arms.

"Dammit Doctor" I mumbled but my cheeks were slightly flustered from the compliment. I struggled to keep her up right so I just let her flop against me and my arms tightly held her waist. "I need help in here!" I shouted out. A few moments later Graham came running around.

"what happened to her?" his voice was worried and he came straight over.

"something must've collapsed and hit her" I felt bad for her, although I couldn't deny she looked adorable asleep. "you take one arm I will take the other" I spun her around and stuck one arm over my shoulder and Graham put her other one around hers. We both carried her slowly down the hall.

"Hurry up! I can't not blink for much longer!" he called out and we started to move a little quicker. "Agh dammit I gotta-Holy! - guys!" he called out and we finally got into the room. My breath hitched with the sight. The angel looked like more of a devil now. Its true face showing, hands out stretched in attempt to grab Ryan. He stepped back a bit and we all started to go towards the door.

"let's do this strategicly" I said my eyes following the angel whilst still trying to keep the doctor up and safe. "Ryan where is the door?" I asked as both me and Graham stared at the stone angel.

"not far now just 15 steps back and 4 steps to the left" he warned and looked back at the angel. We all walked backwards together. Having the three of us gave the weeping angel no chance to move. The only problem was would it follow us outside? I hoped not. I heard the door handle move and then the cold air from outside hit my back. "Let's move!" Ryan called out. Me and Graham still didn't take our eyes off the angel but we stepped back outside and I kicked the door shut.

"Now we can't see it can it move? Can statues open doors?" Graham asked the question running through all our minds at that moment.  We all looked around us frantically but nothing was there. "I think it's stopped" he let out a sigh of relief.

Me head turned to the Doctor when I heard quiet mufflers leave her lips. She was mumbling I guess in her sleep and u dint want to wake her.

"Let's get her to the Tardis so we can let her lay down"

The Tardis made sounds of concern as we carried the woman in

"Where is a bed we can lay her in?" I asked and I noticed lights flashing down a certain hall "thanks girl"

We laid her down onto the bed and grunted as we did "Let's not let that happen again" I said tgroigh heavy breaths.

"she's small but blimey she's heavy" he chuckled and looked down at the still knocked out girl. "we should let her rest" Graham said as he walked to the door but I didn't move.

"I'm gonna stay" my voice was quiet but I was confident in my words. We were quiet for a moment and then he gave a soft knowing smile.

"Make sure you don't wait too long to tell her, anything can happen" was all he said before walking off. What was it with parents seeing right through my wall and seeing my feelings for the Doctor? It wasn't that obvious was it? Omg what if the doctor knows? Oh no she's going to think I'm so weird, does she know I know she knows? Well actually I don't know she knows. To what extent is her knowledge? She hasn't done anything to react to I if she does know. Graham shut the door behind him and I took a seat in the chair beside the bed. I leant back and kept my eyes on the blonde at all times. I felt like I could close my eyes for awhile and sleep.

"Yaz!" the voice jolted me up and wide awake. I looked up at the Doctor who was now sat up, her chest heaving and sweat dropping down her forehead. I ran to her side and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"hey hey its OK im here" I tried to calm her down but whatever she dreamt about must've been nerve wracking. She looked up into my eyes for a moment and her breathing slowed down slightly.

"W.. Where am I?" she looked around and started to readjust "I'm in the Tardis, alright then" she mumbled then her eyes widened again and she started to move "I have t rid of the angel!" I grabbed her tighter and force dher to lay back on the bed.

"You aren't fit for running around and fighting" I spoke in a harsh tone and she went a little quieter "what use will you be if you collapse again whilst we are fighting it huh?" she dropped her head and nodded a little. "look just rest up till this evening and rhdn we can go find it yeah?" my voice was gentler again now and she nodded slightly, her body just loosening up. I stood up but her hand reached my wrist

"Can you stay?" she asked quietly and I looked down upon her. She looked genuinely worried.

"of course, I'm not going anywhere"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now