Chapter 4

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A.n this picture is just. Ugh my heart.


would you guys prefer longer chapters (but it would take longer to update cause like I need some sleep when writing books) or should I keep like this where I write shorter chaps but pretty much update every day /every other day (may update a little less cause I need to update choni)

[Yaz's POV]

The Doctors face went pale, I knew something just be really bad with this one. She's looked slightly worried before but never like this. "it's not possible I got rid of them...i lost amy..." she mumbled under her breath. Who was Amy? I hadn't asked the Doctor about past relationships or companions, maybe she was an ex girlfriend of something? But I couldn't be distracted. I had the doctor to look after.

" Doctor what does it mean don't blink?" Ryan asked the question I knew was on all our minds. Her head darted up and she looked at us all very seriously.

"have any of you seen a statue?" she asked her fiery eyes moving from one of us to the next. The other two just seemed stunned but finally I spoke up.

"in the garden Doctor, but why does that matter?" I scrunched my brows together but she didn't answer.

"where?!" she grabbed my shoulders and I started to jog back to the window I had looked out of.

"it's over th- wait where the hell did it go?" I looked at the exact same spot from before but it was completely gone "Statues can't move" I mumbled.

"these ones can" her voice was soft and distant. I looked over to her and she seemed to be lost in thought about  something. I saw pain written in her eyes. Like a memory she had suppressed had just popped back up and the flood of emotion from it consumed her.

"Doctor..." my hand edged Howard's her but she snapped out of her trance.

"I have things I need to tell you and you all listen to me carefully OK?" she faced all of us and we nodded.
"These statues are called weeping angels, they are the perfect predator, hidden in plain sight, they only move when they are not seen, whether that's because you stopped looking at them or it's too dark" she made sure we were all paying attention before continuing "do not blink, blink and your dead" don't blink? Great that would not be something easy to stop "do not look into their eyes, they will be able to enter into you and kill you from the inside. Look anywhere but the eyes. And finally... An image of an angel is an angel" she looked from one of us to the next "any questions?" she rose her brow slightly.

"I'm yes actually" Graham said his eyes slightly averted over the Doctors shoulder "Was that statue there before"  we all froze.

"Do not avert your gaze from the angel"  the Doctor spoke firmly and I watched Graham stiffen up. She turned quickly to face it "I need everyone to keep there eyes on the angel" me and Ryan looked at the statue. It was human sized, its hands covered its face as if it were weeping. I'm assuming that's where the names from. At this moment in time it didn't look too scary but I kinda miss having an alien that shouts at us instead of standing in complete silence without moving. It's rather off-putting. The Doctor walked up to it and scanned the immobile object.
"it's weak...i have a feeling this will be the only one...but if there is another it will be hiding in the shadows. I'm going to take a look but remember, don't take your eyes off of it but don't state into its eyes" she warned and walked off quickly.

"good start to our adventures huh?" Graham chuckled a little.

"We're getting hunted by a statue that moved when you don't see it" Ryan scoffed. "I don't get why the doctor is so afraid about it, it's not that dangerous" he remarked and I wanted to snap but I spoke in a calm voice instead.

"The Doctor knows better than all of us combined. Think there's 4 of us and one statue to look at, what if there were less and we blinked at the same time or something happened. We would be screwed. Or imagine being in the middle of a mass of them. The terror I would feel to be surrounded by them" I shivered slightly "And did you see the Doctors reaction to knowing it was a weeping angel. I think... She lost someone special to her to one of them. I saw a great sadness in her eyes. Maybe an old friend, but it was defiantly someone special to her" I sighed feeling terrible for the doctor. She must of lost so many people on the way. Friends, family, lovers, everyone. She was alone when we found her, well she found us. She offers the universe to lost people who need it.
I'm just a lost girl and the doctor found me and gave me a life to live for. She gave me a second chance. What does she get in return? She gets beaten down and left alone again and again. She didn't deserve that. She doesn't know but I love her so much. She doesn't know that my heart races faster every time I see her smile and break every time I see her hurt. Does she know she's loved at all? All these people she has saved and yet she seems to act like she's alone in it all. I had to te her the truth at some point.
Maybe not now whilst we are being hunted by a killer statue.

There was a loud clatter and we all turned to look towards the sound. The realisation hit and I quickly swung my head back. It had moved. It was a few feet away and it's hands were in the same position but now lowered so you could see it's face. It was cold and lifeless. The other two looked back at he angel and stepped back slightly "I'm gonna check on the Doctor" I turned and jogged into the next room. "Doctor!" I called out slightly worried about what the noise was. When there was no answer I started to move quicker In search for her. I found her. She saw lying on the stone ground, rubble around her. I quickly dropped to my knees and examined her. She had a cut to the right of her forehead and her eyes were closed. She looked dead. My fingers went to her neck in search of a pulse. Thankfully she still had one. "Doctor wake up" I leant down and brought my hand to her cheek "Doctor we need you... I need you" she didn't reply and my hope drained slightly.

I leant down a little closer and hesitated slightly.

"come back to me" I moved up a little and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. I lifted slowly and I swear I saw a small smile perk on her lips. Then... Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me in a way I never thought I'd see.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now