Chapter 8

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A.n thanks for all the views and votes, don't worry you gonna get some fluff soon. Also like, it's my birthday tomorrow (maybe saying today depending on how long it takes me to update)

Doctors POV-

I have never felt this kind of mix of emotions before. I didn't just feel sadness. That was too simple. I felt melancholy. I felt broken. I felt a tear rip through my body. But more than anything, I felt a boiling anger rise within me. An anger I usually tried to keep down and hide away because nothing good comes with it. It was a kind of rage nothing could stop. There were few times I would get like this, usually there was someone there to stop me but now no one could. Not Graham, certainly not Ryan, not even the Tardis.

Silence grew, only the grunts of the Tardis play din the background. My eyes just stared at the empty space where Yaz had been standing. She was so sweet and kind... And now she was gone. Because of... Ryan.

"You... You were meant to watch the angel!" I was surprised by the voice that escaped my lips. It wasn't mine. It  was a horrific thing. But I didn't dorp it. I walked over to him and grabbed him by his shirt "Why werent you looking at the angel! YAZ IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" I didn't even have a voice anymore, it was a roar. I saw pure fear in his eyes. This was the real me deep down. The me I didn't let people see because I knew how cruel it was. But right mow I can't stop, I can't hold it back.

" I.. It was an accident Doctor I'm sorry I just-" u cut him off there.

"Don't you start! An accident!? Yaz is in a place where she might as well be dead!" I let go of him and stormed to the Tardis console. "You are getting off my ship after I get rid of this angel and save Yaz." my voice was a low snarl as I flicked switches and pushed the large lever making the Tardis whoop as it dematerialised.

"Doctor.. Please I didnt-"

"You will get off my ship and stay far away! You don't deserve this privilege!" I wouldn't let him get through. I felt the light thud of the Tardis landing and walked past to the Tardis door.

"Come on Doctor it was a hoenst mistake" Graham tried to help him hut his words burned up in the fires inside of me.

"Don't try it Graham or you will be gone too!" I swung the door open to show the desolate planet. "You two get  out here!" I shouted and they followed me. "everyone close your eyes in 3..2..1" u shut my eyes and opened them again. The angel was close to me but just out of reach. "Now back to the Tardis before I leave you behind!" I walked inside and they followed closely. I shut the Tardis door and locked it. Now the angel couldn't get back in and it had no one to hurt, nothing to feast off of.

"Doctor how are you going to get Yaz back?" Ryan asked worry in his voice. My nails dug into the skin on my palms as my hands tightened.

"I can't, she's dead in this world, she's been teleported to a new life in a parallel universe" I mumbled.

"what... B.. But Yaz" He stuttered, my rage build and I let it out by swinging my foot and kicking the chair across the room.

"I have to break the laws of Time because of your mistake!" I barked and my hands moved to the console.

"What do you mean?" Graham asked slightly confused.

"I'm going to track her life signal and break through universes, no time lord is allowed to do this, I didn't do this last time I lost someone to an angel. I shouldn't but I can't just leave her!" I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes.

"Doctor..." his voice was soft. My return was a broken cry out and my fist slamming into the console causing the Tardis to whine in retaliation.

"Shut up!" I ignored the growing pain and blood coming from ym fist and started forcing levers and buttons quickly. Smoke rose from area of the Tardis as it spun heavily and bumped around. I gripped onto the console but the Tardis did everything to stop me. She knew this was wrong but I wouldmt let Yaz be taken from me. Ryan and Graham got thrown around but I didn't focus on that. "Stop fighting it!" more tears fell as I grew angry with the ship that was the closest thing to me. An image appeared beside me. It was a perfect replica of River, standing in a pebble grey dress.

"sweetie..." she spoke softly and walked to my side and moved her hand onto my shoulder. Only it wasn't river, I knew it was a hologram. "You know this could cause a large fracture in time. This could ruin so many things. It's like when you told me to let me shoot you. When I tried to stop it, time stopped. You can't prevent death darling"

"Just one more life I'm saving!" I growled and pulled a toggle.

"Doctor, let her go, like you let me go" the voice had changed now.

"You are being a bitch right now!" I glsred at the Tardis. It was Clara. My beautiful Clara who I loved so dearly. I took a slow look at her. She was right beside me, her hand moved up to my cheek "I like this new face, it's cute" her smile grew slightly. I was lost for a moment but then I remembered reality.

"She's just another person I failed to save!" a large bang and I went flying into the rail but steadied myself. My legs slowly took me to the console and gripped onto the nearest lever and pulled it.

"Doctor stop.." oh no she didn't.

"Stop it!" I cried out and tell to my knees, bending over and gripping my hair.

"Doctor you saved me, I may be in another universe but you gave me a life... You gave me a second chance to be with you..." Rose's voice echoed in the Tardis and I just cried. My eyes were becoming red and puffy.

"I.. I did... And that's because I burned up a sun to get to the parralel universe... I can do it again" I forced myself to my feet and went for the large level and pulled it swiftly. The Tardis whined and groaned painfully trying to stop the movement but she couldn't fight it. She flew through cracks in time, tearing through universes until finally she landed with a large crash. My body went flying and sliding across the floor and down the steps.

My head rung loudly and the pain ran through my whole body. I let out a quiet gasp as I tried to sit up. It took all my might to get to my feet. Ryan and Graham looked like they were in just as much pain. I stumbled to the Tardis door and swung it open. The area was quiet except for the birds chirping in the distance. I stepped outdid ethe Tardis and my hand laid upon my hip when sharp throbs attacked at it.

"Yaz!!" I called out, my feet dragging through the grass field. I didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking. "Yaz!" I shouted out again. The sharp pain filling my side caused me to fall to my knees. My face scrunched up trying to hold in the scream.

"Yaz..." my voice was weaker this time.

"Doctor.." my eyes sprung open and I turned around quickly.

"Yaz!!" I pounced at her and crushed her in a hug before letting my tears fall. "I came as soon as I could" I spoke in a croaky low voice. She pulled back slightly and looked into my puffy eyes.

"Doctor...its...its been a year"

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now